
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:38:46
想学外语读文还是读理,外语较偏向哪一科?读文科出国容易吗? 用to have或there be的适当形式填空1.____ she a cat?2.How many cats______ in the house?3.I am hungry.______you any bread in your bag?4.How many desks ______ in the classroom.5.______ any ink in the pen?6.How many classes ____ in the morning?7. Jog to jog to school的意思是 who often_(jog)to school in your class 用Can 或者 have to 的正确形式填空.( )I speak to Ms Tang?-Sorry,she( ) ( )answer the phone now. 用must、have to 的正确形式填空:1)____1)____you make such a terrible noise?2)The last bus leave in ten minutes so I ____ say good night now.3)Soldiers ____ obey their officers.4)Since I ____ pay some overdue bills last week,I'm 怎样在文理分班意向表上填写选择文科的理由写的有文采一点哦, 我是准高二,想选文科,(100字左右) 选科理由怎么写 (是文科)理由不用太多两三句就可以了 half a kilometer away 半公里还是一个半公里?. half 用must或have to填空1.I_____finish my homework today,because my teacher adlked me to do it.2.I_____finish my homework today,because I want to finish it as early as I can.3.I_____bring an umbrella today,because it's going to rain this afternoon.4.I 用have to或must填空.He says he_______ work hard.My brother is ill.I_______telephone the doctor.Sorry,I _______ go home now.I _______ water the garden now.It is very dry.We _______help each other. 有没有be in rainning/rain这种说法?或者是“rainy”? 眼睛看不见眼毛这篇短文说明了什么道理 half my money____ for food and clothes every month.A are spent B goes 《顾左右而言他》中“则冻馁其妻子 ”是倒装了么?还有哪些有此类倒装的古文例句? 英语翻译长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰.余虽好修姱以鞿羁兮,謇朝谇而夕替.既替余以蕙纕兮,又申之以揽茝.亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔.怨灵修之浩荡兮,终不察夫民心.众女嫉余之蛾眉兮 离骚要背的段落,意思,及其生字注音屈原的 新课标语文中《离骚》要背诵吗?新课标语文中《离骚》,课后没说要背诵,那么那些名句需要记住呢? 高一必修二离骚要不要全文背诵如果不是背到哪 forget all the problems翻译成中文 冰什么融 某成语 ( )消( )融 成语填空 下列不属于债的担保方式的是().A.保证 B.抵押 C.预付款 D.定金  请高手选择并提供理由. 下列属于物保的担保形式有( 多选题.A、保证 B、抵押 C、质押 D、定金 带融字的成语有哪些 英语翻译本文通过对数学史与中学数学教育结合的现状调查明确了数学史的融入能增强学生的学习兴趣,有助于培养学生的数学思维,发现在融入过程中,由于老师自身掌握的史料有限、课时紧 迈克尔 杰克逊的 You are not alone 最好是一句歌词,一句翻译 英语翻译When Singapore-based Amanresorts signed on to turn the 16th-century Palazzo Papadopoli,one of Venice's most illustrious residences,into a 24-room luxury hotel,no expense—of time,money,or effort—was spared.After all,the Aman Canal Gran 定金和订金分别是什么意思