
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 09:35:23
情态动词都有哪些qiouqiou he's a police office . he did so with the blessing of the police chief's office. 求2011年12月四级估分听力:短对话、长对话、短文理解都对6个,单词全对,句子一堆小错,每题都对那么几个单词 阅读:快阅对5个,选词对5个,仔细阅读对7完形对8个,翻译大概3,4个左右都没语法 there is _sheep in front of the tree A :a little B:little C:a few D:few This is the leg.的意思是? This is the "This is for the radio"是什么意思快一点 i like this best-selling novel which is philosophical,profound,and inspiring.为什么用which?去掉后有意思上的改变么?什么时候可以用which? To best of not to best this is a questiongs Where are my glasses?I'm looking_____ them.A.ofB.atC.for where are my glasses?(单选)( )on your nose.A:They areB:There are简要说明, I can not see my glasses,Where ( )是are they or is it?需要理由,令人折服的理由,必须要确保对 用wear,put,on,dress,in 填空1,she likes(---)a flower on her head.2,(---)your coat quickly,or you 'll late.3,the child can (--)himself now .you need not (---)him It is the thought that matters,not where you are or where the person is.It is the thought that matters怎么翻译 纠结matters的中文意思 各个民族的过春节的风俗习惯(至少3个,内容多些) 英语中状语和后置定语的区分i visited my tercher in beijing yesterday.这个句子中介词短语in beijing是做后置定语修饰my teacher,还是做状语修饰visit呢?it kills many people every year worldwide.这个句子中every year let somebody down翻译 大家帮我用英语翻译一下这句话:我明白了一个道理,永远不要让你的朋友失望(let down) 你有必要走这么早吗翻译______you___so early 描写朋友之间情深意重的词 求写姐妹分离、情深意重的古代诗句或者同辈亲人分离的感伤之情,如《水调歌头》 我叫雅琳,帮我取个好听的英文名吧~(不要一排名字打上去)简洁,最好两个音节的.特别一点的..不要太常见的 古人送别友人,情深意重.请写出以下送别诗的相关诗句 卓雅琳的英文名是什么 帮忙取个英文名"陈雅琳"要带点谐音,可以不要”陈”字. 写起来要好看,读起来要好听的 最好附上音标..还有,不要复制一大堆乱七八糟的名字上来,看到就眼花...可以参考一下中文拼音缩写” as well神马意思 请问,according to studies conducted,studies和conducted分别是什么词, I tried so hard to be someone thati forget who am i 英文翻译? 高二物理力学听不懂咋办 情深意重的反义词是什么急. 谁能帮忙看下哪个英文单词和这两个字的发音最接近,想做英文名谢谢!证签