
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 13:32:05


Eight-year-old Bruce Wayne falls into a cave where he encounters a swarm of bats. Bruce develops a fear of bats, and later urges his parents to leave an opera featuring bat-like creatures. Outside the theater, Bruce Wayne's parents are both killed in a robbery by mugger Joe Chill. Bruce blames himself for his parents' murder: had he not been frightened, the Waynes would not have encountered Chill. He is taken in by a mysterious instructor named Ducard and urged to become a ninja in the League of Shadows, but he instead returns to his native Gotham City resolved to end the mob rule that is strangling it.
Eight-year-old Bruce Wayne falls into a cave where he encounters a swarm of bats. Bruce develops a fear of bats, and later urges his parents to leave an opera featuring bat-like creatures. Outside the theater, Bruce Wayne's parents are both killed in a robbery by mugger Joe Chill. Bruce blames himself for his parents' murder: had he not been frightened, the Waynes would not have encountered Chill.
After coming of age, Bruce returns to Gotham City from Princeton University intent on killing Chill, whose prison sentence is being suspended in exchange for testifying against mob boss Carmine Falcone. One of Falcone's henchmen kills Chill. Bruce tells his childhood friend Rachel Dawes about his foiled plan, and she expresses disgust for his blind vengeance without regard for justice. Bruce confronts Falcone, who tells him that he is ignorant of the nature of crime, so Bruce decides to travel the world to understand the criminal mind. After nearly seven years, he is eventually detained in China for theft (ironically of Wayne Enterprises cargo), where he meets Henri Ducard. He invites Bruce to join an elite vigilante group, the League of Shadows, led by Ra's al Ghul. Bruce is freed and travels to a mountaintop to begin his combat training with the League, who intend to use him to destroy Gotham. Bruce passes all the League's training, overcoming his childhood phobia in the process, but when ordered to execute a criminal, he turns on the League, destroying their headquarters. Ra's al Ghul dies and Bruce rescues an unconscious Ducard from the wreckage and leaves his mentor at a nearby village.
Bruce Wayne returns to a Gotham City that is mostly ruled by Falcone and begins plotting a one-man war against the corrupt system. He seeks the help of Rachel, now an assistant district attorney, and police sergeant Jim Gordon, who consoled him in the aftermath of his parents' murder. After reestablishing his connections to his father's company, Wayne Enterprises, Bruce is able to acquire, with the help of former board member Lucius Fox, a prototype armored car and an experimental armored suit. In his new Batman costume, he disrupts a drug shipment by Falcone and leaves the mob boss tied to a searchlight, forming a makeshift Bat-Signal. He also disrupts an assassination attempt on Dawes, leaving her with evidence against a judge on Falcone's payroll. While investigating the "unusual" drugs in the shipment, Batman is stunned by sinister psychopharmacologist Dr. Jonathan Crane, who sprays him with a powerful hallucinogen. Bruce's butler Alfred Pennyworth rescues Bruce, who receives an anti-toxin developed by Fox. Crane later poisons Rachel after showing her that the toxin, which is harmful only in vapor form, is being piped into Gotham's water supply. Batman saves her and hits Crane with his own poison. The police enter Arkham Asylum and arrest Crane while Batman escapes with Rachel. After administering the antidote to Rachel in the Batcave, he gives her two vials of it for Gordon – one for the detective to inoculate himself, and another to mass produce for the city's population.
During his birthday party in Wayne Manor, Bruce is confronted by a group of League of Shadows ninjas led by Ducard, who reveals himself to be the real Ra's al Ghul, and that the man killed earlier was a decoy. Ra's, who had been conspiring with Crane, plans to destroy Gotham by distributing the toxin undetected via Gotham's water supply and then vaporizing it with a microwave emitter stolen from Wayne Enterprises. Bruce, tricking his guests into leaving, fights briefly with Ra's while the League of Shadows set fire to Wayne Manor. Bruce escapes the inferno with Alfred's help just as the manor is destroyed. Batman arrives at the "Narrows" section of Gotham to aid the police in battling psychotic criminals, including Crane (now calling himself "Scarecrow"), who the League set free from the asylum. Rachel is confronted by but wards off Crane; Batman rescues Rachel when more criminals go after her. Batman intimates his identity to her while leaving Gordon in control of the Batmobile to stop the elevated train that is being used to transport the vaporizer to the city's central water hub. Batman battles Ra's aboard the train, then escapes just as Gordon topples the elevated line using the Batmobile's missiles, leaving Ra's to crash to the ground with the train.
Following the battle, Batman becomes a public hero. Bruce gains control of Wayne Enterprises and installs Fox as CEO, firing Earle. However, he is unable to hold onto Rachel, who cannot reconcile her love for Bruce Wayne with his dual life as Batman. Gordon, now a lieutenant, unveils a Bat-Signal for Batman. Gordon mentions a criminal who, like Batman, has "a taste for the theatrical", leaving a Joker playing card at his crime scenes. Batman promises to investigate it. As Batman is leaving, Gordon mentions that he has not thanked Batman for what he has done. Batman replies that Gordon will never have to, and flies off into the night.

用英语给我写一下蝙蝠侠侠影之谜的剧情不用很长,30词就够了 哪位同学给我讲一下电影《罗生门》的剧情? 黑鹰坠落 英文剧情要求写一张影评小报,我想写黑鹰坠落的.我准备写大部分的剧情,然后再写影评(敷衍一下……),所以请大家帮忙将黑鹰坠落的剧情梗概用英文给我并附上中文翻译.跪下了! 求暮光之城的剧情英语简介求暮光之城的剧情简介、一定要是英文的、还要带上中文解释、我给悬赏10分、知道的同学、麻烦分享一下、谢谢啦~ 蝙蝠用英语怎么写 蝙蝠用英语怎么写 谁来给我讲解一下《来自星星的你》的大概剧情? 英语翻译恋空的剧情包括他的意义或者感想,我是看了,实在英文水平太烂,英语课还要用,实在不知道怎么写,希望英语能力比较强的人帮忙一下,最好不要给我已经回答的人的回答除了女主人公 闪之轨迹大致剧情想了解一下闪之轨迹的大致剧情,有哪些章节,每章的剧情简述即可(但不要太详细,我还要等汉化) 在蝙蝠侠之暗夜骑士里,为什么哈维最后变成这么坏呢?他说那个警察与蝙蝠侠犯的错,那又是什么呢?能否给我讲解一下...最后,在这里向蝙蝠侠之暗夜骑士里小丑的扮演者,已逝的--Heath ledger 用英语介绍一下日本迪士尼乐园不用太多,两分钟之内能讲完的,不要翻译器翻译的!英文下面写一下中文意思 电影暮光之城剧情英文介绍因为要做个英文的PPT 所以寻一强人用英语介绍下暮光之城Twilight的剧情 英语动画片介绍谁能给我一篇50到60字的英语动画片剧情介绍!要迪斯尼的!要用英语介绍! 请问怎么制造次声波我知道怎么什么是次声波 不用名词解释和案例 就是问一下用什么制造出次声波 是否需要在实验室 写小说 剧情需要 谢谢 我写某部电影剧情的英语作文,请问时态应用什么? 给我写一下这个的英语句子 介绍(英文)哪个可以帮我把的剧情简单概括一下(要用英文哦).还有说一下你是喜欢这本书还是不喜欢,写的时候语法一定要简单一点.用高1的水平写就好!写的好的话,我绝对另外给分. 《夺宝奇兵3》的英语剧情介绍要用英语写的