猜词语~给了提示~给了开头:(1)a programme which allows students to study in a foreign country for a period of time e_____ p______(词组)(2)looking for S_____f____

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 05:31:29
猜词语~给了提示~给了开头:(1)a programme which allows students to study in a foreign country for a period of time e_____ p______(词组)(2)looking for S_____f____

猜词语~给了提示~给了开头:(1)a programme which allows students to study in a foreign country for a period of time e_____ p______(词组)(2)looking for S_____f____
(1)a programme which allows students to study in a foreign country for a period of time e_____ p______(词组)
(2)looking for S_____f____

猜词语~给了提示~给了开头:(1)a programme which allows students to study in a foreign country for a period of time e_____ p______(词组)(2)looking for S_____f____
exchange program
search for

猜词语~给了提示~给了开头:(1)a programme which allows students to study in a foreign country for a period of time e_____ p______(词组)(2)looking for S_____f____ 根据所给单词完成词组1 a son of one's aunt c开头的词语2 presents g开头的词语3 father and mother p开头的词语4 grandpa and grandma g开头的词语5 mother's/father's sister a开头的词语 要交了,给点提示啊. 大自然给了人类那些提示? 我要写一篇半命题作文.叫最后的坚持,给一点提示,给个好的开头和结尾.快毕业了 指针*p=a*p=b 是不是吧b的值赋给了p所占的内存空间?上面已经吧a赋值给了*p,p所指的地址是a在内存中第一个元素的地址,*p = a那为什么我后面把b 赋值给了 *p 地址还是没变呢? p[1]输出2 还是保留 someone from another world.是什么单词?提示上给了两个字母:a,i 《一个女孩的心灵史》 读后感 600字以上,明天就要交了,,给点提示 ,开头怎么写,然后结尾怎么写,就可以了, 用所给的词语组成1篇小短文(英语)词语:in cuiheng village,zhongshan,made of bricks,a tree in front of the house,Dr.Sun Yat-Sen planted itDr.Sun Yat-Sen 指孙中山.文章有开头了:This is a photo of Dr.Sun Yat-Sen's old house 家乡特产的作文给点提示就行了 语文《白杨》给了我们那写提示? 小学一年级作业《给班级了写一个提示牌》 谢谢给位朋友了0p 根据提示词语或句子.4、冬天来了,李洋给千里之外的小学班主任寄去了一副手套表达心意.(写歇后语) 我心中的风景.作文,怎么写啊快啊,不要复制的哇,我只要开头和结尾,还有事,不要写全了,给我提示就好了 三角形面积最小值问题给定点P(1,1),过点P做直线交x正半轴于A,交y正半轴于B,求三角形OAB的最小值.给个思路就行了,谢啦. 求篇英语作文:关于一封给笔友有关于奥运的信根据提示完成下面你(Li Ming)给澳大利亚的笔友Jim的信.新的开头已给出.提示:(翻译成英文就可以了..)第二十九届奥运会将于2008年在北京举 ()你不敢相信自己()才把自己给忽略.给耽误.给丢失了.关联词语