
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 12:37:30

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Dear Professor:
I'm glad to recommend Mr.XX who has been a student in the scientific experimental class in XX High School since XX,20XX.As his mathematics teacher,I am familiar with him very much.
Mr.XX is studious and generous during the high school period.He always did homework diligently and prudently.He is good at mathematics and solving confusing questions.He often use his creative methods to solve hard questions and prove mathematical hypotheses.Also,he'd like to help other students to solve problems.Mr.XX always go home later than others in order to accomplish his research or help others.He participated the math competition training in high school.Unfortunately,his math score in the College Entrance Examination was indistictive because he was sicked during the examination.But I believe Mr.XX would get a breakthrough in mathematics if he continue his study.He hoped to study advanced mathematics in summer vacation on himself,and I recommended text booksand instructed learning approach for him.
I'd like to recommend Mr.XX to continue his study in your school.I hope he may achieve more in your school and improve himself.I'd like to on service if you want to get further understanding with Mr.XX
Mathematics Teacher:
Telephone Number:
E-Mail Address:

Dear Professor: Hello
XX students from XX years x months with excellent performance was XX high school science experiment class, I was very lucky to be his high school math teac...


Dear Professor: Hello
XX students from XX years x months with excellent performance was XX high school science experiment class, I was very lucky to be his high school math teacher, be familiar with and understand him.
During high school, I found the XX nquisitive not only, but also ready to help others. He always tries to finish the job. His mathematics and solve the problem has significant expertise. XX often in their own creative way to solve problems, to complete the mathematical proof. XX also often helped friends solve problems. In school period, XX in order to get answers to questions than others, often come home late, he sometimes also help other classmates in school. During the high school also participated in the mathematics contest training. However, the college entrance examination mathematics achievement due to illness and other reasons than normal peacetime levels much lower, but according to my understanding of him, as long as the XX classmates do not be discouraged to continue efforts to, he will have greater progress in mathematics. In the summer he wants to teach advanced mathematics, I recommended to him teaching and introduces the learning method.
Here, I sincerely recommend XX students to enter your school, and hope that he is studying in your school life more, significant progress.
If you need more information, please feel free to contact me.
Mathematics teacher:
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Mail box:
XX x



英语翻译推荐信尊敬的教授:您好xx同学于xx年x月以优异成绩考入xx高中理科实验班就读,我有幸成为了他高中阶段的数学老师,得以熟悉并了解他。我发现xx不仅勤学好问,而且乐于助人。 英语翻译尊敬的先生或女士:您好,我是XX公司的总经理XXXXX,我谨作为A先生在我公司七个多月间的直接领导写此推荐信.A自2011年7月1日入职以来,在我公司担任助理一职,主要负责国外总部与中 给日本的教授写信,怎么称呼比较尊敬呢?比如说佐藤XX教授,是应该说 佐藤XX教授 就可以了吗?还是要说佐藤XX教授样或者佐藤XX教授殿呢?还是不说教授说佐藤XX样/佐藤XX殿? 英语翻译【教授您好,我是xxx.现在我在申请学校一项面对外国人的奖学金,需要您的推荐信,不知您可否帮我这个忙.如果您现在在学校,请告诉我您的办公室号码以及可能的面谈时间,我会尽早去 英语翻译尊敬的客户:您好!非常感谢贵司一直以来对本人以及我司工作的大力支持及帮助!因我司工作调整,本人目前所负责的市场部相关工作后续交接给我司市场部XX负责,XX小姐联系电话:xx 英语翻译Danny 17:13:07尊敬的某教授:您好!我是***的编辑,前几天在成都和您有一面之缘,还向您邀约过为本刊撰写“药学服务”类的文章,介绍和交流一下贵医院的经验给中国的同行.当然,文稿 英语翻译英语翻译这1句:教授,您好.我想知道到现在&为止的我的grade.一学期辛苦了, 英语翻译英语翻译这1句:教授,您好.我想知道到现在&为止的我的grade.一学期辛苦了, 英语翻译本人在校期间,于同学之间和睦共处,互敬互助,尊敬老师. 英语翻译“尊敬的宾客” “您好” “宏瑞宾馆提示您” “请将贵重物品及现金交总台保管” 英语翻译您好 我是来面试的 请帮我找一下Mr.XX 英语自我介绍 面试各位尊敬的面试老师您好!很高兴参加本次面试,我的名字叫XX,来自XX,今年21岁,我是一个性格外向的男孩,喜欢街舞,我希望我的表现能让您满意, 英语翻译1.尊敬的老师,您好,我是xx号考生xxx,来自xxx,这个依山傍海的美丽城市.2.也许因为我是双子座的原因,我的性格比较多面,时而大方爽朗,时而安静细腻.3.正是这种亦动亦静的性格,让我在 英语翻译尊敬的***:您好,我是xxx公司的xx部门经理xxx.得知我公司优秀员工xxx想要出国深造,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰.在我看来这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来. 英语翻译尊敬的***:您好,我是xxx公司的xx部门经理xxx.得知我公司优秀员工xxx想要出国深造,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰.在我看来这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来. 英语翻译1.尊敬的老师,您好,我是xx号考生xxx,来自xxx,这个依山傍海的美丽城市.2.也许因为我是双子座的原因,我的性格比较多面,时而大方爽朗,时而安静细腻.3.正是这种亦动亦静的性格,让我在 英语翻译请格外英文好的朋友帮我翻译封中文信,内容:您好,我是贵站的会员,我的帐户:XXX ,贵公司于XX月XX日为我重发的支票已经收到,我还有另一帐户XXX,XX月XX日寄出的支票还没收到,请为我 英语翻译尊敬的X小姐您好:非常感谢您在繁忙之中审阅了本人的求职简历,并给予进一步应聘的机会.已按要求完成“申请表”,详情请见附件.再次回顾,此次招聘“XX”的职位要求,相信我符合