老师您好,请教您一个句子分析Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount,despite the fact that the discount rate generally is set below the cost of other sources of short-term funding available to a bank.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:42:41
老师您好,请教您一个句子分析Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount,despite the fact that the discount rate generally is set below the cost of other sources of short-term funding available to a bank.

老师您好,请教您一个句子分析Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount,despite the fact that the discount rate generally is set below the cost of other sources of short-term funding available to a bank.
Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount,despite the fact that the discount rate generally is set below the cost of other sources of short-term funding available to a bank.想问下,available to a bank在句子中做什么成分

老师您好,请教您一个句子分析Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount,despite the fact that the discount rate generally is set below the cost of other sources of short-term funding available to a bank.
Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount这是主句.剩下的是一个状语从句,其中that引导了同位语从句.同位语从句中的主干是 the discount rate is set..

available一般都做后置定语.例如 resources available(可利用的资源)
the cost of other sources of short-term funding available可利用的短期资金的其他来源 成本.所以这个available应该做了funding的后置定语.to a bank 在同位语从句中应该做了状语.

老师您好,请教您一个句子分析Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount,despite the fact that the discount rate generally is set below the cost of other sources of short-term funding available to a bank. 崔老师,您好,我想请教您一个问题,流动的水会影响超声波吗? 一个句子出现两个动词您好!高老师,我又来请教您了.老师不是说一个句子只能有一个动词.那为什么 I can sing and dance有两个动词呢?难道前面加了情态动词就可以一个句子写多个动词了吗? 您好老师 我想向您请教一个作文该怎么写 说孔子奋不顾身救了一个小孩 后来孩子爸爸 送一头牛作为您好老师 我想向您请教一个作文该怎么写 说孔子奋不顾身救了一个小孩 后来孩子爸爸 李老师 您好,我想问您一个字的读音. 请教老师一个句子分析Mary betrayed Bill by having a love affair.这里的by having 做什么成分,a love affair做什么成分 刘老师,您好!我想请教您一个问题.A是m*n的满秩矩阵(m 老师您好, 老师您好:请教1钱等于多少克?老师您好:非常感谢您给我在上次那个药方上的指点.使我明白了多少.这是宋代[太平圣惠方]里的1钱等于多少克? 刘老师您好!想请教您一个关于矩阵行列式的问题已知A,B均为n阶方阵,且|A|=2,|B|=4,则|(AB)^(-1)-2(AB)|=? 帮我翻译一个句子(英语);有困难可以请教老师或者同学. 老师,您好,下题我不知道怎样解答,所以需要老师您的帮助.能分析一下详细的解题过程吗?谢谢您 您好,我有几个英语句型向您请教,可以麻烦您帮忙分析一下句子的语法和句型结构,难点句型:(1)Inadequacy of energy resources or (more often) of the technologies and organizations for harvesting,converting,and distr 请教个英语句子分析.Yet bank shares rose and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls the use of judgment by management.这个what什么成分 enhance后面这个不是宾语从句吧 谢谢 老师您好,关于词义辨析自己选择b 请教新概念英语的一个句子the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old句子分析 老师您好,请教老师:This is the reason _______ he was late yesterday.为什么可以用that 向您请教英语语法您好!我特别想学好英语,但是我对语法还一无所知.我知道,一个句子,必须有主谓宾.我是不是可以这么理解:一个句子,必须有主谓宾,但是也可以有其他的修饰词.您能具体的