the differences between irony and sarcasm?

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the differences between irony and sarcasm?

the differences between irony and sarcasm?
the differences between irony and sarcasm?

the differences between irony and sarcasm?
Irony —Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant,the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense.This form of irony is called verbal irony,and differs from the stylistic device of dramatic irony.
  In everyday life we often hear people using irony in their speech,though they may not be conscious of it.For instance,they may call a very thin boy “Fatty”,or a very fat one “Skinny.” Similarly we may hear people saying,“Oh,how I love queuing up” when in fact they hate it.
  However,not all verbal irony is of this light and humorous type.More often it is used to veil feelings in a subtle way,using words of praise where condemnation is meant,and vice versa; such irony can be light or heavy,depending on the circumstances.
  Below are some examples of light irony:
  (1) We are lucky.It’s the other side on the thirteenth of December.That makes us feel real good.(David Parks:G.I.Diary)
  (The writer means exactly the opposite of what he says.13 is an unlucky number to most Westerners,and therefore they are definitely not lucky.And since on that date (Dec.13) they will land “on the other side” of the Pacific,in Vietnam,to fight in the Vietnam War,they don’t feel good at all.In fact,they are all quite frightened at the prospect.)
  (2) I just adore mosquitoes.
  Dramatic irony —In addition to verbal or rhetorical irony,there is also dramatic irony,or structural irony,sometimes called “irony of situation.” Dramatic irony typically takes the form of a discrepancy between appearance and reality,or between what a character expects and what actually happens.
  Words or actions are understood as ironic by the audience or reader,though not by the characters.In Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello,the title character repeatedly describes treacherous Iago as “honest.” Misled by Iago’s lies,Othello becomes convinced that his innocent wife is dishonest.Othello recognizes Iago’s deceptions only at the tragic conclusion of the play.
  Sarcasm is just the strong form of irony.It attacks in a taunting and bitter manner,and its aim is to disparage,ridicule and hurt the feelings of the subject in question.
  For example:
  Magnus … Frankly,I have been accustomed to regard your President as a statesman whose mouth was the most efficient part of his head…
(George Bernard Shaw,The Apple Cart)