Acoustic Line Seeburg

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Acoustic Line Seeburg

Acoustic Line Seeburg
Acoustic Line Seeburg

Acoustic Line Seeburg
Acoustic Line Seeburg 历 史 SEEBURG acoustic line GmbH – History 1985 – Mr. Winfried Seeburg founded the company. Being a musician himself, he already had built some small PA systems for his own bands and some friends, now starting to make a business out of it. Besides modifications of existing loudspeaker designs, the production of flightcases was a mainstay of the company. 1985年-Winfried Seeburg先生创立了SEEBURG acoustic line.作为音乐家出身的他,在创立SEEBURG acoustic line前已经为他自己的乐队自造了一些小型的PA系统.后来这些原本自用的器材凭着的先进设计,独当一面的品质竟意外地在音乐圈中广泛流传,于是Winfried Seeburg先生决定成立SEEBURG acoustic line品牌并开始量产. 1989 – Introduction of the TK115 top and E18 subwoofer, one of the first affordable PA - systems utilizing 2” Horn drivers 1989年-推出TK115高端系列和E18超低,开创了带有2” 号角单元的高性价比的PA系统的先河. 1991 - Introduction of the first complete line of self-designed speakers 1991年-Winfried Seeburg先生在专业音响领域的过人天份得以完全发挥,在当年推出了完全自行设计的,涵盖各种用途的全系列专业音箱. 1992 – First attendance at the Prolight & Sound Frankfurt, introduction of the Konzert-Series, now on tour with well known national artists. 1992年-携品质超卓的SEEBURG acoustic line全系列专业音箱,首次参加业界的盛会――法兰克福Prolight & Sound展览会,并隆重推出了全新Konzert系列.此系列至今还在众多国家级的艺术家的表演中广泛应用,赢尽口碑. 1993 – Development of the C-Series for the MI-Market, the company moves from the small shop to the industrial centre of Neu-Ulm 1993年-专门为MI-Market研发C系列,同期,因为SEEBURG acoustic line的不断发展,公司迁移到德国南部的工业重镇Neu-Ulm. 1994 – Introduction of the fully hornloaded TKE212/E218 system. 1994年-推出全新全部装载高性能号角的TKE212/E218 系列. 1998 - Development of the Touring Series (TSE System) in cooperation with several rental companies who needed a system for large Open Air festivals and touring. 1998年-应一大型的露天航空节的演出需求而开发TSE 系列,并获得空前的成功. 1999 - Move from Neu-Ulm to the historical factory building (4.000m2) in Senden-Freudenegg, the company now grows up with 15 employees and many freelancers. 1999年-SEEBURG acoustic line公司再次因为发展的需要迁移到一座位于Senden-Freudenegg历史悠久的面积4000平方的建筑内. 2001 - Introduction of the K2/B1801 System which rapidly sets a standard for medium sized PA systems in Germany. 2001年-推出全新K2/B1801系统,随即成为德国中型PA 系统的领航标. 2002 – Purchase of a CNC milling machine for enhanced production quality and quantity 2002年-随着购入更先进的生产线,产品和产量更跃上新的台阶. 2003 - Introduction of the Atelier Series. The newly developed DPC (dual pattern control) horn is applied in the A6 and A8. 2003年-推出可旋转号角,钕金属单元,独特吊挂系统等先进技术的A系列.而其中A6和A8更应用带有DPC(双模控制)号角. 2004 – Seeburg acoustic line products are now available in more than 25 countries worldwide 2004年-Seeburg acoustic line的产品行销25个国家. 2005 - Introduction of the Galeo Line Array system 2005年-推出高性能钕錋单元的Galeo(伽利略)线性阵列. 2006 – All systems are now being produced with a rugged and weather resistant Polyurea coating coating 2006年-全部产品的箱体均涂上更加坚固的防水地板漆.

Seeburg Acoustic Line 德国顶级的专业音响品牌
