
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 10:34:54
用0 1 3 6 9 和小数点可以组成许多小数,其中比6.109大又比9.601小的数有哪些?把这些数按从小到无 急先做5张卡片,分别写上数字0、0、2、5和小数点,再将这5张卡片按要求摆出小数,并读一读(1)只读一个“零”的两位小数:;(2)一个“零”都不读的一位小数 .概率高,质量高,准确率好 有6张卡片,分别写有2 3 4 5 6 7 现在从中取出3张卡片,并排放在一起,形成一个三位数,共有多少个不同奇数? 两个10和两个4用加减乘除运算怎样等于24? 1,2,6,7,运用加减乘除等于24 如何7个7用加减乘除等于100? 10个4怎么加减乘除等于100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9加减乘除,怎么等于291 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9加减乘除怎么等于29 如何将数字10、4、3、-6用加减乘除算出等于24每个数字只能用一次还要用3种方式 5个5加减乘除等于11不能用括号 五个三用加减乘除如何等于一 5个5加减乘除都用完等于25,怎样例? 用5个3加减乘除怎样等于1 4分之一/0.1等于多少?0.5/0.8+8分之3? 四个4,任意加减乘除,结果等于4或6.4=6= 四个6如何加减乘除等于116()6()6()6=11括号里添“+”“-”“*”“/”6()6()6()6=2 英语翻译1 They have pulled down the old building.2 All the houses in our street are the same age and size.3 The detectves did not prevent the robbery.4 He borrowed one of my records.5 These knives were made in sheffield.6 The detectives wrere at 英语翻译A young man sees a sunset and,unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him,concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond.It is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic experience 英语翻译1.He fought in flanders in the first world.2.He asked for permission to leave3.she woke up the children early this morning4.she dropped the tray when I spoke to her5.will you enter for this week's crossword competion?6.It hit him hard and 英语翻译1 I shall not stay a moment longer2 He will not do as he is told3 I was not expecting you.you were not supposed to arrive until 6 o'clock4 Perhap he telephoned last night5 He may have telephoned last night.but,I an not sure.翻译精确 英语翻译He take this book off the shelf我的翻译:他把这本书从书架上拿走了 英语翻译摘 要:爱情故事是《一千零一夜》的重要组成部分,包括了神仙与凡人的爱情,王子公主相爱的故事,还有凡人与凡人相恋的故事等等.这些爱情故事都有一个共同的主旨:他们都体现 英语翻译、理想的足球射出时,射并一举成名.树下嗅着那花香, 超级女孩的冒险用英文翻译 英语翻译:她们的父母给予了更多的关心和希望,希望她们将来有个美好的的未来 1厘米加二十毫米等于几厘米? 已知y=3x²-2x-5,当y与x互为相反数时,x= 若2x-6与3x+1互为相反数,则x²+x+1= 当x²+3x=9时(2x-1)(x+1)-(x-1)²= 已知3x+6与2x+9互为相反数,试求x的值.x等于多少 若代数式2x-1与3x-5的值互为相反数,则x=? 如果x