
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:43:24
请给出线性离散系统的概念, 离散域的脉冲传递函数一定存在吗? 函数离散化是什么意思 I postcard a my may frieng send to 连词成句 that sweater looks very pretty on you____it is a little old this shows postcard you picture a 连词成句是什么 急 急 that sweater is too tight,l think it is very u( ) on me. who's sweater is that怎么错了 ( )地哭声 “人生,从自己的哭声中开始,从别人的哭声中结束,这中间的部分,就是幸福.”是谁说的? 什么的哭声? 哭声什么抱歉打错啦,应该是( )哭声 (动词) 成语父子(__ __)提示意思:上下关系亲如一家的军队 I(名词性物主代词) Auguest(缩写) 你们(名词性物主代词) 他(宾格) 宾格和名词性物主代词的区别如题...别复制黏贴哦! 【急】求一篇以“风度”为话题的作文,800字,高中水品的急~~~~ That sweater is ¥45 对¥45提问 小时了了中孔融说自己与李元礼是“亲”,是“通好”的原因是什么?要用自己的话概括哦! 小时了了:孔融说自己与李元礼是”亲”,是”通好”的原因是 孔融李元礼,孔融用了什么方法反驳李元礼的刁难 do you want the green apple?no,i want( ) Do you want red apples ( )green ones?A.and B.so C.or D.but I want the apple是什么 别人夸你秀气 The red and the white coat( )mine.A.is B.are C.am D.beThe red and the white coat( )mine.A.is B.are C.am D.be 请问这里面的coat是指红色的和白色的两件还是指红白相间的一件呢 请问选哪个? Nancy's coat is bule mine is red,和nancy coat is different form mine 是同一句吗 "The blue"coat is mine.(对引号部分提问) is a yellow this flower this flower is yellow .yellow画线(对话线部分提问)一该怎么改 把下列句子变成宾语从句I want to know ,'who did you go 'He told me 'the sw is bigger then the moon'He asked me 'how many people are ther in your family'那个老头问我多大了他们说他们很渴 手机名是‘平果’还是‘苹果’ 有个人老说你作业好快,语气像夸你,但是她老怎样说你,应该怎么回应他呢?