
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 18:23:05


那么多啊 成长 那侧重他的家庭吧 他是单亲家庭
周杰伦,万千青少年为他的歌声而痴迷、崇拜的一位天王巨星 ,对母亲叶惠美有著似海深情,
因为在他最孤独最无助的时候 ,是妈妈用温暖爱的臂膀支撑著他.

周杰伦出生於1979年1 月,妈妈叶惠美是台北淡江小学的美术老师,爸爸是淡江中学的物理老 师.
周杰伦4岁读幼稚园时,叶惠美把他送到淡江山叶幼儿音乐班学钢琴 .
平时活泼好动的小杰伦一站到钢琴面前,竟是出奇的安静 ,听老师弹奏一遍自己就能复弹出来,
老师告诉叶惠美 ,这孩子很有天分!
为了培养杰伦的音乐素质,叶惠美主张拿出家中全部积蓄为杰伦买一架 好钢琴 ,
请最好的钢琴老师为杰伦辅导.而杰伦的爸爸则认为不必这麼认真 ,男孩子嘛,随意一点,
弄得杰伦爸很不高兴 .小学三年级时,杰伦偶然听到世界名曲《天鹅湖》 ,
被大提琴忧伤凄美的曲调迷住了,叶惠美没和丈夫商量又为杰伦购买 了大提琴.
家庭里的温馨越来越少,争吵越来越多.杰伦不知道爸爸为 什麼总要找妈妈吵闹,
从小到大只有妈妈的温暖为什麼我爸爸那麼凶 , 如果真的我有一双翅膀两双翅膀随时出发,
这伤感的诗行杰伦后来为它谱了曲,就是那首令万千歌迷伤感的《爸 ,我回来了》.
周杰伦初中二年级时,父母终於离婚.14 岁的周杰伦写道:「爸爸妈妈彼此没有爱,
难道这就是生命的真谛? 」沉默、倔强和叛逆已经塑造了另一个周杰伦.
前途一片黯淡,母子俩相对无言 ,难道儿子就这麼完了? 恰好淡江中学第一届音乐班正在招生,
因为弹得一手好钢琴,拉得一手好大提琴,又时常活跃在篮球场上 ,
周杰伦成为许多女同学关注和谈论的对象.但是,周杰伦却常常面无 表情,很少露出一丝笑容,
除了音乐成绩出类拔萃以外 ,其它科目成绩几乎全线红字,老师们纷纷认为他智力低下 ,
他的英语老师甚至直言不讳对叶惠美说周杰伦有智力障碍.叶 惠美陷入了深深的思索,
她还是决定要把杰伦培养成才 ,至少当一个钢琴师吧.叶惠美没有指责杰伦,
她认为杰伦走到今天冷漠、叛逆的地步是家庭 的不和睦造成的,
并且深信自己的孩子没有智力障碍 ,於是她尝试用姐弟式的关心来「驯服」周杰伦,
果然如老师们的预测,周杰伦没有考上大学.叶惠美多方打听后 ,鼓励杰伦去考台北大学音乐系,
结果他没有被录取 .周杰伦咬著牙考第二次,还是失败了.妈妈和外婆外公都为杰伦的前 途担忧,
极度迷惘的周杰伦无所事事,只好等待服海军兵役,这期间 ,竟得了僵直性脊椎炎,
令人沮丧的是这种病无法根治 ,只能靠药物缓解,到了晚期全身甚至会像僵尸一样僵硬 ,
每个月的工资几乎被扣掉了一半 . 餐厅中有一台钢琴,
一次闲暇时周杰伦弹了一曲《肖邦舞曲》 ,把老板惊呆了,老板灵机一动,
叫周杰伦不要端盘子了 ,就在餐厅弹琴,然后请来电视台记者炒作,不但使得餐厅生意火爆起 来,
叶惠美感受到了杰伦的音乐潜能,她替儿子在台北星光电视台娱乐节目 「超猛新人王」报了名.
