
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 19:22:29


1. What are you going to do there? 你打算在那里做什么?
2. I want to be a science teacher one day. 我希望有朝一日自己能成为一名科学老师.
3. I think it's fun to walk on moon. 我觉得在月球上行走是一件很有趣的事.
4. I want to be a computer expert. 我想当一名电脑专家.

What are you going to do there? 你要去哪里干什么?
I want to be a science teacher one day. 有一天我想成为科学教师.
I think it's fun to walk on the moon. 我想在月球上行走很好玩.
I want to be a computer expert. 我想成为电脑专家.

1、When are you going to do?你什么时候要去?
2 、I want to be a science teacher one day.我将来想当科学老师。
3、I think it's fun to walk on the moon.我认为在月球上漫步很有趣。
4、I want to be a computer expert.我想当电脑专家。

把下列单词组合成句子并写出中文1、to,you,there,whan,going,do,are2、science,to,one,teacher,I,day,want,a,be3、fun,walk,I,moon,think,the,it's,to,on4、to,expert,a,computer,I,be,want 把下列单词组合成一个完整的句子并加标点符号:am china i from 怎么把英语单词组合成句子 把下列英语单词组合成句.tell,never,dancer,to,I,Kitty,a,be__________________________. 把下列英语单词组合成一句话pen,color,the,what,is much receive doctors work money young to thier from need 这些单词组合成一个句子. 写出下列词组及句子的中文意思.1、with li ping( )i usually go to the library with fangfang on sundays.______________________2、how many .do you have?( )how many cousins do you have?________________________3、what el 将下列词组合成两个意思不同的句子.(1)错 完全 他的话 没有 完成下列词组并写出汉语意思(   )to Mr LI意思( ) 正确抄写下列词组,并在括号里写出中文意思.many friends have a go正确抄写下列词组,并在括号里写出中文意思.many friends have a good time( ) ( )in England( ) 把单词组合成正确的句子1.takes school me he to2.Mike my that is uncle能翻译的话翻译一下,马上要! 请大家帮忙把打乱顺序的单词组合成一句通顺的句子 some here examples those things of are 用这些词组成新短语并写出中文意思 将词组补充完整,并写出中文意思 将词组补充完整,并写出其中文意思. 将词组补充完整,并写出其中文意思 将以下单词组合成正确的句子 like swim I it watching a round. 将单词组合成句子wrote,he,them,often,on,cards,down,small.