尤其是最后一句We welcome your inquiry for mine and thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company.尤其是"thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company"是什么意思?动词place

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:44:48
尤其是最后一句We welcome your inquiry for mine and thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company.尤其是

尤其是最后一句We welcome your inquiry for mine and thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company.尤其是"thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company"是什么意思?动词place
We welcome your inquiry for mine and thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company.尤其是"thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company"是什么意思?

尤其是最后一句We welcome your inquiry for mine and thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company.尤其是"thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company"是什么意思?动词place




欢迎您对我们的矿石进行询盘, 同时感谢您对我司及我司产品的信心

尤其是最后一句We welcome your inquiry for mine and thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company.尤其是thank you for the confidence you have placed in our products and our company是什么意思?动词place 把watch,we,welcome,well,woman连成一句英文(外加中文翻译) Whenever you come yo my house,I will welcome you.改为同义句 详见问题补充( )( )( )you come yo my house,I will welcome you. 英文歌词,英语听力好的进!尽量全写下来,尤其是最后一句! 请反复品读贺铸的《 横塘路》 尤其是最后一句,你能读出其中滋味吗? 吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而下信乎?传不习乎?的意思尤其是最后一句 欹枕数秋天,蟾蜍下早弦.语出纳兰性德《菩萨蛮》谁能解释一下什么意思,尤其是最后一句! 英语翻译尤其是后面一句,怎么翻译? 英语翻译:我喜欢这首歌 尤其是最后两句 求《桃花庵歌》赏析.尤其是最后两句的解释 英语翻译是yo yo whats boorgy townyo yo 怎么 boorgy 城镇这样的形式上是英文下是中文一句英文一句中文 最后一句是什么意思? 葬花词最后一句 最后一句意思 最后一句, 与“故国不堪回首明月中”这一句词平仄押韵基本相同的一句宋词(尤其是最后一字押韵必须一样) 翻译,英译汉,高手帮忙The windlights on right side are for colour reference, the windlight standing for shape.尤其是最后一句,standing for shape 帮忙…… 英语翻译If the dream is big enough,the facts don't count!尤其是最后一句如何翻译,这是谁说的.