周杰伦精心创作了一首歌曲《梦有翅膀》 ,但他对自己的演唱实在没信心,请了一位歌手演唱.
演唱者不能理解他的曲风,而他的钢琴伴奏又显得怪异 ,弄得台下听众嘘声一片,
叶惠美急了,性格内向的她鼓起勇气找到了主持人吴宗宪,把 《梦有翅膀》的曲谱拿给他看 .
应付似的拿起曲谱扫了一眼,却是眼睛一亮,歌谱不仅抄写得工工整整 ,而且谱得十分复杂.
慧眼的他立即改变了主意:「这孩子还可以 ,明天叫他到我公司来上班!」
周杰伦进了音乐公司任音乐制作助理,在妈妈的鼓励下 ,每天主动帮同事们买盒饭,
生怕他无意中把老板和员 工们得罪了,於是常常在下班时间站在公司门口,
准备一些可口的比萨 、炸鸡送给员工,请他们包涵杰伦.
周杰伦很快创作出大量的歌曲,但让吴宗宪感到不可理解的是 ,他创作的歌词总是怪怪的,
音乐圈内几乎没有人喜欢.一次 ,周杰伦又拿著自己的得意之作送给吴宗宪审读.
这次吴宗宪连看都不看,便将那首歌曲揉成一团,随手丢进身边的垃圾桶里去了 .
是放弃还是继续?妈妈每天来公司门口已经成为一道风景线,如果放弃 ,太对不起妈妈了,
周杰伦硬著头皮支撑著,他吃住都在办公室 ,以每天一首歌的速度进行创作 .
叶惠美每天晚上都到公司看望杰伦,望著日渐消瘦的儿子 ,她强忍著不让自己的泪水流出来,
尽量说一些鼓励的开心的话 ,然后将杰伦换下的脏衣服拿回去洗乾净.
一连一个多月,吴宗宪每天早上八点钟上班时,总能准时见到周杰伦新 的作品.
终於,他被这位小伙子的勤奋和天赋深深地感动了,他「嗅 」出了周杰伦的歌曲隐隐有一种味道,
吴宗宪将周杰伦的《眼泪知道》推荐给天王歌星刘德华 ,刘德华看了一眼就拒绝了.
不久,又将他的《双节棍 》推荐给火爆华语歌坛的张惠妹,没料想,张惠妹也毫不犹豫地拒绝了 .
吴宗宪决定给周杰伦最后一次机会,让他自己演唱自己创作的歌曲 ,如果这样也不行,
如果你能写出50首歌,而我可以从中挑出 10首,那么我就帮你出唱片.」
老板的话刺激得周杰伦兴奋不已,他打电话告诉妈妈后就跑到街上买回 一大箱方便面.
周杰伦熬红了双眼如约写出了50首歌曲,而且每一首都写得结构合理,谱得工工整整 .
吴宗宪终于有了赞许的笑容,他挑选出 10首,2001年初制成了周杰伦的第一张专辑《Jay》.
然而《Jay》横空出世后,犹如一场猛烈的台风横扫台湾 ,很快被歌迷抢购一空 .
《Jay》一举夺得台湾当年最佳流行音乐演唱专辑 、最佳制作人和最佳作曲人三项大奖.
《Jay》的成功让公司始料不及,让台湾的歌星们大跌眼镜 ,纷纷询问哪里冒出来的周杰伦?
席卷了大陆、港台 、东南亚整个华语歌坛,各种大奖纷至沓来.
周杰伦终於成功了,他深深明白,没有妈妈黑暗中明灯般的温暖 ,他支撑不到今天,
妈妈为他一直未再嫁,点点滴滴都是舐犊之情 .他将所有的收入都交给妈妈掌管,
尽管自己有了公寓 ,每个周末依然回家,同妈妈、外婆一起享受天伦之乐.
