
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:37:38


惊天动地的水循环 ,全世界的水是一个有联系的整体.海水在阳光的照射下,不断蒸发,水汽弥漫在海洋上空;一部分水汽被气流带到陆地上空,遇冷就凝结成细小的水滴,变成云,降落到地面就是雨或雪;雨雪水落地后,有的流到洼坑里,有的渗入地下,有的流入小沟,汇进江河,奔向海洋.无数小水滴就是这样一刻不停地在世界上旅游.水循环保证了人类淡水的供应.知道水的循环以后,你就能解释:云的故乡在哪里?为什么江河里日日夜夜总是川流不息?为什么千万年来那么多江河水流进海洋,而海洋不见满溢出来?
淡水在哪能里 地球上的水,尽管数量巨大,而能直接被人们生产和生活利用的,却少得可怜.首先,海水又咸又苦,不能饮用,不能浇地,也难以用于工业.其次,淡水只占总水量的2.6%左右,其中的绝大部分(占99%),被冻结在远离人类的南北两级和冻土中,无法利用,只有不到1%的淡水,它们散布在湖泊里、江河中和地底下.与全世界总水体比较起来,淡水量真如九牛一毛.
Our water polo
Someone said, our earth should call water polo. This is a reason, because of our lives, and our planet is water surface area by water 71% takes. The astronauts opinion, the earth is a blue ball, very resplendent in the family, the solar system is unique. Earth has very great volume of water, total 13.86 billion cubic kilometers. Among them, 96.5% in the sea, The frozen earth, snow in glaciers, cover, is a solid state; 1.7% in underground, The remaining, scattered in the lakes, rivers, atmosphere and organisms. Therefore we can say that from the sky to the ground, from land to sea, the water is all over the world.
Earthshaking, the world's water circulation water is a contact of the whole. Seawater in sunshine, constantly evaporation, steamy over the sea, Part of water vapor was brought to land, air over they get cooler condenses into small droplets into clouds, fell to the ground is rain or snow, After landing, some rain water flow to the hollow pits, some infiltration underground, some into small groove, remit into rivers and rush to the ocean. Countless droplets that keeps momently ground in the world tour. Water cycle guarantee human freshwater supplies. Know the water cycle later, you can explain: cloud hometown in where? Why always flowing rivers days and nights? Why so many thousands of rivers flow into the sea, and Marine missing overflow?
Freshwater where can the water on the earth, although there are tremendous, and can directly by people living and production to use, but a little. First, seawater and salty again bitterness and not drinkable, cannot irrigate fields, it will be difficult for industrial. Secondly, freshwater accounts for only total water 2.6 or so, most of them (99%), frozen in the north and south of stay away from the humans two level and permafrost, cannot use, less than 1% of fresh water, they spread in lakes, rivers and underground. With the world total water comparison, freshwater really like a snip.
2, volatile organic compounds (VOCS)
Indoor air of VOCS mainly comes from various types of construction and decoration materials, such as paint, coating, adhesive, indoor decorative supplies, air disinfectants, pesticides and chemical product release and fuel burning, cooking, environmental tobacco smoke, daily chemical, etc. To the person's various mucosa VOCS stimulation is the most common is irritating to eyes, nose, and throat chakra stimulation, cause eye tingling and dry feeling, blinking frequency increases, and frequent, no other symptoms of tears, eye secretion increased. Make the LeiMo reduced stability, tear cells content changes such as albumin increasing concentration, appear nose pharynx ministry dry, tingling, nosebleed, and snuffle and can appear cough, 3 hoarseness and smell change etc. Pharyngeal checks visible throat hyperaemia, inflammation. See more dry, itchy skin, smartly, erythema, etc. VOCS pollution serious when can cause nerve mental dysfunction and dementia. Many VOCS can also cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
3, benzene department content
Benzenes in VOCS content is more research in class of compounds, indoor common benzenes in content including benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene etc, mainly from coating, adhesive, floor, furniture, some from oil and combustion products. The international agency for research on cancer (LARC) has confirmed benzene for human carcinogens, contact with high concentrations of benzene (127.6 mg/m3) have an acute blame drenchs ba leukemia dangerous; Acute high concentrations of benzene exposure can also cause central nervous suppression and dysplasia sex leukemia. Toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene in certain chroma can be irritating to eyes and upper respiratory tract mucous membrane produces stimulation, and can cause fatigue, weakness, headache, consciousness confused and central nervous inhibition; In high concentration, can cause brain atrophy, causing encephalopathy and ataxia. Toluene acute toxicity for neurotoxicity and liver toxicity, xylene can produce acute renal toxicity, neurotoxicity and embryology toxicity.
4, NH3 (ammonia)
Indoor air of ammonia can also come from indoor decoration materials, such as the construction of subject structure in joining antifreeze, adhesives, marcel agent, the human body secretions and metabolites, etc. Ammonia to human eyes and respiratory tract is irritant, low concentration is mainly stimulating symptoms, eye itch, dry eye, sneeze, throat drying, runny nose, high concentration can produce inflammation. Ammonia is extremely high, so the solubility of mainly for human upper respiratory tract have stimulated and corrosion function, abate the human body resistance to illness, for respiratory sick person wants to pay attention. Short-term inhaled large ammonia after can appear tears, sore throat, voice hoarse, cough, phlegm can take silk, bosom frowsty, difficulty breathing, may be accompanied by dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc. Serious can produce pulmonary edema, adult respiratory distress syndrome.
室内O3主要源于复印机等办公设备及室外.O3的强氧化力对人体健康有危害作用.人群短期O3暴露后可出现肺功能水平急速降低.O3的嗅阈为40μ g/m3,在100μ g/m3以下时,被认为是无作用剂量浓度.达200μ g/m3时,可对易感者的眼、鼻及咽部粘膜产生刺激;当浓度达300μ g/m3时,将近30%的人群有粘膜刺激感;15%的人群一秒钟最大呼气流量下降;达400μ g/m3时,50%的人群产生刺激症状,25%的人群一秒钟最大呼气流量下降.O3浓度在4.28mg/m3(2ppm)时,短时间接触即可出现呼吸道刺激症状、咳嗽、头痛,在此浓度下暴露2小时可出现呼吸困难、胸痛.低浓度O3长期作用可抑制人体免疫机能.
5, ozone (O3)
Indoor O3 mainly comes from copiers.the equipment and outdoor. O3 of strong oxidation force is harmful to human body health role. Crowd short-term O3 after exposure can appear sharply reduced lung function level. The smell of the threshold for 40 O3 muon g/m3, in 100 muon g/m3 below, is considered to be without effect dose concentration. 200 mu g/m3 can be susceptible persons of eye, nose and throat mucous membrane produces stimulation, When the concentration of 300 mu g/m3, nearly 30 percent of people who have mucosal excitement, A second largest 15% of the crowd expiratory flow down; Up to 400 mu g/m3, 50% of the crowd stimulates the production of symptoms, 25% of the crowd a second largest expiratory flow decline. O3 concentration in 2ppm m3 (4.28 mg /), shorter contact can appear respiratory symptoms of irritation, headache, cough, in this concentration by exposing 2 hours can have difficulty breathing, chest pain. Low concentration O3 long-term effects can restrain the body's immune function.
6, hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Indoor H2S pollution mainly come from the sewer, living garbage, dirt, etc, in addition, human breath, sweat and urine to wait to also can discharge H2S. H2S is colorless bad egg flavor of gas, the central nervous system, the upper respiratory system has the strong stimulation, easy cause poisoning. Low concentration H2S poisoning symptoms for headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, High concentrations of H2S poisoning symptoms for coma, consciousness suddenly loses, suffocation deaths.
Indoor air secondary pollution mainly by using air conditioning control system is caused. Air conditioning damage to human body health can be divided into three categories: acute infectious diseases, allergic diseases (pneumonia and asthma) and bad building syndrome. Air conditioning environment to live and work appears easily fatigue, headache, chest tightness, nausea, drowsiness, easy to catch a cold, the so-called "air conditioning syndrome".

