一题英语倒装句The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village.这句话的倒装句是什么?再帮我讲解下部分倒装和全部倒装~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 20:21:26
一题英语倒装句The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village.这句话的倒装句是什么?再帮我讲解下部分倒装和全部倒装~

一题英语倒装句The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village.这句话的倒装句是什么?再帮我讲解下部分倒装和全部倒装~
The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village.

一题英语倒装句The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village.这句话的倒装句是什么?再帮我讲解下部分倒装和全部倒装~
倒装有两种,一种是:完全倒装complete inversion,把主语和谓语完全颠倒过来;
另一种是:部分倒装partial inversion,只将 助动词(包括情态动词)移到主语之前.(总之,简单讲,倒装就是在动词位置上做文章)
你见过的,疑问句就是倒装句,she is a nice girl.Is she a nice girl?这里就是把be 动词放到主语的前面了.再比如,there be 句型,也是倒装句,因为be 之后才是主语:there are a lot of people in the room.
记住,一般 be、 come、 go 用完全倒装,Now comes your turn.现在轮到你了.there goes the bell.电铃响了.而像 so(肯定句),neither/nor (否定句)开头的句子用部分倒装.比如:I went there yesterday,so did she.我昨天去那了,她也去了.did 是助动词,应该用went.用did 是帮助句子简洁,避免重复用went.
I don't like apple,neither does he.我不喜欢苹果,他也不喜欢.
现在再来看你说的句子,读完句子,发现这是个主从复合句,主句的谓语是killed,从句是which 前面的.似乎看起来是主语从句,因为谓语前是主语嘛,而这里的killed 前面是一个句子(and 连接的并列句),好的,这时看这个并列句,是“飞机呼啸而过和炸弹投掷下来”的意思,再看后面,“杀死了这个村庄 的几乎所有人”.那么,试问,飞机飞过和炸弹扔下来可以杀人吗?应该是炸弹杀人,对吧?(如果飞机轰轰飞过就杀人,那么地球早该没人了.玩笑).
所以,这里,首先是and 连接的并列句,然后在这个并列句里,and 的后面 the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village是一个主从复合句,定语从句,“杀死所有村民的炸弹投下来”.什么样的炸弹呢?用“杀死所有的村民”=killed almost all the people in the village来做定语.这个定语修饰the bombs主语,应该是,the bombs which killed almost all the people in the village came down .可是作者把came down提前面来了,相当于把谓语放到主语的位置上了,根据我前面讲的倒装句的基本知识,凡是把谓语位置提前的句子是倒装句,那么这个句子,你明白了吧,也是倒装句.那么作者为什么要倒装呢?当然,常识,先扔炸弹,掉下来了,爆了,才杀死人.这里是为了强调事件的发生是按时间顺序.由上所述,这是一个含有表强调的倒装句的复杂并列句式.
that's all !

The plane roared over,and down came the bombs which killed almost all the people in the village.
今天先讲全部倒装:up, down;in,out; off, away,on,over
1 she came in ----- in she came.
the girl ca...


The plane roared over,and down came the bombs which killed almost all the people in the village.
今天先讲全部倒装:up, down;in,out; off, away,on,over
1 she came in ----- in she came.
the girl came in ----- in came the girl.
2 the work goes on day and night-------on goes the work day and night.
it goes on day and night.------- on it goes day and night.
3 the man went over to help her.------- over went the man to help her.
he went over to help her.over------- over he went to help her.
(今天就这么多,下次再to be continued)


首先要搞清楚什么是倒装 就是主语和谓语动词的顺序颠倒了
举个很简单的例子 就是初中学的一般疑问句 就是典型的倒装
Are you a student? 这个是全部倒装
Do you like English? 这是部分倒装(就是部分谓语在主语前面,既是助动词)


首先要搞清楚什么是倒装 就是主语和谓语动词的顺序颠倒了
举个很简单的例子 就是初中学的一般疑问句 就是典型的倒装
Are you a student? 这个是全部倒装
Do you like English? 这是部分倒装(就是部分谓语在主语前面,既是助动词)
