
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:43:35



festival 节日

词组短语 同近义词 同根词
spring festival 春节(中国农历正月初一)
mid-autumn festival 中秋节
film festival 电影节
dragon boat festival 端午节
lantern festival 元宵节,灯节
music festival 音乐节
traditional ...


词组短语 同近义词 同根词
spring festival 春节(中国农历正月初一)
mid-autumn festival 中秋节
film festival 电影节
dragon boat festival 端午节
lantern festival 元宵节,灯节
music festival 音乐节
traditional festival 传统节日
international film festival 国际电影节
art festival 艺术节
moon festival 中秋节
happy spring festival 春节快乐
spring festival gala 春节联欢晚会
qingming festival 清明节
double ninth festival 重阳节
religious festival 宗教节日
harvest festival 收获节(由基督教教会所举行)
happy festival 快乐的节日
spring festival couplets 春联
ice and snow festival 冰雪节
festival of lanterns n. 元宵节;灯节


1.N-COUNT(音乐或戏剧)节,会演A festival is an organized series of events such as musical concerts or drama producti...


1.N-COUNT(音乐或戏剧)节,会演A festival is an organized series of events such as musical concerts or drama productions.Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance...很多翁布里亚小镇举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。There are over 350 films in the Edinburgh Film Festival this year.今年爱丁堡电影节有超过 350 部影片参展。
2.N-COUNT节日;节庆A festival is a day or time of the year when people have a holiday from work and celebrate some special event, often a religious event....the Hindu festival of Diwali.印度排灯节
Do you love this festival?你喜欢这个节日吗?
We will be closing one month for ice festival!现在是冰雪节我们关闭一个月!
The whole town was immersed in a festival atmosphere.全城沉浸在节日的气氛中。
The who live at the monterey international pop festival.该谁住在蒙特利国际流行音乐节。
Fangwenping and new soldiers for the spring festival.方文平与新战士共度新春佳节。


组单词并写出汉语意思:v,i,f,a,e,l,s,t, 将下列打乱的字母重新排列组成新单词,并写出汉语意思a,t,i,w d,i,e,r,v f,f,h,i,t t,n,a,r,i i,f,d,n e,e,r,y,v c,o,l,t,e,s e,t,a o,h,w g,g,p,a,n,e,t,l i,l,v,a,l,e,g,组成单词,写出汉语意思 m a i g z n e a组成单词,并说出汉语意思./o u v a r p组成单词,并说出汉语意思. 组单词并写出汉语意思:e,r,l,i,t,t 组单词并写出汉语意思:e,r,p,i,g,n, 组单词并写出汉语意思:s,h,r,e, 把字母组成单词写在横线上,并写出汉语意思 c e r i c m a e 将字母拼写成单词,并写出汉语意思?将下列字母组合成单词,并写出相应的汉语意思.1.d e s e( )2.t r o c a( )3.d s o h l u( )4.n d e a g r( )5.y a s( )6.v e i d( )7.h c a e t( ) 把下列各组字母组成单词,并写出汉语意思1.p、i、t、a,l、o、s、h 2.s、a、p、m、t 3.c、a、n、e、m、i 4.l、i、o、v、i、n 5.s、w、b、a、y、u 6.i、g、n、e、r、e、n、e 将字母组合成单词并写出相应的汉语意思?将下列字母组合成单词并写出相应的汉语意思.t o e h r ( )n i a r ( )w o h s ( ) 把下列字母组成新单词并写出汉语意思:i、g、n、e、r、e、n、e、 将下面r,a,q,r,u,t,e组成单词,并写出汉语意思 将下面各组字母组成单词,并写出汉语意思 q t n o u s e i e h a c t r e i d w o n w w r l o e fq t n o u s e i e h a c t r ei d w o n w w r l o e f 将下列字母组成单词,并写出汉语意思1.r e f t a2.e n r a g d3,s e o h4,e g i n h s 5,f o m r 6 r e a b f k a t s f,r,c,s,a ___ ____组成单词,并写出中文意思o,g,l,e,v ___ ____组成单词,并写出中文意思s,j,a,n,e ___ ____组成单词,并写出中文意思o,c,s,k,s ___ ____组成单词,并写出中文意思 连词成句 can use and you fork a knife连词成句:1 can use and you fork a knife 2 a chopsticks you here's of pair for 圈出单词,并写出单词及汉语意思:(10个)h o m e v o i c e x e r c i s e c op y t o g e t h e r c l e a n i o s 1.d r t i n 2.i k t e 拼出单词并写出汉语意思