温室效应的行不行呢?(GLOBAL WARMING)
Everywhere you look right now you will hear about the pheonomia of “global warming.” To understand global warming you need to understand the difference between climate a...


温室效应的行不行呢?(GLOBAL WARMING)
Everywhere you look right now you will hear about the pheonomia of “global warming.” To understand global warming you need to understand the difference between climate and weather. Climate, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is “the average course or condition of the weather at a place over a period of years as exhibited by tepemperature, wind velocity, and precipition” while weather is the “state of the atmosphere with respectto heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness” (Webster). Therefore climate describes the weather over time. Climate change and global warming are frequently used interchangeable but like climate and weather they do have different definitions. “Climate change refers to any significant change in measures of climate for an extended period” and global warming is an increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate.
Global warming is caused by several causes such as pollution from factories, carbon dioxide from rotting trees, the burning of coal, natural gasses and fossil fuels lead to methane travelling into the Earth's atmosphere any transportation vehicles, water vapour, and many other little things, which contribute to make global warming even worse.
Scientists have different opinions about whether the current global warming is natural or unusual. Some believe that it is part of the Eath's natural cycle of warming and cooling. However most believe that what we are now experiencing is unusual and has been caused by human activities.
Another great contributor to Global Warming is water Vapour. You may be thinking how does water vapour contribute to Global Warming, well the answer is water vapour does not directly contribute to Global Warming. It contributes to the Greenhouse Effect, which then leads to Global Warming. In fact, water vapour makes up sixty percent of the Greenhouse gasses, twenty percent is carbon dioxide and the other twenty percent is caused by nitrous oxide , methane , ozone and other varieties of gasses.
We can help to reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emmissions in order to help to stop the global warming and climate change.
