
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:29:06


Planet of the most
Jupiter is the largest planet,but also the heaviest.Pluto is the smallest and most cold,the farthest from the sun,one of the lightest planet.Mercury is the closest to the sun recently,the hottest planet.
The most recent planet from the sun - Mercury.
Mercury is the solar system distance of a planet to the sun,the earth is the little brother,the Earth's diameter is less than half of the nine planets in the penultimate ranking.Although it was known as the Mercury do not have a drop of water in fact,completely dry is a dead world.
Before and after dawn,some oriental white sky,and sometimes there will be a very bright "morning star" in the evening,those of Western white roof,sometimes there will be a very bright "evening",the two stars In fact,the same star,and that is Venus.
In the solar system's nine planets,Earth is a common,it is a very unusual planet.Earth's mountains are green and luxuriant,Pentium roar of the river to the sea,and bio-dynamic in the world ......all in all the other planets are not.
In the solar system's nine planets,except Earth,to attract the most attention to the number of Mars.More than a century,on Mars there is no "Mars" debate going on for a long time.
Jupiter is the largest of the nine planets of the solar system one of his round belly can hold more than 1300 under the earth,the quality is 318 times Earth's.All of the solar system,planets,satellites,asteroids large and small,and other celestial bodies together,not heavy weight of Jupiter.
Saturn is second only to the nine planets of Jupiter's another giant planet.It is the size of the Earth 745 times Earth's mass is 95 times.
Uranus is found in human in the solar system's first new planet.Before that,people only know that in the solar system Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter and Saturn planets 6.Have not been discovered until 1781,which found that the people making the first breakthrough in the solar system to Saturn for the community.
Neptune is the second discovery of Uranus after the second of the new planet.However,Uranus,Neptune discovery is the result of God Miaosuan machine,which makes Neptune became a well-known "Star."
Pluto is the smallest one of the coldest planets around the Sun it is the week to 248 years away from the sun there is 5,900,000,000 km,running the fastest light would take five and a half hours.In addition,it is estimated that Xiangyang side in the temperature of about minus 220 degrees,overcast to a temperature of minus 250 degrees Celsius below is the cold.

英语翻译行星之最木星是最大的行星,也是最重的.冥王星是最小,最冷,离太阳最远,最轻的一个行星.水星是离太阳最近,最热的行星.离太阳最近的行星——水星.水星是太阳系距离太阳最近的一 太阳系八大行星之最最大的行星最小的行星离太阳最近的行星离地球最近的行星光环最多的行星 连线 水星 公转周期最长的行星 海王星 公转周期最短的行星 木星 直径最大的行星 地球 直径最小的行星金星 自转周期最短的行星火星 自转周期最长的行星现在 八大行星之最火星,地球,水星,木星,太阳等 八大行星公转周期最短的是?直径最大的行星自转周期最长的行星直径最小的行星自转周期最短的行星 九大行星中,那个行星体积最大重量最重.是土星?木星? 最亮的行星是? 太阳系中最大的行星是木星吗? 太阳系中,体积最大的行星是木星还是土星? 为什么木星在太阳系中是最大的行星? 最重的行星 最美丽的行星? 八大行星中,体积最大的是木星和土星,行星公转轨道呈_____形状 六下科学作业本宇宙单元!连线题水星 公转周期最长的行星海王星 公转周期最短的行星木星 直径最大的行星地球 直径最小的行星金星 自转周期最短的行星火星 自转周期最长的行星 自转最慢的行星是什么行星? 自转最慢的行星是什么行星? 自转周期最长的行星是……自传周期最短的行星是……公转周期最长的行星是……公转周期最短的行星是……直径最大的行星是……直径最短的行星是……质量最大的行星是……质量最小的 木星是那种行星?