
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 08:27:38


Many years ago,there was an emperor,in order to be well dressed,to put all the money Douhua off.He is not concerned about his army,also don't like to go to the theatre,also didn't like the carriage to the park -- unless it is to show off his new clothes.He every day every one o'clock to change a suit of clothes.People refer to him,always said:"the emperor in the locker room." One day,his capital to the two swindlers,claiming to be the weavers,to weave the most beautiful cloth.This kind of cloth not only designs and colors are very beautiful,and sewing the clothes have a strange characteristics:any incompetent or incredibly stupid person,cannot see this clothes." It is the ideal clothes!" thought the emperor," I wear such clothes,can be seen in my kingdom who incompetent; I will be able to identify who is intelligent,which is a fool.Yes,I want to call them immediately this cloth woven for me to." He paid a lot of money to the two swindlers,so they began to work immediately.They set up two looms,pretending to be in the way of work,but they loom even a little shadow No.They urgently requested to send some of their most fine silk and the best gold.They put these things in his pocket,only that the two empty looms bustling about,until late at night." I should like to know exactly how cloth fabric." The emperor wanted to.However,remember that stupid or incompetent person cannot see the cloth,really do not feel natural.He believed that he was not afraid,but still feel that send a person to have a look to the progress of the work situation is more appropriate.All the people heard of this,there is a wonderful power,so people are eager to take this opportunity to test if their neighbors:how stupid,or how silly." I will send my honest old minister to the weavers there to." Thought the emperor," he most see this cloth is what,because he is very sensible,is competent this said,who also not him." The good old minister to the two cheats house,see they are the empty loom on the busy work." May God have mercy on me!" the old minister to think,he put his eyes in particular," I did not see anything!" but he did not dare to say this export to.The two cheats asked him to come a little closer,while pointing to the empty looms asked him two pattern is it right?Very beautiful,very beautiful color is it right?.Poor old minister eyes grew bigger,still can't see anything,because it is really nothing." My God!" he thought," am I stupid?I never doubted himself.This point must not let anyone know.I am not qualified?No!I must not let people know I cannot see the cloth." " Hey,you a piece of advice is no?" the liar is a weaving." Oh,wonderful!That's wonderful!" the old minister says,the side from his glasses,look carefully," what a beautiful pattern!How beautiful!Yes,I will be reported to the emperor,I on the cloth was very satisfied." " Well,we listened very glad." The two cheats said all.So they put color and rare patterns described in some,also plus some noun.The old minister listened attentively to the emperor,so that there can still recite it.In fact he did.The two swindlers asked for more money,more silk and gold,that is required for weaving.They put all these things into the pocket.Soon after,the emperor sent another honest officials to look at the work of the.The official luck than the first one is not a minister:he looked and looked,but that the two empty loom on nothing,he did not see anything out." You see it not a beautiful piece of cloth?" asked the two swindlers.They pointed to,describe some beautiful patterns -- in fact they do not exist." I not stupid!" the officials think," this is me is not worthy of such a good position now.This is