
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 06:18:24
学霸们怎么写 请问怎么写 The police arrived very quickly.There were a lot of them.There were a lot of them. 最近他压力很大 ,总是睡不着 she____ _____ ____recently and can't sleep 睡不好觉怎么办?工作压力大怎么办?晚上睡不好觉怎么办? 翻译英语“我总是感觉到很困,压力很大,而且经常睡不好觉” 现在求职外企或者四大英语方面是BEC受欢迎还是有海外交流经历受欢迎如题 大学期间有交流经历 去之前雅思过了6.0 这样本科毕业去外企或者四大求职 在英语方面有胜算吗 还用考BEC之类的 那个,第三步怎么写…… 我过生日那天女朋友送我一盒马卡龙代表寓意了什么呢? 马卡龙代表什么意思 学霸们,此题咋做?物理. 英语翻译这首歌曾经出现在2007年电影《穿越大吉岭》短片《骑士酒店》中以上是视频 do i my writer where name(?)(连词成句) 非谓语动词的题目Swimming in the lake,a rock cut Jim's foot.上面一个句子是错的,错在哪里?怎么改? 关于Neil Armstrong.这是DNF中哪个职业 1.Neil Armstrong was the __________ man to walk on the moon.(one) 2.Look!The geese_____________1.Neil Armstrong was the __________ man to walk on the moon.(one)2.Look!The geese_____________ some grass.(eat)3.Tom looks much __________ than Jim.( young sprained Sore right ankle Hearing the news about Neil Armstrong's death,____.A.my heart missed a beat\x05B.my mind went emptyC.the newspaper shook with my hands\x05D.I was greatly shocked It took Neil Armstrong()()to()to the moon在 88 days,four days,one year,fly,orbit,go 中选 英语翻译Today about 70 countries use Daylight Saving Time (DST).Daylight Saving was first introduced during World War I in Australia.During the world wars,DST was used for the late summers beginning January 1917 and l942,the ful1 summers beginnin Jim has a sore back.(改为一般疑问句和划线提问) 好的另加200财富值 The workers demanded that their wages ___.A.would rise B.must be C.would be raised D.be raised请写明原因谢谢 大家觉得这个字是男的写的还是女的写的? oracle数据库中涉及到用户权限的三个表,dba_users,all_users,user_users有什么区别还有dba_sys_privs、all_sys_privs、user_sys_privs; dba_tab_privs、all_tab_privs、user_tab_privs; 中国分为哪几区 Left knee surgery - out 3 knee是什么意思 Mrs: Mrs在英语中指什么? CMOS设置中Disabled的意思是? disabled这是什么意思?