托福TPO5 conversation1 的第四题,为什么选A(要恭维)呢,我只选了C,

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托福TPO5 conversation1 的第四题,为什么选A(要恭维)呢,我只选了C,

托福TPO5 conversation1 的第四题,为什么选A(要恭维)呢,我只选了C,
托福TPO5 conversation1 的第四题,为什么选A(要恭维)呢,我只选了C,

托福TPO5 conversation1 的第四题,为什么选A(要恭维)呢,我只选了C,
建议你下次问问题的 时候把题目贴上,这样你就可以很快得到答案了.
第四题是根据女生的问题给出的解决方案.女生的问题是:1.课程太Impersonal.2.她想要突出自己distinguish myself.因此答案是C和D.不知道你哪里看到的答案.网上很多答案是错的我.的确没有要表扬的意思.所以A是错误的.

托福TPO5 conversation1 的第四题,为什么选A(要恭维)呢,我只选了C, I don't think that would do you much good托福 TPO23 conversation1 求翻译 最好有直译加意译 托福TPO8听力section1中的conversation1第二题为什么是B,比较不能理解,我比较倾向于A, 托福TPO5阅读45对38,听力34对24.分别有多少分?希望确定的人回答,不要乱回答.谢谢! 英语翻译conversation1 2 3 都要! tpo阅读-推荐比较难的9,12香港考托福-现在在做文勇,TPO9在我觉得OG阅读极其简单之后被我在刚开始练的时候就很狂妄的做完了,但是错的挺多,平均错四、五个.现在做到TPO5 一般错1到2个,多的话3 托福TPO5月球那个lecture 有一处不明意思,求讲解就是以一句话,last week, we covered somee arguments against going back to the moon. But there are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too, um... not the least of which 托福 TPO5 阅读 第二篇The originof the Pacific island people中第二段是这样的Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islanders began as soon as outsiders encountered them,in the absence of solid linguistic,archaeological,and biologica 关于托福TPO5 第二篇阅读的问题:求详细分析下面的句子成分Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lostand adrift,it seems reasonable that thisfeat w 托福 TPO5 的综合写作求评分== great house的那个In the lecture,the professor argues that the Chaco structures are notused for residential,food storage,nor ceremonial centers,which differs fromthe main idea in the reading that Chaco were us 托福综合写作求评分,TPO5的 great houseIn the listening material, what the professor says is completely differ from the state of the state in the reading material.Firsty, in the reading material, the writer supposed that the great house is 关于托福作文,TPO5的独立写作,求思路,Do you agree or disagree :people nowadays spend too much time on the things they like than the things they should do.我觉得这题目不是让分析现象出现的原因,也不是分析哪种比 托福, 托福真题谁有? 托福难考吗? 托福真题哪有~ 托福试题 托福单词