really funny,but I can not let a person see." He put his didn't see a lot of praise cloth,while ensuring that,he told the beautiful colors and delicate patterns very satisfied." Yes,that is really beautiful!" he said to the emperor.All the people are talking about this beautiful cloth.The emperor wanted to personally visit.He chose a group of special delineation of the entourage including to have seen the two honest minister.He went to the two cunning liar.These two guys are in order to fully focus weaving,but a piece of silk to the shadow is invisible."Is it nice?" two honest officials said,"Your Majesty,please see :what a beautiful pattern!What a beautiful colors!" they pointed to the overhead of weaving machines,they believe that others must see the fabric." This is how the matter?" the emperor thought," I see nothing!It is frightful to the ear.Am I a fool?Did I not qualified when the emperor?This is the most terrible thing." " Oh,that's wonderful!" the emperor said," I am very satisfied!" he expressed satisfaction over his head.He looked carefully at the loom,he would not say what also didn't see.Follow him to the suite also looked and looked,but they didn't see things more than others.They like the emperor,also said:" Oh,how beautiful!" they suggested to the emperor,with this new,beautiful fabrics into clothes,wearing the clothes to attend the parade ceremony was held." This cloth is gorgeous!Fine!No!" everyone says that.Can not say that everyone is happy.The Emperor gave the liar" imperial court weavers" title,for their closure,jazz,and grant can be hung on a buttonhole on the medal.The very next day morning,the parade ceremony will be held.The first night,two swindlers night starting point of sixteen or more candles.People can see them in the night time,the emperor's new clothes to complete.They pretended to take the cloth from the loom,with two large air conference scissors in a while,at the same time with no threading the needle sewing a phone.Finally,they all said:" look!The new clothes ready!" the Emperor himself with a group of the most noble knights.The two cheats the raised his hand,as if holding something like one.They say:" Behold,this is the trousers,this is the coat,this is the coat." " These soft clothes like cobwebs,worn by the person will feel like nothing like them,this is the advantage of these clothes." " A little good." All the others said.But they could not see anything,because there is nothing." Now please the emperor off his clothes," said the two liars," let us the big mirror in front of you to put on new clothes." The emperor put all his clothes off.The two cheats pretend piece by piece they just sew new clothes to him.They get in his waist around for a while,as if to him on a piece of something -- this is the rear skirt.The emperor turned himself in front of a mirror,twist the waist." God,how the clothes fit!Cut it how lovely!" everybody said," what a beautiful pattern!How beautiful!This is really expensive clothes." " Everyone is waiting outside,ready to give in your majesty canopy,head to the parade ceremony." M.C.says." Yes,I am ready." The emperor said," the clothes fit me?" so he put himself in a mirror in front turned out,because he wants to make everyone think he in to see his beautiful clothes.Those who support the rear skirt officials are in the East West handle touch touch,as if they are being picked up like a dress.They started walking,holding the hands of the air they dare not let people see what they really didn't see.In this way,the emperor in the march under the canopy of wealthy.Stand in the street and in the window,say the people:" the emperor 's new clothes!Is really pretty!He under his coat in the rear apron is how beautiful!This dress is