英语翻译Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.& Endl.) H.Robinson] is an under-exploited root crop [fam.Asteraceae] originally cultivated in Andean South America.Like the related “Jerusalem artichoke”,Helianthus tuberosus,the plant produces

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:31:15
英语翻译Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.& Endl.) H.Robinson] is an under-exploited root crop [fam.Asteraceae] originally cultivated in Andean South America.Like the related “Jerusalem artichoke”,Helianthus tuberosus,the plant produces

英语翻译Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.& Endl.) H.Robinson] is an under-exploited root crop [fam.Asteraceae] originally cultivated in Andean South America.Like the related “Jerusalem artichoke”,Helianthus tuberosus,the plant produces
Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.& Endl.) H.Robinson] is an under-exploited root crop [fam.Asteraceae] originally cultivated in Andean South America.Like the related “Jerusalem artichoke”,Helianthus tuberosus,the plant produces large tuberous roots similar to sweet potatoes in appearance,with a rather sweeter taste due to an abundance of soluble carbohydrates such as fructose,glucose,sucrose,and fructosylsucrose (FOS,GF2-9) (1),but lacking starch,which makes it potentially beneficial in the diet of diabetics (2).The roots of yacon also contain considerable amounts of phenolic compounds (2030 mg/kg) with a predominance of chlorogenic acid (2,3) and caffeic acid derivatives (4).As natural antioxidants,these compounds have an increasing importance to human health,as they may protect cell membranes against damage by oxygen radicals and its consequences in cardiovascular disease and cancer.Therefore,it is very important to avoid oxidation of phenols in yacon to maintain the dietary value of these roots.Yacon root is sometimes used in home cooking,but it is not a common foodstuff because of its poor shelf life,and the rapid browning of the juice or injured tissues.In many localities throughout the Andes,the fresh root is eaten like a “fruit”,due to its juiciness,sweet taste,and relatively low energy value; but farmers in Peru,Brazil,and Japan produce a number of processed yacon products,such as air-dried tuber slices,unrefined yacon syrup,which has the consistency of honey and can be marketed as a dietetic sweetener,and other products (1,2,5).During the processing of these products,it is necessary to control enzymatic browning by thermal treatment,addition of antioxidant,or both.

英语翻译Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.& Endl.) H.Robinson] is an under-exploited root crop [fam.Asteraceae] originally cultivated in Andean South America.Like the related “Jerusalem artichoke”,Helianthus tuberosus,the plant produces
Yacon[Smallanthus sonchifolius(Poepp.和基础性研究工作.)h罗宾逊)是一根作物(fam仍然未能得到有效开发.最初在菊科南美安第斯山脉.如有关“菊芋”、向日葵tuberosus,我厂生产大型块根相似外观甜土豆味甜,而是由于丰富的可溶性碳水化合物,如果糖、葡萄糖水、蔗糖、fructosylsucrose(详细说明,GF2 - 9)(1),但缺乏淀粉,这使得它可能有益的日常饮食中糖尿病(2).yacon根也含有大量的酚类化合物(2030毫克/公斤)的优势,绿原酸(2、3)和caffeic酸衍生物(4).作为天然抗氧化剂,这些化合物已经越来越重要,对人体健康,因为他们可以保护细胞膜免受损伤,其后果由氧自由基在心血管疾病和癌症.因此,它是非常重要的yacon中酚类避免氧化保持营养价值的根源.Yacon根有时用于家乡菜,但它是一种不常见的食品,因为其拙劣的保质期,并迅速变果汁或受伤的组织.在很多地方,整个安第斯山脉的根源是吃新鲜水果”,像“因其juiciness、味甜、相对较低的能量的价值,但农民在秘鲁、巴西、日本产生大量的加工yacon产品,如空气,未精制yacon块茎片,它具有一致性糖浆,蜂蜜,可作为“饮食甜味剂,和其他的产品(1、2、5).这些产品在加工过程中,有必要对控制酶褐变,除了通过热处理的抗氧化剂,或两者兼而有之

Yacon [ Smallanthus sonchifolius ( Poepp. & Endl 。 )鲁宾逊]是根据捕捞块根[家族。菊科]原来种植南美安第斯共同体。如有关“菊芋” ,菊芋,该工厂生产大型块根类似红薯在外观上,以味道更甜,而由于大量的可溶性碳水化合物,如果糖,葡萄糖,蔗糖,并fructosylsucrose (原GF2 -9 ) ( 1 ) ,但仍缺乏淀粉,这使得它有可能有利于糖尿...


Yacon [ Smallanthus sonchifolius ( Poepp. & Endl 。 )鲁宾逊]是根据捕捞块根[家族。菊科]原来种植南美安第斯共同体。如有关“菊芋” ,菊芋,该工厂生产大型块根类似红薯在外观上,以味道更甜,而由于大量的可溶性碳水化合物,如果糖,葡萄糖,蔗糖,并fructosylsucrose (原GF2 -9 ) ( 1 ) ,但仍缺乏淀粉,这使得它有可能有利于糖尿病患者的饮食( 2 ) 。的根源yacon也含有大量的酚类化合物( 2030毫克/千克)与占主导地位的绿原酸( 2 , 3 )和咖啡酸衍生物( 4 ) 。作为天然抗氧化剂,这些化合物具有的重要性日益增加对人类健康的,因为它们可以保护细胞膜的损害的氧自由基及其后果在心血管疾病和癌症。因此,这是非常重要的,以避免氧化酚类yacon保持膳食价值的根源。 Yacon根有时在家里做饭,但它并不是一个共同的食品,因为它穷人保质期,并迅速褐变的果汁或受伤的组织。在许多地方在整个安第斯山脉,是新鲜根像吃“水果” ,由于其juiciness ,甜味,和相对较低的能源价值,但农民在秘鲁,巴西和日本生产的一些加工yacon产品,如作为风干块茎切片,不登大雅之堂yacon糖浆,它的一致性,蜂蜜和可销售的饮食甜味剂,和其他产品( 1 , 2 , 5 ) 。在处理这些产品,有必要控制酶促褐变的热处理,除了抗氧化,或两者兼而有之。
