The Dead Sea is below the sea level.我觉得below应该改为under吧?我觉得below才是竖直向下的意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:36:08
The Dead Sea is below the sea level.我觉得below应该改为under吧?我觉得below才是竖直向下的意思

The Dead Sea is below the sea level.我觉得below应该改为under吧?我觉得below才是竖直向下的意思
The Dead Sea is below the sea level.我觉得below应该改为under吧?

The Dead Sea is below the sea level.我觉得below应该改为under吧?我觉得below才是竖直向下的意思
below under两者均可表示数量方面的“少于”,但在现代英语中,以用 under 为多见.如:
He can’t be much below [under] sixty.他的年龄不可能比 60 岁小很多.
There were under forty people at the meeting.参加会议的人不足 40 人.
It took us under an hour.我们用了不到 1 个小时.
注:在现代英语中,below 表示“少于”,主要用于表示温度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的情况.如:
This place is below sea level.此地在海平面以下.
The temperature is two degrees below zero.温度是零下 2 度.
The Dead Sea is below the sea level是对的





例如:There is a clock above the...





例如:There is a clock above the window.


Please write your name below the line.




例如:There is a bridge over the river.


There is a cat under the table.




Is the Dead Sea saltier than the Pacific Ocean?中文翻译 The Dead Sea is below the sea level.求翻译并解析 英语翻译The Dead Sea The Dead Sea is not a sea.It's a big lake in the Jordan Valley.It is not a sea.The Jordan Ricer comes from the north.It runs into the Dead Sea.The lake is 400 metres below sea lecel.The sun is hot there and the water is salty Is the Dead Sea saltier than the Pacific Ocean?中文翻译,是六年级上册的英语书第十九页, 英译汉:when you swim in the sea,youwill find that the water is you know dead sea?fish can't live in it. The Dead Sea is below the sea level.我觉得below应该改为under吧?我觉得below才是竖直向下的意思 The King Is Dead 歌词 THE KING IS DEAD怎么样 英语翻译Look at these amazing lamps.They are made of jellyfish.When the jellyfish is dead,its body gives out light in the dark.An American company collects dead jellyfish from the sea and makes them into beautiful lamps What color is the sea? What color is the sea? dead的意思The cat is dead without ______(move) consider是动词吗the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. “considered” Is the old man a____or dead? The machine is dead的同义句 The wind is blowing _ the sea. Which is the ____(old)temple in your city?Today is the _____(hot) day of the year.Welcome to Splendid _____(Chinese).You can watch people climb on _____(knife).The Dead Sea is the _____(salty)sea on earth. 英语翻译For example,the Yellow River in China is actually yellow.The water carries a lot of yellow sand and this gives the river its colour.The Dead Sea in Israel has that name because it has too much salt.It is the saltiest sea on earth.No thing