求fifth business中文版.

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求fifth business中文版.

求fifth business中文版.
求fifth business中文版.

求fifth business中文版.
投资合作协议怎么翻译 悬赏分:10 - 解决时间:2008-5-6 19:36 根据中华人民共和国关于投资法律、法规和国家有关规定,本着平等自愿互利的原则,双方通过友好协商达成如下投资意向: 第一条 本合同双方当事人 中华人民共和国@@@@@(以下简称甲方). @@@@@@@(以下简称乙方). 第二条 项目名称及投资规模 乙方初定在海安区高新经济技术开发区投资兴办纺织工业园,生物技术工业园,项目总投资6亿美元,注册资本金3亿美元,于2008年12月底前到帐5000万美元,其余的在国家规定的时间内到位.其中纺织工业园投资5亿美元,生物技术工业园投资1亿美元以上. 第三条 项目选址 按照江苏省国土厅对投资密度不低于150万元人民币/亩的要求和乙方投资规模,甲方同意向乙方提供1000-1500亩土地,所征用土地出让金另行商定.具体四址和面积以红线图为准. 第四条 项目实施计划 项目计划在2008年6月底前开工,2009年12月31日前完工,2010年3月底前投产纳税. 第五条 双方职责 5.1、甲方职责: 1、签订本合同后10个工作日内,向乙方提供用地的红线规划图; 2、为确保乙方的建设计划,甲方必须在双方签订合同后4个月内提供首期用地300亩,提供的用地达到“七通一平”标准(路通、强弱电通、上下水通、电信、有线电视和场地平整); 3、按海安区鼓励外来投资的有关政策规定,从纳税年度起,乙方享受:所得税地方留成部分前五年100%奖励给企业,第六至第十年50%奖励给企业. 4、负责代办各项项目审批手续,包括规划审批、土地征用、工商、税务、海关、银行、环评、安全和消防等手续; 5、负责处理地方矛盾和协调部门关系. 5.2乙方职责: 1、在海安区进行工商注册和税务登记; 2、签订本合同后30个工作日内,向甲方提供完整的总体规划和设计、项目可行性研究报告等报批所需的材料,整体规划必须经甲乙双方同意; 3、本着合理规划,节约用地的原则,按期完成项目建设,对所征用土地不闲置,不改变土地用途; 4、按每年至少产生税收额的标准,从计划投产纳税之日起计算,乙方三年内入库税收不低于8000万元人民币,否则乙方负责用现金补全. 5、独立负责企业的生产经营、产品销售. 6、遵守中华人民共和国相关的法律法规,依法经营,按章纳税. 7、乙方签订合同后7日内向甲方交纳定金50万美元或350万元人民币. 第六条 违约责任 由于乙方开工时间后三个月未能开工,或计划投产纳税时间后六个月未能投产纳税的,甲方可收回乙方所用土地.如该地块上已有乙方投资,按评估机构评估价的70%折算,另外的30%用于承担违约责任. 第七条 本合同订立、效力、解释、履行及争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的保护和管辖. 第八条 因执行本合同发生争议,由争议双方协商解决,协商不成时可以向项目所在地人民法院起诉. 第九条 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方约定后作为合同附件.本合同附件是合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等的法律效力. 本合同一式陆份,甲、乙双方各执叁份.其中英文版贰份,如有歧义,以中文版本为准. 第十条 本合同经双方法定代表人(授权委托代理人)签字后生效. 甲方代表签字(盖章): 乙方代表签字(盖章): 提问者: happy753 - 试用期 一级 最佳答案 reach as follows to invest an intention through a friendly consultation: Both parties' the party concerned of the first origin contract The People's Republic of China@.(Call the first party as follows) @.(Call the second party as follows) The second item name and invest scale The second party is early to settle the high lately economic technique develop an area investment to establish to spin and weave an industrial park in the sea Anne's area, the living creature technique industrial park, the item always invests USD 600,000,000, register capital gold USD 300,000,000, enter account USD 50,000,000 by 12 the end of the months, 2008s, rest of in the nation the provision of time arrive.Spin and weave an industrial park to invest USD 500,000,000 among them, the living creature technique industrial park invests above USD 100,000,000. The third item chooses an address Is no lower than the request of 1,500,000 dollars renminbi/acre and the second party to invest scale to the investment density according to province national territory hall in Jiangsu, the first party agrees to provide 1000-1500 acres of lands toward the second party and the land take over offers for sale the gold another travelling salesman to settle.Concrete four addresses and area take red line diagram as quasi-. The fourth item implement plan Item plan by 6 the end of the months, 2008s start work, on December 31, 2009 ago complete work, in 3 the end of the months, 2010 ago threw produce pay tax. The fifth both parties' job 5.1, the first party's job: 1, sign after this contract inside 10 workdays, the red line programming provided to use ground toward the second party diagram; 2, in order to insure the second party's construction plan, the first party has to provide a period to use ground 300 acres in 4 months after both parties sign contract and provide of attain "7 an even" standard with the ground;(road, strong or weak electricity, top and bottom water, telecommunication, cabled T.V. and place be neat) 3, press the relevant policy that the sea Anne's area encourages a foreign investment to rule, from pay tax from year, the second party enjoy:The income tax place stays into part the first 5 years 100% to praise to the business enterprise and the sixth goes to decade 50% to praise to the business enterprise. 4, be responsible for dealing various item examination and approval a procedure, include the programming examination and approval, land to take over, the industry and business, tax administration, maritime customs, bank, wreath review, procedures such as safety and fire fight etc.; 5, be responsible for handling a place self-contradict harmoniously adjust a section relation. 5.2 the second party job: 1, carry on industry and business registration and tax administration register in the sea Anne's area; 2, sign to provide the total materials that report need when criticize such as programming and design, item possibility research paper etc. of integrity toward the first party inside 30 workdays after this contract, the whole programming has to be agree by A B both parties; 3, be in the light of a reasonable programming, the economy uses the principle of ground, according to the date complete item construction, not idle to the land take over, don't change land use; 4, press to produce the standard of revenue from tax sum at least annually, the day produced to pay tax from the plan hurl since calculation, the second party stores in warehouse revenue from tax to be no lower than 80,000,000 dollars renminbi in three years, otherwise the second party be responsible for repairing with the cash whole. 5, independently be responsible for the management, product of the produce of business enterprise sale. 6, obey the related law laws of the People's Republic of China, conduct by law, press the chapter to pay tax. 7, the second party after signing contract the introverted first party pays down payment USD 500,000 or 3,500,000 dollars renminbi on the 7th. Article 6 breaks contract a responsibility Because the second party start work empress time can not start work, or plan hurl to produce to pay tax for three months can not throw to produce to pay tax for six months after time of, the first party can take back the land that the second party use.Such as the top of the ground's piece has already had the second party to invest, 70% which presses valuation organization to evaluate price fold calculate, another of 30% used for undertaking a default responsibility. The seventh origin contract make, effect, explain, implement and dispute of solve all a protection of be subjected to the People's Republic of China law with rule over. Article 8 because of performance originally contract occurrence controversy, from dispute both parties' consultation solve and negotiate don't become can sue toward the court of the people of the item location. The ninth origin contract don't matter of exert, can be been a contract enclosure behind by the both parties' engagement.This contract enclosure is a contract to constitute part and have the legal effect of equal with this contract. This contract one the type be 6, A, B both parties be each to keep 3.Its Chinese-English version is 2, if have an ambiguity, take Chinese edition as quasi-. The tenth origin contract by both parties Legal Representative(authorize and appoint agent) signing young man effect. The first party represents a signing:(stamp) The second party represents a signing:(stamp)