really his body!" who is not willing to let the people know and see nothing,because this will show their own incompetence,or too stupid.All the emperor's clothes have never won the praise." But he no clothing!" a child called out." God yo,listen to the voice of innocence!" said dad.So we put the children say privately quietly spread." He wasn't wearing any clothes!A child has said he didn't wear any clothes!"" he is not wearing any clothes!" and then all the people said.Emperor shaking a bit,because he felt that the people were said to appear to be true.But his heart was like so:" I must have this parade ceremony held." Therefore he assumed a more proud of the air.His officials are behind him,holding the hands of a does not exist in the rear apron.


2011-12-17 23:35 z5561690 | 一级
很多年前,有一个皇帝,为了穿得好,把所有的钱豆花。 他不关心他的军队,也不太喜欢去电影院,也没有像马车去公园 - 除非是为了炫耀他的新衣服。 他每一天的每一个点更改了一套衣服。 人们提到他时,总是说:“皇上在更衣室里。” 有一天,他的资本,以两个骗子,自称是织工,织出的最美丽的布。 这种布不仅设计和颜色都非常漂亮,缝制衣服,有...


2011-12-17 23:35 z5561690 | 一级
很多年前,有一个皇帝,为了穿得好,把所有的钱豆花。 他不关心他的军队,也不太喜欢去电影院,也没有像马车去公园 - 除非是为了炫耀他的新衣服。 他每一天的每一个点更改了一套衣服。 人们提到他时,总是说:“皇上在更衣室里。” 有一天,他的资本,以两个骗子,自称是织工,织出的最美丽的布。 这种布不仅设计和颜色都非常漂亮,缝制衣服,有一个奇怪的特性:任何不称职的或令人难以置信的愚蠢的人,看不出这件衣服。 “这是一个理想的衣服!” 认为皇帝,“我穿这样的衣服,可以看到在我的王国不称职的,我将能够确定谁是聪明的,这是一个傻瓜。是的,我想这个布我立即打电话给他们。” 他付了很多钱给这两个骗子,所以他们马上开始工作。 他们成立了织布机,装作是在工作的方式,但他们织机甚至有点影子号,他们迫切要求送一些最精美的丝绸和最好的黄金。 他们把这些东西在他的口袋里,只有这两个空空的织机忙碌着,直到深夜。 “我想知道到底如何布面料。” 皇帝想了。 但是,请记住,愚蠢或不称职的人看不到的布,真的觉得不自然。 他认为,他并不害怕,但还是觉得派一个人去看看的工作情况的进展是比较合适的。 所有的人听说过这个,有一个神奇的力量,所以人们都渴望借此机会来测试,如果他们的邻居:多么愚蠢,多么愚蠢。 “我会派我诚实的老部长到织工那儿。” 皇帝心里想,“他最见这布是什么,因为他是非常明智的,主管说,谁也不会了。” 善良的老部长,看到他们两个骗子房子是空的织机上忙碌的工作。 “愿上帝怜悯我吧!” 老部长想,他把他的眼睛,特别是“我没有看到任何东西!” 但他不敢说出口。 这两个骗子问他再靠近一点点,一边指着空空的织机问他两个模式是正确的吗? 很漂亮,很漂亮的颜色是什么吧? 可怜的老大臣的眼睛越睁越大,仍然看不到任何东西,因为它是没什么好说的。 “我的上帝!” 他想,“我愚蠢吗?我从来没有怀疑过自己,这一点不能让任何人知道,我没有资格吗?不,我不能让别人知道我不能看到布。” “嘿,你一个忠告,不是吗?” 骗子是一个编织。 “哦,太棒了!这是太好了!” 退位的老大臣说,一边从他的眼镜,仔细一看,“多么美的花纹!”多美啊!是的,我将在向皇帝报告,我在布上非常满意。“ “嗯,我们听了非常高兴。” 这两个骗子说的。 因此,他们把颜色和描述的一些珍稀图案,还加上一些名词。 老部长认真听取了皇帝,所以仍然可以背诵它。 事实上,他做到了。 两个骗子要求更多的钱,更多的丝和金子,所需要的编织。 他们把这些东西纳入囊中。 之后不久,皇帝派了另一位诚实的官员看的工作。 比第一个官方的运气是不是一个部长:他看了又看,但是那两空机子上没有,他没有看到任何东西。 “你看,这不是一个美丽的一块布吗?” 两个骗子问。 他们指出,描述了一些美丽的花纹 - 事实上它们不存在。 “我不傻!” 官员认为,“这是我现在是不值得这么好的位置,这是非常有趣的,但我不能让一个人看到。” 他把他没有看到很多的赞美布,同时保证,他对美丽的色彩和精致的图案非常满意。 “是的,那真是太美了!” 他说皇帝。 所有的人都在谈论这美丽的布料。 皇帝想亲自拜访。 他选了一群特别圈定的随员,包括已经看到了两个正直的大臣。 他去了两个狡猾的骗子。 这两个家伙都是为了,完全专注织,但一块丝绸的阴影是不可见的。 “好看吗?” 两个诚实的官员说,“陛下,请参阅:多么美的花纹!多么美丽的色彩!” 他们指出,织布机的开销,他们认为其他人必须看到面料。 “这是怎么回事?” 皇帝想,“我什么也看不见!这是可怕的耳朵。我是傻瓜吗?我没有资格当皇帝吗?这是最可怕的事情。” “哦,那太好了!” 皇帝说,“我很满意!” 他表示满意,在他的头上。 在织机他仔细一看,他也不会说什么也没看到。 跟随他到套房也看着,看着,但他们没有看到的东西比别人多。 他们喜欢的皇帝,也说:“哦,多么美丽!” 他们向皇帝建议,这个新的,美丽的布衣服,身上穿的衣服参加阅兵仪式举行。 “这布是华丽!好!没有!” 大家说。 不能说每个人都是幸福的。 皇帝赐给骗子封闭,爵士,并授予“朝廷织工”称号,可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。 就在第二天上午,将举行阅兵仪式。 第一天晚上,这两个骗子晚上出发点,16个或更多的蜡烛。 人们可以看到他们在晚上的时候,皇帝的新衣完成。 他们假装布料从织机上,在一段时间内有两个大型空会议剪刀,同时用没有穿线的针缝的电话。 最后,他们说:“看!准备的新衣服!” 皇帝与一群最高贵的骑士。 这两个骗子的举起了手,仿佛像一个。 他们说:“看哪,这是裤子,这是件大衣,这件大衣。” “像蜘蛛网一样,这些柔软的衣服穿的人会觉得自己没有像他们一样,这是这些衣服的优点。” “一点不错。” 所有的人说。 但是,他们无法看到任何东西,因为没有什么。 “现在请皇上脱下衣服,”两个骗子说,“让我们在你面前穿上新衣服的大镜子。” 皇帝把他所有的衣服脱掉。 这两个骗子假装一块一块的,他们只是他缝制新衣服。 他们在自己的腰间出现了一段时间,如果他在一块的东西 - 这就是后裙。 皇帝把自己在镜子前面,扭动腰部。 “上帝啊,怎么合身的衣服!切开它多可爱啊!” 大家说,“什么是漂亮的图案!多美啊!这是真正的昂贵的衣服。” “每个人都在外面等着,准备给陛下篷,头的阅兵仪式。” MC说。 “是的,我已经准备好了。” 皇帝说,“合身的衣服吗?” 于是,他把自己在镜子前翻了出来,因为他希望让每个人都觉得他在看他的漂亮的衣服。 支持裙后部的官员是在东西手柄触摸触摸,仿佛他们正在拿起像一件衣服。 他们开始步行,手中拿着的空气,他们不敢让人们看到他们真的没有看到。 这样一来,皇帝的游行,在树冠下的富裕。 站在大街上,并在窗口,说:“皇帝的新衣服!是真的很漂亮!他的后挡板在他的外套是多么美丽!这件衣服真的是他的身体!” 谁也不愿意让人们知道,什么也看不见,因为这将表明自己不称职,或是太愚蠢。 皇帝所有的衣服从来没有赢得了客户的好评。 “但他不穿衣服!” 一个孩子叫了出来。 “上帝哟,听纯真的声音!” 爸爸说。 因此,我们把孩子们私下里悄悄蔓


People refer to him, always said: "the emperor in the locker room." One day, his capital to the two swindlers, claiming to be the weavers, to weave the most beautiful cloth. This kind of cloth not only