
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:35:13


I love my family,my family has father,mother,sister and brother,grandfather and grandmother,sister younger than me five minutes,five years older than my brother.My sister,and mother than high almost high,brother is taller than I,my elder brother and dad high,my mother almost forty years old,my father 43 years old,my sister and me as big,twelve years old this year,my brother manhood.I love my family,family,love me too!

I love my family , father ,mother,sister, brother ,grandpa,granma,my sister younger than me five minutes ,brother older than me five years .I am taller than sister ,she is tall as mum ,brother is ...


I love my family , father ,mother,sister, brother ,grandpa,granma,my sister younger than me five minutes ,brother older than me five years .I am taller than sister ,she is tall as mum ,brother is taller than me ,he is tall as father,mum is fourty,dad is fourty-three, I am 12 ,and my sister too,my brother is 18 now. I love my family ,and they love me too.


I love my family!
There are my father, Mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother and I in my family. My sister is shorter than me but taller than mother, and we are both 12 years old but h...


I love my family!
There are my father, Mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother and I in my family. My sister is shorter than me but taller than mother, and we are both 12 years old but her birth time is 5 minute later than me. My brother become a adult this year, he is 5 years older than me and also taller than me.My father is forty three year-old, 3 years older than my mother, and he has same height with my brother. I love my family, and they love me too!


I have PaPa, MaMa, brother, sister, GrandPa&GrandMa. my sister younger than me, we are twins that she bron later than me only five minutes, we are twelve years old too, And my brother elder than me fi...


I have PaPa, MaMa, brother, sister, GrandPa&GrandMa. my sister younger than me, we are twins that she bron later than me only five minutes, we are twelve years old too, And my brother elder than me five years; He is a man.I taller than my sister & as same as my mother. My brother taller than me, but he as same as my PaPa. My MaMa forty years old & my PaPa forty-three years old. I love my family very much, and they love me too!!!


英语翻译我有一个幸福的家,爸爸爱我,妈妈爱我,弟弟爱我,我也爱他们,在温暖的家中,我快乐的长大. 英语翻译我爱我的家庭,我的家中有爸爸、妈妈、妹妹、哥哥、爷爷、奶奶,妹妹比我小五分钟,哥哥比我大五岁.我比妹妹高,和妈妈差不多高,哥哥比我高,哥哥和爸爸差不多高,我妈妈四十岁了, 英语翻译题目是我的家庭,内容:我的家有3个人,我爸爸,妈妈和我,我没有兄妹,我的爸妈非常爱我,我也很爱他们,我的妈妈在银行工作,她喜欢唱歌,妈妈有些胖,我觉得她很可爱,我的爸爸是一名 英语翻译我的名字是***.我今年**岁.我特别喜欢糖.我喜欢奶糖的香.棉花糖的甜.水果糖的酸~我有一个幸福的家庭.爸爸妈妈很爱我.我也很爱他们. 我非常爱我的家庭(英语翻译) 英语翻译:我的家庭很幸福,我爱我的家庭 我有一个幸福的家庭.我家有四口人分别是爸爸,妈妈,我,妹妹.我爱他们,他们也爱我.用英语怎么说. 我的家庭英语作文 我家有爸爸妈妈我和弟弟 爸爸是个司机 妈妈是贤妻良母 弟弟在上学 我很爱他们 英语翻译我有一个幸福的家庭,我爱我的爸爸妈妈.我的爸爸是一个司机,他有一颗善良的心,他对工作很认真,而且我的爸爸做饭很好吃.我的妈妈有一双漂亮的大眼睛,不过在她生气的时候,我就 英语翻译我有个非常棒的家庭...家里的成员共有我个..爸爸..妈妈..我还有弟弟,这个家让我感到十分的温馨.舒服.因此皒十分的爱皒的家人.. 我有一个很爱我的家庭英语怎么说 英语翻译我的家庭虽然不大,但是我爱我的家庭,它给我温暖,给了我快乐 爱我的爸爸作文 英语翻译我的家庭是一个非常幸福的家庭,我家里有五口人 ,爷爷,爸爸,妈妈,妹妹和 我 ,他们都非常的爱我,有什么好吃的东西 ,常常留着我读书回来吃,我每次回家,家里都是帮我留着好吃的,虽 在我的家庭里有我爸爸,我妈妈,还有我,但是没有宠物.英文翻译~ 英语翻译让爱住我家我爱我的家弟弟爸爸妈妈爱是不吵架常常一起说话我爱我的家儿子女儿我的他爱就是忍耐家庭所有繁杂我爱我的家儿子女儿我亲爱的她爱就是付出让家不缺乏让爱天天住 中文翻译成阿拉伯语我的名字叫王一平,我是一位穆斯林,今年36岁 已经成家了,家中 有爱人和两个儿子,我的家庭是幸福的家庭. 诗歌 我爱我的爸爸妈妈