
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:31:12


A-acknowledge 感激
  B-belief 信念
  C-confidence 自信
  D-dreaming 梦想
  E-empathy 同情心
  F-fun 乐趣
  G-giving 给予
  H-happiness 幸福
  I-imagination 想象力
  J-joy 欢乐
  K-knowledge 知识
  L-love 爱心
那我写篇C-confidence 自信
Confidence doesn’t come out of nowhere.It’s a result of something…hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.
Do you remember a situation when you were feeling self-confident about yourself.Write down that past experience that gives you that confidence feeling.Recall why this experience made you feel confident.Think about the circumstances and the surroundings that lead to the confident feeling,when was it and who was there.Reinforce and affirm your self-confidence by reading confidence quotes.Leave written affirmations on papers that can stimulate your self-confidence in office and home.Write confidence quotes on sticky notes and put them at places where you can see them regularly.Use short phrases like "I am super confident in whatever I do".Positive words are important and saying them loud is better than reading it silently.
Record all your successes you are proud of,no matter how small,in your "BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE" journal.Read them when you are down.Recall the confident feelings in you when you felt successful in the past and visualise that you can repeat your successes.Use that self-confidence recall feeling to motivate you to more success.

K-knowledge 知识
Knowledge is power

看到26个英文字母其中一个想到了什么?作文 看到26个英文字母,你们会想到什么? 26个英文字母可联想到什么?例如:e可想到鹅.S可想到蛇. 看到26个大写英文字母,你会想到什么?可以写一句富有哲理的话,也可以是一首诗,或是一句名言. 由26个英文字母其中的一个 想到的 作文厄…… 最好是L S 或R都可以 600字的哦就像看到“A”就会想到 脚踏实地才会到达最顶峰就像这种的 看到星星想到了什么 26个英文字母可以组成多少单词?突然想到这个问题, 有人看到字母A想到“只有脚踏实地,才能顶天立地”,有人看到D想到'“小园香径独徘徊.仔细观察26个字母,你能想到什么?可以是一句名言,一句诗,也可以是用自己的话阐明的一个道理 你看到26个英文字母,你能想到什么可以从形来看,也可从音来看,每个字母都有其独特的含义,希望你能发挥你的无穷的想象能力,超越极限空间 作者看到紫罗滕瀑布想到了什么? 看到这图,各位想到了什么? 你看到三只羊想到了什么 看到学会生存想到了什么 26个英文字母的含义看到A想到“只有脚踏实地,才能顶天立地”;看到D想到“小园香径独徘徊”……请各位帮我想一想(它们可以是一句名言或诗,也可以用自己的话阐明) 看到月亮你想到什么成语(3个)看到松树你会想到什么成语? 看到什么想到什么 看到星星想到什么 急需一个英语句子由9个单词组成,其中包含所有英文字母(26个,字母可重复)