
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 05:38:59


I worked in a hospital at first.I did 2-3 surgeries every day.But later I became a volunteer doctor.My main task is operating for the patients from some poor countries.I usually operate on the plane.I also taught local doctors and nurses of some new technology and knowledge,so that they can help more people.This is a hard work but now I have been used to it.All we need is enough money,which enables us to continue our work.We hope that people can make some donation to support our work.

Originally, I work in a hospital. Done every day 2-3 surgery. But, later I became a volunteer doctor. My main task is to the poorest countries in surgery patients. I usually operate on the plane. I al...


Originally, I work in a hospital. Done every day 2-3 surgery. But, later I became a volunteer doctor. My main task is to the poorest countries in surgery patients. I usually operate on the plane. I also Professor of local doctors and nurses of new technology and knowledge. . So they can help more people. This is hard work but now I have been in the habit. We need all the things that have enough money to continue our work. We hope that the things people can donate to support our work.


I worked in a hospital at first. I did 2-3 surgeries every day. But later I became a volunteer doctor. My main task is operating for the patients from some poor countries. I usually operate on the pla...


I worked in a hospital at first. I did 2-3 surgeries every day. But later I became a volunteer doctor. My main task is operating for the patients from some poor countries. I usually operate on the plane. I also taught local doctors and nurses of some new technology and knowledge, so that they can help more people. This is a hard work but now I have been used to it. All we need is enough money, which enables us to continue our work. We hope that people can make some donation to support our work.


Amy对马医生进行了采访.下面请你以马医生的口吻描述他的工作.我原来在一家医院工作.每天做两到3个手术.但后来我成为了一名志愿者医生.我的主要工作是为贫穷的国家的病人做手术.我通常 请你以小记者的身份对你的同学过朋友进行采访,请他们谈谈自己的读书心得,以问答的形式把你们的谈话写下来.格式:我:.同学:. 以小记者的身份对小演奏家进行一次采访 穿越时空隧道,我们来到了西汉王朝,下面请你以记者的身份采访一下汉武帝. 如何对一名老师进行采访? 请你根据下面的家谱图 写一篇以amy'family tree为题的作文 要求不少于60词.00.00 求一篇对医生的采访范文主要是医生很出色 采访他的一项卓越医疗技术 怎么编写采访提纲?当记者要对采访对象进行采访的提纲 采访了一个医生用英语怎么说不要只写一种 英语作文:假如你是校园记者,上周末你对一些同学的周末活动进行了采访现在请你根据采访内容写调查报告.name:wanglin when:at4:00on saturday where:in the library when:at4 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,假如你是一名校园小记者,上周末你对一些同学的周末活动进行了采访,现在请你根据采访内容,给校报写一篇调查报告.Name When Where ActivitiesWangLi at 4:00 on Saturday in the li 根据表格内容,仿照例句,将话语补充完整.(英语题)我全部得分Bill是一位歌星,歌迷很想了解他上周的生活情况.你一记者的身份对他进行了采访.现在,请你根据采访记录一篇有关Bill的上周日 怎样采访一位医生冰邪要准备做一份采访稿 对象是一位资历深厚的老医生 我可以问哪些问题呢 请你根据下面的家谱图,写一篇以Amy'Fanily Tree为题的作文,要求不少于60词Dan Smith Nora Smith Alice Denver Peter Smith Rose Smith John Ben Mike Smith Amy Smith Linda Bill 单词医生,请你快给下面这些“病人”治病吧!cabage thoght fre单词医生,请你快给下面这些“病人”治病吧!cabage thoght freind arive thosand unhapily 英语 要对 太阳语.(采访结束了,记者该怎样进行报道呢?请你也来当一回小记者,写一则100字左右的文章报道这件事.) 学校开展以“人与环境”为主题的调查活动,如果你是学校派出的小记者,你要去采访环境专家,你会对这位专家提出那些问题?请你设计几个采访话题吧. amy is wearing a(yellow) coat ()()()is amy wearing 对划线部分进行提问