dark glasses在此句中什么意思?原句:Yesterday,the sun dawned bright and beautiful in a clear blue sky and city residents were scrambling for another accessory----dark glasses.还有scrambling for another accessory又怎么翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 09:41:33
dark glasses在此句中什么意思?原句:Yesterday,the sun dawned bright and beautiful in a clear blue sky and city residents were scrambling for another accessory----dark glasses.还有scrambling for another accessory又怎么翻译?

dark glasses在此句中什么意思?原句:Yesterday,the sun dawned bright and beautiful in a clear blue sky and city residents were scrambling for another accessory----dark glasses.还有scrambling for another accessory又怎么翻译?
dark glasses在此句中什么意思?
原句:Yesterday,the sun dawned bright and beautiful in a clear blue sky and city residents were scrambling for another accessory----dark glasses.
还有scrambling for another accessory又怎么翻译?

dark glasses在此句中什么意思?原句:Yesterday,the sun dawned bright and beautiful in a clear blue sky and city residents were scrambling for another accessory----dark glasses.还有scrambling for another accessory又怎么翻译?
dark glass: 太阳眼镜
scramble for:愿意是拼抢,争夺,这里是指争相购买.
scramble for another accessory: 争相购买又一种配饰
