
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:20:13
面试时怎样做自我介绍 我要提问 甲乙两个仓库各存有一批粮食,甲仓库比乙仓库多存粮100吨,两仓库都运走20吨后,甲仓库比乙仓库多1/3,乙仓库原来存粮多少吨? 甲乙两仓库共存168吨粮食,如果甲仓给乙仓20%粮之后,甲仓比乙仓多三分之一,那么甲乙两仓各多少粮? How much water ____(be ) there on the table ? How many bottles of orange ____(be) there on it? how many glasses of water are there on the table?可以改为how many are there glasses of water on the table? 大学自我介绍我叫张怡雯 想在大学有个新颖又亲切的自我介绍,不让人反感又有记忆点,希望各位帮帮忙谢谢了 大学自我介绍怎么说? 大学面试时的自我介绍怎么说 中压式两位五通电磁阀用在什么场合?现本人用两位五通电磁阀控制,要求中位时即刻保持在中位位置(气缸不能动,上下方向、有大概几十公斤的重力).问应该选用中封式、还是中压式.个人 甲库存量24吨,乙库存粮30吨,现在从两库运出同样的粮食后,这时甲库剩下的粮是乙库的8分之5,两库各运出粮食要方程! I like ( ).1、、orange juices 2、orange juices 3、 oranges juices there "re many clouds in the sky.It seems____________ A rain B raining C rains D to rain There Are many black clouds in the sky,it-----Rain soon A.will b.is going to c.looks likeD.likes.答案是b请详细解释其他选项为什么不行 P___ it's going to rain soon.There are many black clouds in the sky.根据首字字填空 little indians的MP3其他格式也行,mp3能听就行了 Ten Little Indians 歌词 英语翻译 Ten little Soldier boys went out to dine;   One choked his little self and then there were nine.  Nine little Soldier boys sat up very late;   One overslept himself and then there were eight.  Eight little Soldier boys 两位两通电磁阀大约多少钱 无人生还 TEN LITTLE INDIANS怎么样 求两位两通电磁阀的样本,流量在76l/min左右的,起开关作用的二通阀,带有画法的 a little是修饰可数还是不可数名词 a few是修饰可数还是不可数名词? 英语:她喜欢吃桃子.「桃子」是否要加复数如果要加,为什么呢,其他水果也需要加吗?举例 Look!There are thounds of stars in the sky.为什么star可以加S?打错了,"thound"改为"thousand" Look!There are thousands of stars in the sky.为什么star可以加S look!there are a lot of stars in the sky tonight的意思急 画桃树树干的画法 桃树树干有胶液流出树干有虫捣的粉末,树叶变红色这是什么病如何防治?谁能帮我尽快解决谢谢 桃树树干生虫怎么办 台湾经济作物种植面积最大的是什么? 什么经济作物在新疆种植面积最大是河北,弄错了,答案应该是"花生",谁复制一下,分就谁的了 look,there ____a nice rainbow___the sky.the chlidren_____very happy.look they are__football.急要 巴西热带经济作物_____的种植面积很大