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国家游泳中心又被称为“水立方”(Water Cube),位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一.它的设计方案,是经全球设计竞赛产生的“水的立方”([H2O]3)方案.2003年12月24日开工,在2008年1月28日竣工.其与国家体育场(俗称鸟巢)分列于北京城市中轴线北端的两侧,共同形成相对完整的北京历史文化名城形象.国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m.到目前,来自101个国家和地区的35万多港澳台同胞及海外侨胞共捐献了9.4亿人民币.其中郑裕彤、郑家纯父子及属下企业曾捐赠五千万元人民币.
National Swimming Center, also known as the "Water Cube" (Water Cube), Olympic Park in Beijing, the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games for the construction of the main swimming pool, but also the 2008 Beijing Olympics, one of landmark buildings. Its design, is a global design competition created "water cube" ([H2O] 3) program. December 24, 2003 started in January 28, 2008 completion. Its relationship with the National Stadium (commonly known as bird's nest) are shown in the northern end of Beijing City on both sides of the central axis, a relatively common form a complete historical and cultural city in the image of Beijing. National Swimming Center, the planning and construction of 62,950 square meters of land, with a total building area of 65000-80000 square meters, one of the underground sections of the building area of not less than 15,000 square meters, respectively dimensions 177m × 177m × 30m. Up to now, from 101 countries and regions, more than 350,000 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese donated a total of 9.4 billion RMB. One of Cheng Yu-tung, CHENG Kar-shun father and son and their businesses have donated 50 million yuan.

The Beijing National Aquatics Center (simplified Chinese: 北京国家游泳中心; traditional Chinese: 北京国家游泳中心), also known as the National Aquatics Center (国家游泳中心),[1] better known as the Water Cube (水立方), is an ...


The Beijing National Aquatics Center (simplified Chinese: 北京国家游泳中心; traditional Chinese: 北京国家游泳中心), also known as the National Aquatics Center (国家游泳中心),[1] better known as the Water Cube (水立方), is an aquatics center that was built alongside Beijing National Stadium in the Olympic Green for the swimming competitions of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Despite its nickname, the building is a cuboid (rectangular box), not a cube.
Ground was broken on December 24, 2003, and the Center was completed and handed over for use on January 28, 2008.[2]
Swimmers at the Water Cube broke 25 world records during the 2008 Olympics.[3]

The National Aquatics Center at nightIn July 2003, the Water Cube design was chosen from 10 proposals in an international architectural competition for the aquatic center project. [4] The Water Cube was designed and built by a consortium made up of PTW Architects (an Australian architecture firm)[5], Arup international engineering group, CSCEC (China State Construction Engineering Corporation), and CCDI (China Construction Design International) of Shanghai.[6] The Water Cube's design was initiated by a team effort: the Chinese partners felt a square was more symbolic to Chinese culture and its relationship to the Bird's Nest stadium, while the Sydney based partners came up with the idea of covering the 'cube' with bubbles, symbolising water.
Comprising a steel space frame, it is the largest ETFE clad structure in the world with over 100,000 m² of ETFE pillows that are only 0.2 mm (1/125 of an inch) in total thickness[7]. The ETFE cladding allows more light and heat penetration than traditional glass, resulting in a 30% decrease in energy costs[7].
The outer wall is based on the Weaire-Phelan structure, a structure devised from the natural formation of bubbles in soap foam.[8] The complex Weaire-Phelan pattern was developed by slicing through bubbles in soap foam, resulting in more irregular, organic patterns than foam bubble structures proposed earlier by the scientist Kelvin.[6] Using the Weaire-Phelan geometry, the Water Cube's exterior cladding is made of 4,000 ETFE bubbles, some as large as 9.14 meters (30 feet) across, with seven different sizes for the roof and 15 for the walls.[9]
The structure had a capacity of 17,000[7] during the games that is being reduced to 6,000. It also has a total land surface of 65,000 square meters and will cover a total of 32,000 square metres (7.9 acres)[7]. Although called the Water Cube, the aquatic center is really a rectangular box (cuboid)- 178 meters (584 feet) square and 31 meters (102 feet) high.[9]
[edit] Olympics

The Watercube inside on August 14 2008The Aquatics Center hosted the Swimming, Diving and Synchronized Swimming events during the Olympics. Water Polo was originally planned to be hosted in the venue but was moved to the Ying Tung Natatorium.
Many people believe Water Cube to be the fastest Olympic pool[10] in the world. It is 1 meter deeper than most Olympic pools. Up to a certain limit, beyond which swimmers will lose their sense of vision, deeper pools allow the waves to dissipate down to the bottom, leading to less water disturbance to the swimmers. The pool also has perforated gutters on both sides to absorb the waves.
With the popularity of the newly introduced faster Speedo LZR Racer swim suit, the Aquatics Center saw 25 world records broken in the Beijing Olympics[3].
