为什么在图画中就用in the picture?而on the poster呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 05:43:21

为什么在图画中就用in the picture?而on the poster呢?
为什么在图画中就用in the picture?而on the poster呢?

为什么在图画中就用in the picture?而on the poster呢?
in表示在图画中,就是在什么什么的里面/内部;例如:in the sky.而on表示在外部,或什么什么的上面,例如:The apples are on the trees.苹果在树上

为什么在图画中就用in the picture?而on the poster呢? There are some ______(different) between the two pict 在图画里用英语怎么说?是in the picture 还是用at啊 改为复数:look!there is a man and a woman in the picture, what are the boy and girl doing?the girl is crying and the boy is piaying cards .the boy is a child and the girl is a child,too改为复数:look!there is a man and a woman in the pict 英语翻译Listen and put a tick(√) or a cross(×) in each box Listen and join the numbers to the correct picturesListen and circle the correct picturesListen and write the correct number in each speech bubbleListen and circle the correct pict a photo of my family This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last翻译后的汉语 a photo of my familyThis is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last year.Look!People who is in the pict lt makes me think of period in my life when lwas young and stupid of my pict 仿写There are five people in my family.My parents work in a school.My father is a math teacher.But my mother teaches music.that pretty lady is my aunt.She's an actress on Tv.My uncle is a writer.He writing the TV show for my aunt.ilike drawing pict born to make you happy布兰妮的请帮忙翻译一下歌吧歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:Baby One More Time (oh my love)I'm sitting here alone up in my roomand thinking about the timesthat we've been through(oh my love)I'm looking at a pict 请帮我把这个what开头的疑问句改为why开头的疑问句What in the world does the illustrator virtually aim to convey?(图画的)作者究竟想传达什么样的(含义)改为 图画的作者为什么要传递这样的含义,尽 up in the sky ,up in the plane.为什么up 在in 前.up 怎么翻译? 岩石上为什么有图画 为什么八骏图画八匹马 as is shown in the pictures用法As shown in the pictures,...引导图画作文开头的句子.请问,as is shown in the pictures这部分是一个从句吗?有点像方式状语从句.如果是,为什么没有主语,如果不是,又是什么?改成a 请帮我修改一下英语作文 ,错误希望可以明确指出Confused and astonished,the man,who is a rock star in the right side of the picture,yet in the left side of the other one,the loser earning his life by imitating of star.在图画的右 在in the morning中为什么in后面要加the呢?在in spring中in和spring中为什么不加the? 为什么日食只发生在农历初一?能提供图画吗? in the home 还是in home 为什么在这里要加the呢?