英语翻译1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位.(take up)2.这个景色使她想起了她的家乡.(remind...of...)3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了.(lose sight of)4.昨天逛街时,我在人群之中看见了一个小偷.(catch

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:35:45

英语翻译1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位.(take up)2.这个景色使她想起了她的家乡.(remind...of...)3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了.(lose sight of)4.昨天逛街时,我在人群之中看见了一个小偷.(catch
1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位.(take up)
3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了.(lose sight of)
4.昨天逛街时,我在人群之中看见了一个小偷.(catch sight of)
5.他被留下来清扫那些碎玻璃.(sweep up)
6.他手术后又恢复了健康了.(back on one's feet)
7.他们马上就会回来.(in no time)
8.她向我招了招手,好像认识我似的.(as though)

英语翻译1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位.(take up)2.这个景色使她想起了她的家乡.(remind...of...)3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了.(lose sight of)4.昨天逛街时,我在人群之中看见了一个小偷.(catch
1.In 1980 she embarked on a teaching post.
2.The scenery reminded her of her hometown.
3.After about 10 minutes,I do not see the bridge on the.
4.Yesterday,shopping,I saw a crowd of thieves.
5.He was left to those sweeping broken glass.
6.His health restored after surgery.)
7.They will be back soon.
8.She waved to me recruited,like I understand it.
9.Suddenly there appeared a young woman cop clothes.
10.I fear that the letter gave him.

1She is in walking 1980 teaching post
2This landscape makes her remind of her home town
3Probably led for 10 minutes, I can'ted see that bridge
4.While going shopping yesterday, I saw a bu...


1She is in walking 1980 teaching post
2This landscape makes her remind of her home town
3Probably led for 10 minutes, I can'ted see that bridge
4.While going shopping yesterday, I saw a burglar in the crowd
5He is stay to clean up those broken glasses
6He after operation recovered a health again
7They will come back right away
8She recruited to beckon with the hand toward me and seem to know me
9Burst upon a youth woman which wears green clothes there
10I feared ground to pass the letter to him


1.she took up teaching in 1980.
2.this scenary reminds her of her hometown.
3. About 10 minutes later, i lost the sight of that bridge.
4. Yesterday i caught sight of a thief among people ...


1.she took up teaching in 1980.
2.this scenary reminds her of her hometown.
3. About 10 minutes later, i lost the sight of that bridge.
4. Yesterday i caught sight of a thief among people when i was shopping.
5. He was kept to sweep up those crashed glass.
6. He was back on his feet after the operation.
7. They'll be back in no time.
8. She waved her hands to me as though she knew me.
9. There suddenly a young women worn green clothes appeared.
10. I hand the letter to him horrified.


1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位。(take up)
she took up the teaching post in 1980.
The scenery reminded her of her hometown.<...


1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位。(take up)
she took up the teaching post in 1980.
The scenery reminded her of her hometown.
3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了。(lose sight of)i lost the sight of that bridge about10 minuts later.
4.昨天逛街时,我在人群之中看见了一个小偷。(catch sight of) when going shopping yesterday ,i caught sight of a thief.
5.他被留下来清扫那些碎玻璃。(sweep up)
he was remained to sweep up those broken glass
6.他手术后又恢复了健康了。(back on one's feet)
he was back on his feet after his operation.
7.他们马上就会回来。(in no time)
they will come back in no time .
8.她向我招了招手,好像认识我似的。(as though)
she waved her hands to me ,as if she knew me .
9.那里突然出现了一个穿绿衣服的青年女子。(过去分词作后置定语)Suddenly a young woman wore green appeared.
feared i passed the letter to him.


1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位。(take up)
She took up teaching in 1980.
This scenery reminded her of her hometown.
3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了。(lose sight of)
I lo...


1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位。(take up)
She took up teaching in 1980.
This scenery reminded her of her hometown.
3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了。(lose sight of)
I lost sight of that brige about ten minutes after.
4.昨天逛街时,我在人群之中看见了一个小偷。(catch sight of)
I caught sight of a thief among people while I was shopping yesterday.
5.他被留下来清扫那些碎玻璃。(sweep up)
He was left to sweep up the broken glass.
6.他手术后又恢复了健康了。(back on one's feet)
He had recovered his health after the operation.
7.他们马上就会回来。(in no time)
They'll be right back .
8.她向我招了招手,好像认识我似的。(as though)
She beckoned to me as though she knew me.
Suddenly there was a young lady who was in green appeared there.
I handed in the letter to him fearfully.


英语翻译1.她在1980年走上了教学岗位.(take up)2.这个景色使她想起了她的家乡.(remind...of...)3.大概过了10分钟,我就看不见那座桥了.(lose sight of)4.昨天逛街时,我在人群之中看见了一个小偷.(catch 昨天我把我女朋友强行上了我该怎么办上她的时候她很不愿意说你要在这样我就自杀结果我还是上了她 她没有哭 上了的时候她也没反映了 没到1分中她就反映很大 她不是处女了 在我家走的 英语翻译岗位职务 英语翻译岗位名称 关于实现自己人生价值的孟卫平的服务对象大都是为共和国解放事业做出贡献的老功臣、老干部,她像女儿一样为他们服务.孟卫平在干部保健岗位共走13年患者满意率始终是100%.2008年9月18日 有些词语在句中换成叠词读起来会更好听,听说请人上台唱歌,她大方()地走上了台. 英语翻译又如在一次骑马时,她因穿着长裙,夸不上马鞍,她灵机一动,换上了男仆的裤子,在马上轻松舒适的潇洒了一回. 英语翻译语言教学不是应该走精英教学的路吗?200人,太可怕了! 我在暑假上了补习班.英语翻译 英语翻译1.我希望上了大学能选修她的课2.因为可以穿上各式各样的服装,戴上可怕的面具参加万圣节的活动3.我也和朋友一起庆祝我们在加拿大的第一个万圣节 英语翻译1.The dog____the____man's______.这条狗救了这个盲人的性命.2.She_______ ________the stage,with a bunch of flowers in her hands.她手里拿着一束鲜花走上了舞台.3.他把我从迎面开过来的车面前推开,自己却 在一线教学的老师 英语翻译 当时农村条件极为艰苦,她却安之若素,在乡村教师岗位上几十年如一日,安之若素在这里用法对吗 1929年经济危机爆发后美国走上了什么道路 英语翻译在IT行业中有一个岗位是“实施总监” 请问如何翻译成英文! 英语翻译用case短语翻译:在任何情况下,你都不能离开你的岗位. 英语翻译2012年6月至10月,我曾在泰国的naduangwittaya school担任实习汉语老师,这使得我对对外汉语教学有了一定经验,也使我爱上了泰国这个国家.我希望此次面试能够成功,这样我就可以继续在泰 英语翻译求英语翻译 最好就给满意 如下1.图兰朵是由意大利作家普契尼在他生命的最后时期所创造的作品.2.但是一个叫卡拉夫的王子爱上了她,并且答对三道谜语,图兰朵为此很生气.因为她不