
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:31:00


With the integration of the world economy,the wide use of information technology,and the continuous innovation of fanancial instrument,accountant,being the common-used commercial language of the world,is facing new challenges in the new situarion.Progress of enterprises,as well as development of market,cannot depart from the innovation of institution.In order to propel the development of the socialist market economy,to improve the quality of accountant information,

As the international economic integration of the continuous deepening, the extensive application of information technology and innovative financial instruments, accounting as an international common l...


As the international economic integration of the continuous deepening, the extensive application of information technology and innovative financial instruments, accounting as an international common language of business, faced with the challenges of the new situation. Enterprises should progress, the development of the market, can not be separated from the innovation system, in order to adapt to the socialist market economic development, improve the quality of accounting information, standardize corporate accounting and disclosure of relevant content, with the full development of the world accounting convergence, China's Ministry of Finance On February 15, 2006 issued a new "corporate accounting standards - the basic criteria." The new criteria include a basic criteria and 38 specific criteria, the paper only choice in 2006 promulgated a new "Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 4 - fixed assets" and the 2001 enactment of the old "corporate accounting standards - fixed assets" as the difference The basis of the analysis to find between the internal changes in order to interpret the new situation under the new requirements for the current major impact on economic activity.


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