请高手帮忙了,好心人,我谢谢你了`拜托`I was born in Torin, Italy, where i spent the first 4 years of my life in an orphanage,i was told that my parents died in a car crash which i was actually the only one who survived the crash then i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:24:45
请高手帮忙了,好心人,我谢谢你了`拜托`I was born in Torin, Italy, where i spent the first 4 years of my life in an orphanage,i was told that my parents died in a car crash which i was actually the only one who survived the crash then i

请高手帮忙了,好心人,我谢谢你了`拜托`I was born in Torin, Italy, where i spent the first 4 years of my life in an orphanage,i was told that my parents died in a car crash which i was actually the only one who survived the crash then i
I was born in Torin, Italy, where i spent the first 4 years of my life in an orphanage,i was told that my parents died in a car crash which i was actually the only one who survived the crash then i was adopted by a Canadian Widow, then i moved to England where i married my wife of 14years, we both lived in England and i still do, she was English. I lost my wife four years ago to lung cancer, and i have never been in a relationship since then.

请高手帮忙了,好心人,我谢谢你了`拜托`I was born in Torin, Italy, where i spent the first 4 years of my life in an orphanage,i was told that my parents died in a car crash which i was actually the only one who survived the crash then i

请高手帮忙了,好心人,我谢谢你了`拜托`I was born in Torin, Italy, where i spent the first 4 years of my life in an orphanage,i was told that my parents died in a car crash which i was actually the only one who survived the crash then i 请高手帮忙翻译一下,中译英,百度谷歌翻译太不靠谱了,拜托啦~ 哪位高手帮我把 王耀宇 这个名字翻译成意大利文 谢谢了有好心人能帮忙吗 人工翻译~!拜托了!软件翻译的就不麻烦了~!等不计较分数的好心人~~英语高手帮忙人工翻译一下吧~!好心人不计较分数的帮帮我~!So contextual effects is a necessary condition for the formation of relevance, and 谢谢你教会了我 扩散作用和渗透作用有什么差别啊!?高手和好心人告诉下!拜托了! 请高手帮忙,英语翻译,分用光了. 例题2怎么做, 拜托了.好心人 “牙科诊所”英文应该是哪个词?高手请帮忙应该是teeth room吗?真是很重要。如果不准确,就丢人都大了!非高手,只能谢谢你的热心,请不要回答。不好意思。 6.7题,帮忙解决一下,谢谢你了 小学英语中所有格是什么意思?请好心人帮忙解决,请回答的具体,容易看懂些,因为我是小学生,太复杂了我看不懂!谢谢了! 跪求越南文翻译高手帮忙啊 实在谢谢你了你过的好吗?没有我的日子你过的快乐吗?你想我吗?是不是真心的想我啊?最近我感觉不到你在想我啊.我好想你!芳!高手写成越南文给我啊 谢谢你了 作文谢谢你教会了我( 作文:谢谢你教会了我 廖家骏怎么起英文名?我纠结了很久,请高手帮忙~!急~!跪求~!谢谢~! 请各位好心人帮忙 谢谢你 好心人. 请各位高手解释一下“闷骚”是什么意思?拜托各位了 3Q请高手赐教!