economic assignmentLook into newspaper and website and find real choices made by individual,family,firm and government.思路:What scarce resources did each of them have?What choices did they make?What's their opportunity cost?Would they still make

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:31:23
economic assignmentLook into newspaper and website and find real choices made by individual,family,firm and government.思路:What scarce resources did each of them have?What choices did they make?What's their opportunity cost?Would they still make

economic assignmentLook into newspaper and website and find real choices made by individual,family,firm and government.思路:What scarce resources did each of them have?What choices did they make?What's their opportunity cost?Would they still make
economic assignment
Look into newspaper and website and find real choices made by individual,family,firm and government.
思路:What scarce resources did each of them have?
What choices did they make?
What's their opportunity cost?
Would they still make the same choice NOW?WHY?
Minimum 600 words are required.

economic assignmentLook into newspaper and website and find real choices made by individual,family,firm and government.思路:What scarce resources did each of them have?What choices did they make?What's their opportunity cost?Would they still make
第一段,introduction 和 finding比如家庭把买车的钱买了房子.小孩把看电影的钱买了书,公司把发展A项目的人员调到B项目.
第二段就是对opportunity cost下定义the next best choice foregone,然后插入图片,就是PPF的那个图.然后说资源是有限的,欲望(wants)无限.所以满足一个欲望后就得放弃另一个欲望.所以PPF里横坐标数值的增加,就会导致纵坐标的减少.然后开始举例子说明:重庆政府3年的财政收入是500亿.现在把钱花到种树上(choice they made),那么势必会减少对医疗保障(health care)的投入(opportunity cost)或者教育的投入(opportunity cost).
第三段 讲一下种树会带来什么好处,减少医疗保障和教育会有什么坏处.然后evaluation,就说多种树会让人民身体好,对医疗保障的依赖就会减少.但是对教育没什么帮助.
基本上就这样.这样写基本上85分没问题.多用一点academic 的单词你的分会更高!