叶惠美更是百感交集,当年丈夫的讥讽、老师的摇头 、生活的艰辛都随风而去.
叶惠美退休后,周杰伦总担心妈妈寂寞,只要在台湾 ,他都回家同妈妈住在一起.
周末时,他会约上妈妈一起去看午夜场的 电影,妈妈喜欢看经典片,周杰伦就陪著看,
而周杰伦喜欢看的前卫片 ,叶惠美也陪著儿子看,幸福的暖流萦绕在母子心
Jay Chou from the breakdown of the family "is willing to pay for the mother of all"
Jay Chou, thousands of young people singing and for his obsession, a cult of superstars, Ye Huimei mother of a deep sea,
Because he alone will not help the most, with warm and loving mother is the arm of his support.
So Jay Chou has been said, "As long as my mother happy, I am willing to pay her for all!"

Musical genius of the breakdown of family
Jay Chou was born in January 1979, Ye Huimei mother is Taipei's Tamkang primary school art teacher, is the father of physics at Tamkang Middle School teacher.
Jay Chou 4-year-old kindergarten, he was sent to Ye Huimei Tamkang child Yamaha piano music school.
Usually lively and active Jelloun a small stand in front of the piano, was surprisingly quiet and listen to the teachers themselves will be able to play again to resume pop,
Ye Huimei told the teacher that this child is gifted!
In order to cultivate quality of the music Jelloun, Ye Huimei come up with ideas at home for all of their savings to buy a good piano Jelloun,
The best piano teacher for guidance Jelloun. Jelloun and father do not have to think carefully so that boys do as they please,
No need to come up with all of their savings to invest. Finally, still carrying her husband to Yehui Mei Jelloun bought a piano,
Jelloun father is very upset. Third grade, Jelloun chance to hear songs in the world, "Swan Lake"
Cello was sad melody fascinated by the beauty, Yehui Mei and her husband did not discuss Jelloun for the purchase of a cello.
Jelloun father to his wife Ye Huimei "desperate" turned up their noses and go home, he is not accused of Ye Huimei,
The family's home less and less, more and more bickering. Jelloun do not know why the father of the total noise to find his mother,
He used his line poem tender note of his sad and confused:
From small to large, only the warmth of his mother why my father Name Xiong, if I have a pair of wings wings double-double at any time,
I will start secretly taken away by my mother?
This sad poem line Jelloun it was the music spectrum, it is the first to make thousands of fans sad, "Dad, I come back."
Jay Chou second-year junior high school, the parents finally divorce. 14-year-old Jay Chou wrote: "The parents did not love each other,
Is this the true meaning of life? "Silence, stubborn and rebellious has created another Jay Chou.
Bushi Jun depression in the world around
Jay Chou music talent, but the homework is bad. High school joint entrance exam scores, only more than 100 points, even ordinary high school has not admitted to,
Future is bleak, mother and son were relatively silent, do so on his end? Tamkang just the first secondary school music students are,
Jay Chou admitted.
As a good first-hand piano playing, drawing a good hand cello, and often active in the basketball court,
Jay Chou has become concerned about the number of female students and to talk about the subject. However, Chou often poker-faced, showing little trace of a smile,
In addition to the outstanding performance of music, almost all other subjects, results Scarlet Letter, teachers have his mental retardation,
His English teacher even call a spade a spade on the Yehui Mei Chou said that there is mental retardation. Ye Huimei into deep thought,
She decided to become foster Jelloun should at least be a pianist it. Ye Huimei not blame Jelloun,
Jelloun today that she went cold, treason is the point where the family live is not caused by,
And convinced that their children not mental retardation, and she tried to use the interest-siblings to "tame" Jay Chou,
Itself the "three noes": no nagging, no blame, not coercion son.
