
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 20:23:03


We know,campus is for teachers and students to work,a place of learning,a good campus environment,can give us to feel fresh,beautiful feeling.Our campus although the area is not large,but the green is good,trees,birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; outside the classroom,aisle posted at all times and in all countries of the famous quotes.We are trying to create a healthy,harmonious,stimulating environment,so that the students in the good environment by infection and nurtured,in influence character by environment,establish correct world outlook,outlook on life and values,so that everyone in a beautiful,clean,warm environment day by day grow up healthy,do a civilized citizen!【我们知道,校园是老师和同学们工作、学习的场所,优良的校园环境,可以给我们以心旷神怡、美好的感觉.我们的校园虽然面积不大,但绿化还算不错,绿树成荫、花香鸟语;教室外面、过道走廊张贴了古今中外的名人名言.我们都在努力营造一个健康、和谐、催人奋进的环境,使同学们在优良环境中受到感染与熏陶,在潜移默化之中树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,让大家在优美、整洁、温馨的环境中一天天健康地成长,做一名文明的社会公民!】