
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 18:35:32


One night in Beijing!I leftout too much love!
Doesn't matter if you love it or not because is all history!
One night in Beijing!I leftout too much love
Don't ask for direction because you'll fall in the trap of love!
Lead singer sang in Chinese Opera woman voice a thousand years ago:
They all say the trap of love.
A pair of old couples!
Making shoes of love!
A old man with the calm face!
Still waiting on the return of that gal!
One night in Beijing,Take it easy on drinking!
Around the Dee-Ann Gate,yay,You'll be touch by the false love!
One night in Beijing,I leftout too much love!
Men who drinks up a lot!Will be the Wolf pack of East!
They say the Wolf pack of East!
Will stand up strong,outside the huge gates!
All wearing wear-out armor!
Screaming outside the Iron Gate,With Tears!
One thousand years:why don't she want to come back!
One thousand years:why don't he want to come back!
One night in Beijing,I leftout too much love!
Don't ask for direction because you will stir up the sprirt of love!
One night in Beijing,I leftout too much love!
Don't ask for direction because you will end up at Dee-Ann!
I don't want to ask for direction!
I don't want to worry for your history!
Thinking about your heart!Thinking about your face!
It is really hard to let go in my heart!
One night in Beijing!One night in Beijing!One night in Beijing!One night in Beijing!
End of the song!



英语翻译我个人觉得这首歌很有意思,也很有民族代表性,想把它介绍给一位外国朋友,可是本人不才,有些词句不知道怎样翻译才妥当,所以特来求助,希望英语高手能帮帮忙,呵呵!我指的是歌词, 英语翻译我个人觉得叫 ken zhang 英语翻译:你觉得什么活动有意思? 英语翻译这是一部小说中的一个称谓!个人很喜欢觉得这名字怪有意思的!想把它翻译成各种语言! 英语翻译个人觉得语法不对 我觉得英语很有意思 用英语怎么说 本人要句有意思的个人说明我想要句比较贱的个人说明 英语翻译哈哈 超级有意思 聪明的人不要觉得我无聊就行了 哈哈哈哈哈第一个单词有点:跑偏了“ 英语翻译个人觉得我自己的翻译不是太好,外贸英语是什么? 猜个算术题,很有意思的啊.看谁能猜对..一元钱能买一瓶汽水,两个瓶子能换一瓶汽水,二十元钱能喝多少瓶汽水.最多能喝多少?我个人觉得不是39 遗传学有哪些值得看的书?麻烦推荐一些遗传学方面比较好的书籍,二楼的同学也谢谢,但我需要个人看过的,觉得有意思的推荐, 为什么每次都是这样 你觉得有意思吗?用英语翻译一下 英语翻译觉得这篇很有意思 请高手帮忙尽可能准确的翻译 越想越觉得有意思是什么成语? 越想越觉得有意思是?成语? 英语翻译有意思极了! 一道数学题,我个人觉得很难, 我觉得马克思哲学很有意思,可是我就是学不懂,怎么办啊,好发愁.