Sure enough, such as teachers forecasts, Jay Chou has not admitted to university. Ye Huimei multi ask, to encourage the Jelloun to take Taipei University Department of Music,
He has not accepted the results. Jay Chou teeth of the second test, or failed. Grandfather, grandmother and mother are worried about the future of Jelloun,
This is what the children will be able to do?
Jay Chou's nothing extreme confusion, the Navy had no choice but to wait for the service of military service, this time, has had ankylosing spondylitis,
It was disappointing that the disease is incurable and can only rely on medication to alleviate that by the body even as late as rigid corpse,
May also lead to paralysis. Ye Huimei and grandmother talking about Jelloun cry on.
Maternal care has been soaring in the next
To alleviate some of the disease, Jay Chou to work at a restaurant as a side plate of the work from time to time because he knocked plate dishes,
Monthly wages deducted by almost half. Restaurants have a piano,
Jay Chou leisure time when a bomb the "Dance of Chopin," the boss was shocked, owner of inspiration,
Do not tell Jay Chou Duan Panzi, playing in the restaurant, and then invited television reporters speculation not only makes a restaurant popular with business,
It also saves a lot of requests pianist.
Ye Huimei Jelloun feel the potential of the music, for her son in Taipei, Star TV entertainment programs, "Wang Chao Meng new people" who had been reported.
Jay Chou created an elaborate song "Dreams have wings," but his singing is not confidence, a concert singer.
He can not understand the artist's style and his piano accompaniment seems strange, make an audience boos,
A fledgling show a complete screw up.
Ye Huimei anxious, introverted personality, she found the courage to host Jacky Wu, the "wings have a dream" to show he could score.
At that time, Wu is Taiwan's Alpha Music's boss, Jay Chou for his first impression was not good,
To deal with like to take up a score of the sweep, but it is eyes, not only copying a sheet Gonggongzhengzheng, and a very complex spectrum.
The eye, he immediately changed his mind: "The child can also be tomorrow's, I asked him to come to work!"
Jay Chou's music into any music production assistant in her mother's encouragement, take the initiative to help my colleagues every day to buy lunch,
Members of this quiet but diligent young man with a good impression. Ye Huimei and the total apathy and stubborn worry Jelloun, Bushanyanci,
The fear that his boss unintentionally offended and employees, so often work in time to stand in front of the company,
To prepare some delicious pizza, fried chicken to employees, asking them to bear with Jelloun.
One to two years, Ye Huimei company also familiar with the staff than Jay Chou, Jay Chou colleagues all know that there is a good mother.
Jay Chou will soon create a lot of songs, but Wu was not so understandable is that he composed the lyrics are always strange,
Music circle almost no one likes. First, with Jay Chou and Wu to the finest creations of their own reading.
Wu did not even look at this, the songs that will rub together, pick him into the trash gone.
Jay Chou can not help the tears flow out.
Is to give up or continue? Mother every day at the entrance to the company has become a scenic, if given up, I am sorry my mother too,
Jay Chou had to sustain his room and board are in the office each day, a rate of creation of the song.
Ye Huimei every night to see the company Jelloun, looked at the growing weight of his son, she tried not let their tears flow,
Some said that as far as possible to encourage the happy, and then replace the dirty clothes Jelloun get washed back.
Series of more than a month, Wu eight o'clock every morning to go to work, always on time to see Jay Chou's new works.
In the end, he was the young man's talent and hard work are deeply moved that he "sniffed" out of Jay Chou's songs have a faint smell,
He promised to find a singer singing the song.
Wu Chou will "know the tears," King recommended to the pop star Andy Lau, Andy Lau refused to look.
Soon, he will "nunchakus" recommend to the popular music of the Chinese Chang Hui-mei, did not expect, did not hesitate to Chang Hui-mei also rejected.
Jay Chou Wu decided to give one last chance and let him sing his own song, so if we can not,
He had no choice but to leave the Jay Chou please! He will be called the Office of the Jay Chou, very seriously, said: "Aaron, give you 10 days,
If you can write 50 songs, and I can single out 10, then I will help you out of the record. "
The boss Jay Chou was so excited to stimulate, he called to tell her mother went to the street after buying back a large box of instant noodles.
