
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:29:39
喜悦的造句怎么造啊? go ( )along the Bright Street until you see a marketA.straight B.from C.down D.to 用travel in 还是travel to 合适travel in ,travel to 这两个词组的用法都是有的吧?我想表达一个句子 【 你要去北京旅行多久?】1 翻译的时候 这么说可以吗How long will you travel in Beijing / travel to Beijing His efforts to improve the sales of this product have been very(help)_为什么 _____ the parents _____ their daughter have been to Australia.A.neither,nor B.either,or C.both,and D.not only,but also选什么,为什么 单词拼写, 单词拼写 作文《怦然心动的感觉》在美好的青春岁月里,我们常被身边的点点滴滴所触动.一个细微的动作或眼神,一句温馨的鼓励或劝告,一次意外的相遇或碰撞,甚至于一滴雨水、一缕春风、一行文字 怦然心动的感觉作文写生活中让你感动的一幕,不要复制的 怦然心动的感觉 作文意义深刻些的 作文《令人怦然心动的感觉》最好是描写风景的,要作文,600字左右. there is a hospital (across)the street.用所给词的适当形式填空. These are eggs.You must carry them c______. I don't eat them any more?(同义句) ()1.----- What will you do with these eggs --- I’ll()them according to size ..()1.----- What will you do with these eggs --- I’ll()them according to size ..A.sort B.reduce C.prevent()2.Though the workers are tired ,they don’ Make it another day. 月光下,晶莹的露珠在说话:“我享受过飞流直下三千尺()目睹过()的美景享受过()的惬意你知道这是为什么么?因为我是水 光下,晶莹的露珠在说话:“我享受过飞流直下三千尺()目睹过()的美景享受过()的惬意 以月光下景色为话题200多字即可,两篇不同的在2~3分钟内给我``急需```再来一篇 描写月光下景物的句子是句子,不要诗句! The weather in new York is different ftom()A,that in sydney B,those in sydney C,that of sydney D,those of sydney The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York. 后天我校将有一个慈善会(There will be ...charity show) 14个以ER结尾的单词 I can't find my hat.I don' t know where I put it.(是属于什么从句?) _____you help me find my shoes? Tina always does well in her exams的同义句Tina always in her exams中间有三个空,应该不是be good at,否则always在be后面 Tina always does well in her exams同义句Tina always (---)(---)( ---)in her exams go to 和 go into 的区别 Daniel is a(n) __ student in his class.He always does well in exams.A.important B.interestingC.busy D.top If I can't find it,how can I know where I'm going? 适当形式填空 1.tina always does her homework very __(careful)2.Bob chose__(play)basketball because he was very tall.3.Jack__(act)the best in that movie.4.Bule moom has the___(bad)clothes in town.