恳请各位英语达人们,老师们看一下我的雅思作文,给点意见(能得多少分)吧,Q:Some people think the government should increase the sports facilities to solve the public health problems.However,others think that other measure

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:25:16
恳请各位英语达人们,老师们看一下我的雅思作文,给点意见(能得多少分)吧,Q:Some people think the government should increase the sports facilities to solve the public health problems.However,others think that other measure

恳请各位英语达人们,老师们看一下我的雅思作文,给点意见(能得多少分)吧,Q:Some people think the government should increase the sports facilities to solve the public health problems.However,others think that other measure
Some people think the government should increase the sports facilities to solve the public health problems.However,others think that other measures should be taken to help resolve this problem.Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
Healthy problems are the hottest issues for modern society since so many people has suffered for disease for varies reasons,
such as lack of regular practices,unhealthy diets.At the moment,some people are arguing that the government should increase the
sports facilities in order to solve those problems,while others are arguing that there are other measures should be taken to settle this matter.This essay is going to discuss both views and give my personal opinions.
The government,indeed,can solve the public healthy problems easily.Such as spending budgets on improving sports facilities.The reason for this is because the government is able to pool and dominate various resources.
A good example for this is in 2007,the Beijing government spent above 1.5 billion on building new sports centers.Although the main purpose for this to prepare for 2008 Summer Olympic games,it improved their residents health because more and more people chose to play sports after work rather than went to night pubs.
Another good reason for the government should improve the sports facilities is that the authority,especially the politics are responsible for national welfare,which includes improve public health.Ensure citizens' rights,is one of the main reasons that voters vote for their government members.
However,the government should not taken full responsibilities for public health since there are other organizations/corporations or ways to solve those problems.As a trustful example,the international import/export company --the "Golden Boat",took a research on their employees' health at the end of 2010.The research shown that there were 1,200 employees took sick leaves in 2009; in 2010,after a program called "The hike journey" which was arranged by the "Golden Boat",organized their employees to walk from CBD area to reservation park (the distance is about 16 km).The research shown a significant decrease that only 300 employees took sick leaves in 2010.Therefore this is really an efficient,and another way to settle the public healthy issues.
In conclusion,I do believe that the government should take the majority of responsibilities to solve public healthy problem.However,other organizations will also helps government to deal with it other different ways.Only through integrating those two groups,can public health problem be settled completely.

恳请各位英语达人们,老师们看一下我的雅思作文,给点意见(能得多少分)吧,Q:Some people think the government should increase the sports facilities to solve the public health problems.However,others think that other measure
我觉得你写的不错, 有很多细节你也写道并给与supporting ideas 高分一定能拿到八 但是我要是再鸡蛋里挑骨头一点的话你的grammer 记住标点符号哦~
就倒数第2个paragraph 最后一行, therefore 后面有逗号; 那行里的 way 前面是不是加一个possible 更好些呢? 这是我的看法吧
加油 要是想跟我交谈的话 可以发我邮箱(miliwu_melody@yahoo.com) 或skype (miliwu1)

望采纳哦 >

恳请各位英语达人们,老师们看一下我的雅思作文,给点意见(能得多少分)吧,Q:Some people think the government should increase the sports facilities to solve the public health problems.However,others think that other measure 恳请地理老师给我讲一下有关地方时和区时,日期以及国际日期变更线的知识没有搞懂 恳请地理老师给我讲一下有关地方时和区时,日期以及国际日期变更线,还有太阳高度的知识. 我想要知道关于英语雅思报考的条件.是不是考英语考级也需要文凭什么的?报考英语雅思可以看哪些书可以推荐一下么? 急求一个C语言程序,是计算方法的.看我同学写的不多,求会的大大们帮忙啊.用牛顿迭代法(切线法)求x^3-x-1=0在[1,1.5]内的实根(ε=10^-5).明天就要交啊 老师要问的 不准有重复 所以恳请各位 各位英语达人们, 请各位英语达人们帮忙填一下反义词, 麻烦各位帮我看一下英语作文. (100分)恳请英语高手帮忙:《friends》中有几个句子听不懂各位大侠们,我在看《friends》第一季第三集时,下面几个句子听了N遍,可还是听不清楚,下面我列出来,句子前面的数字表示该句子所 关于“内皮祖细胞”的最新进展,恳请各位大虾帮搜索一下, 英语翻译老师给我们布置了朗读作业,这句或是标题.恳请各位英语专家帮帮忙. 各位老师帮我看一下这个仿写句子怎么写 求《梦溪笔谈》名称的英文翻译恳请各位英语牛人慷慨相助. 大学英语6级复习方法!各位英语达人们,我看了 看六级的阅读感觉和4级的区别很大,难度提升很多,感觉句子的结构变的很复杂, 各位大神,帮我看一下他们的学名吧! 麻烦各位老师帮我看下我这个雅思作文大概能得多少分!刚刚写完 还没有改过 有好多错误 英语达人们 我需要你们的帮助我需要下面这段英文的翻译 我自己翻译的有点恶心 所以恳请达人们帮助 If saving energy is so easy and profitable,why isn’t everyone doing it?It has to do with psychology and a lack o 恳请各位植物大神帮忙鉴定一下这个植物