He would like to, Pin Leming is also the last to do the fighting.
Jay Chou boiled red eyes like to write about 50 songs, and each written in capital structure is reasonable, too Gonggongzhengzheng spectrum.
Wu praised finally smile, he selected 10, early in 2001 made the Jay Chou's first album "Jay".
This record companies did not have much hope, be able to recover the cost of production even if the good.
However, "Jay" Heng Kong born, as if a strong typhoon swept across Taiwan, fans quickly snapped up.
"Jay" won Taiwan's pop music concert was the best album, best producer and best composer award three people.
"Jay" Let's unexpected success, so that Taiwan singers who give consent, have asked where to come out of Jay Chou?
If the first album Xiaoyouchengjiu, then, Jay Chou second album "Fantasy" has created a storm,
Swept through mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Southeast Asia, the entire Chinese music, attracted a variety of awards.
Jay Chou was finally successful, he is fully aware that her mother did not like the dark light of the warm, he can not support today,
His mother did not remarry, bit by bit calf lap are feeling. He will have all the income to the mother in charge,
Although the apartment has its own, and still go home every weekend with her mother, grandmother to enjoy family happiness.
Ye Huimei is more mixed feelings when her husband's ridicule, the teacher shook his head, life is hard wind.
Ye Huimei retirement, General Jay Chou lonely mother worried, as long as Taiwan, he returned home with his mother to live with.
Over the weekend, he will go along with her mother at about midnight movie market, my mother liked to watch classic films, accompanied on Jay Chou,
Jay Chou and like to watch the avant-garde films, Ye Huimei also accompanied his son, linger in the warm current of well-being of mother and child center


Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan. Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song ove...


Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan. Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan. I would like to bless his fortune and good luck. I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world.


Jay Chou (traditional Chinese: 周杰伦; simplified Chinese: 周杰伦; pinyin: Zhōu Jiélún; Wade-Giles: Chou Chieh-lun; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Chiu Kia̍t-lûn) (born January 18, 1979) is...


Jay Chou (traditional Chinese: 周杰伦; simplified Chinese: 周杰伦; pinyin: Zhōu Jiélún; Wade-Giles: Chou Chieh-lun; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Chiu Kia̍t-lûn) (born January 18, 1979) is a Taiwanese musician, singer, producer, actor and director who has won the World Music Award four times. He is well-known for composing all his own songs and songs for other singers. In 1998 he was discovered in a talent contest where he displayed his piano and song-writing skills. Over the next two years, he was hired to compose for popular Chinese singers. Although he was trained in classical music, Chou combines Chinese and Western music styles to produce songs that fuse R&B, rock and pop genres, covering issues such as domestic violence, war, and urbanization.
周杰伦出道即迅速走红,获奖丰富[1],成为华语音乐市场中的畅销异数,其广大影响力曾形成所谓“周杰伦现象”[2]。 并于出道第三年(2003年)登上《时代杂志》封面人物[3],该杂志将之誉为“猫王化身”(Elvis factor) [4]。2004年雅典奥运会中曾播放其作品《双节棍》、《龙拳》。近年跨足电影界,参与多部电影演出,获得金马奖“最佳新演员奖”肯定,亦尝试导演兼演出,获得耀眼的票房纪录。




2008年11月25日由国际劳工组织发起,国务院预防艾滋病办公室以及非营利机构中国企业联合会,中华全国总工会,中国劳动和社会保障部的大力支持下,共同组织的“老乡帮老乡,预防艾滋病”的健康行动启动仪式在京举行。由“外来工艾滋病预防”爱心大使王宝强主演、顾长卫执导的公益广告首次发布。短片生动幽默,给人一种回到了卓别林黑白默片时代的直观感受。 赞
