
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 09:36:08


I can not wait for you for a year and a month, neither can i wait for you until 25 years old, but i will wait for you all my life!
maybe you havn't loved somebody, so you don not believe the eternal love in the world. when you love somebody one day, you will know that there is a man in this world who would rather die than betray you.

I can not wait for you for one year and a month,nor for my 25th age,but I will wait for you,in my lifelong time.
Maybe you have never love before,so you do not believe that the forever love is the...


I can not wait for you for one year and a month,nor for my 25th age,but I will wait for you,in my lifelong time.
Maybe you have never love before,so you do not believe that the forever love is there in the world.Once you love,you will see(这里用see比know更传神),there will be someone who would rather running to the death than telling lies to you.


i can't wait you for one year and a month ,and i can't wait you till 25 years old,but i will wait for you foever.
you may not love someone,so you don'tbelieve there is the true love in the world,but when you fall in love with someone,you will know that there is someone in the world who will loyal to you till his death.

I won't wait for you for one year and a month or until you are 25 years old, but I'll wait for you all my life~
May not have loved you, so you do not believe that this world has ever love, so who you love, you know, in this world then a man, he would rather die, nor will you have gone back.

说一下这2句话的英文!我不能等你一年零一个月了,我也不能等你到二十五岁了,但是我会等你一辈子!你可能还没有爱过,所以你不相信这个世界上有永远的爱情,等你爱上谁了,你就知道,在这世 你问我:“你能等我多长时间?” 我回答:“ 一辈子!” 这句话的英文是什么,哪位英语好的哥们说一下 英语翻译我不能等你一年零一个月了,我也不能等你到二十五岁了,但我会等你一辈子…… 英语翻译我不能等你一年零一个月了,也不能等你到二十五岁了,但是我会等你一辈子 我喜欢一女孩追了她一年,等到了这句话求解释下,我智商低前面是表白 后来她说我: 你脑壳是豆腐渣渣做的吧,你现在对我有点重要,我不想失去你,如果我现在和你耍朋友,那就等于我在失去 未来如果你还爱我那么我希望你说我等你.这句话英文怎么说? 我在南宁等你.这句话帮我用英文翻译,过去,现在,将来都在等用什么样的时态呢,用英文帮我翻译一下 英语翻译一.你说:永远在一起.我说:我愿意.二.我说:永远在一起.你说:你愿意.麻烦帮忙译英文的!是两句话 “一年了,我还是不能忘记你”翻译为英文 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文.翻译的有感情一点.等你说爱我,等到我学会了寂寞. “向日葵总是对着太阳微笑”这句话翻译成英文是什么?在线等!急!知道的拜托说一下;我英语不好 我不能忘记你对我做的每件事.【把这句话翻译为英文】 请帮忙看一下这句话英文怎么说,谢谢我已经与北京办公室确认过,这次会议在北京开.所以我已经和他们说你不能参加了. 如果你说这句话,正在聊天,不咸不淡的,半天说上一句话.你要下线了,说了一句:我要去吃饭了,一会回来.是客气一下,还是让我等他.但是最后还是没有回来.我想应该是客气一下吧.不过哪有这 对不起我依然爱你,只是不能和你在一起.这句话的英文怎么说? 帮我翻译一下“我只想静静的看着你”的英文这句话. 等你说爱我的英文怎么写? 我已经说了这句话英文怎么说求求你