英语翻译Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three in¬terfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need moni

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 23:40:14
英语翻译Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three in¬terfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need moni

英语翻译Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three in¬terfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need moni
Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three in¬terfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need monitoring and sequencing units (green) between the two domains.The routing fabric between the three interface blocks allows AEs to be selectively routed between the three interfaces.It also contains simple mapping and filtering units.
The mapping units can add a configurable offset to an AE stream,so that different address spaces can be made non-overlapping.The filtering units allow to select which events are routed to which destination.
All these functional units are interconnected using FIFOs (blue,striped).
Here we compare the statistics of a Serial AER implementation with flow control and one that simply drops events.
With Flow-Control:Assume we have an event-consumer that can handle event rates up to 125MHz.Thanks to the flow-control scheme,the consumer can block the producer as necessary.In this example we choose a fairly strict requirement that an event is delivered with a delay of more than 1/KS at probability of less than 10-6.
Given a Poisson distributed3 producer,this means that the mean event rate of the producer can be up to 63.7% of the consumer event rate without violating our requirements.
Without Flow-Control:For comparison we assume a consumer that can handle event rates up to 125MHz,but if two or more events arrive within an 8ns (= 1/125MHz) time-slot all except the first
备注2:In this calculation the signal propagation speed for the SATA cables was assumed to be half the speed of light,a rather conservative estimate.
备注3:A Poisson distribution is probably an unsuitable assumption when looking at a longer typical AE sequence.But what is critical is the performance in event bursts.We here take the Poisson distribution for looking at such bursts,typical for address event systems.The mean event rate should then be interpreted as the mean event rate in event bursts.
one are dropped.The probability that an event is dropped shall be no more than 10-3.Under these circumstances a Poisson producer can then have a mean event rate of no more than 4.54% of the consumer rate.
Thus for our practical purposes flow-control gives us about one order of magnitude of actually usable event rate.In an experimental setup it also allows us to handle channel congestion either at the sender or the receiver side.
Further discussion of flow control in address event systems can be found in [9].
We have developed an AER interfacing board part of a generic AER communication system suitable for building complex multi-chip AE based systems.

英语翻译Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three in¬terfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need moni
Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three interfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need monitoring and sequencing units (green) between the two domains.The routing fabric between the three interface blocks allows AEs to be selectively routed between the three interfaces.It also contains simple mapping and filtering units.
The mapping units can add a configurable offset to an AE stream,so that different address spaces can be made non-overlapping.The filtering units allow to select which events are routed to which destination.
All these functional units are interconnected using FIFOs (blue,striped).
Here we compare the statistics of a Serial AER implementation with flow control and one that simply drops events.
With Flow-Control:Assume we have an event-consumer that can handle event rates up to 125MHz.Thanks to the flow-control scheme,the consumer can block the producer as necessary.In this example we choose a fairly strict requirement that an event is delivered with a delay of more than 1/KS at probability of less than 10-6.
Given a Poisson distributed3 producer,this means that the mean event rate of the producer can be up to 63.7% of the consumer event rate without violating our requirements.
Without Flow-Control:For comparison we assume a consumer that can handle event rates up to 125MHz,but if two or more events arrive within an 8ns (= 1/125MHz) time-slot all except the first one are dropped.The probability that an event is dropped shall be no more than 10-3.Under these circumstances a Poisson producer can then have a mean event rate of no more than 4.54% of the consumer rate.
Thus for our practical purposes flow-control gives us about one order of magnitude of actually usable event rate.In an experimental setup it also allows us to handle channel congestion either at the sender or the receiver side.
Further discussion of flow control in address event systems can be found in [9].
有流量控制 –我们假设一个能够处理125 MHz事件率的事件消费者,流量控制方案可让消费者在有必要时阻挡流量产生者.我们在本例子选用一个相当严格的要求,输送事件在概率小于10-6时延迟高于1/KS.
无流量控制 – 为了进行对比,我们也假设一个能够处理125 MHz事件率的事件消费者,但如果在8ns 时间片(=等于1/125MHz)之内两个或更多的事件同时到达,除了第一个事件外,其他的都会被删除.事件被删除的概率应不超过10-3.在此种情形之下,泊松产生者就能有不超过4.54%消费者率的平均事件率.
备注2:In this calculation the signal propagation speed for the SATA cables was assumed to be half the speed of light,a rather conservative estimate.
备注3:A Poisson distribution is probably an unsuitable assumption when looking at a longer typical AE sequence.But what is critical is the performance in event bursts.We here take the Poisson distribution for looking at such bursts,typical for address event systems.The mean event rate should then be interpreted as the mean event rate in event bursts.
We have developed an AER interfacing board part of a generic AER communication system suitable for building complex multi-chip AE based systems.
五. 结果和结论



图3显示了fpga-internal框图。三在¬terfaces,串行,并行的是,是橙色。通用串行总线接口,而不是其他的接口,是处理明确时间戳地址。因此我们需要监测和测序单位(绿色)两国之间的域。路由织物之间的三接口块允许光谱有选择路由之间的三个界面。它也包含简单的映射和过滤单元。测绘单位可以添加一个配置抵销的声流,使不同的地址空间可以是非重叠。过滤单元允许选择的事件路由到的目的地。所有这些功能单位是相互关联的使用FIFO(蓝色,条纹)。在重要的流量控制在这里,我们比较的统计序列是实现流量控制和一个简单滴事件。与流量控制:假设我们有一个event-consumer可以处理事件率高达125 MHz。由于流量控制方案,消费者可以阻止制作人是必要的。在这个例子中我们选择一个相当严格的要求,事件被交付与延迟超过1 /堪萨斯州概率小于10。给定一个泊松distributed3生产者,这意味着平均事件发生率的生产商可以高达63.7%的消费事件率不违反我们的要求。没有流量控制:比较,我们假设一个消费者可以处理事件率高达125 MHz,但如果两家或更多的事件内到达8ns(=1 /125 MHz)时隙之外所有的第一次备注2:在计算信号传播速度的电线电缆被假定为光速的一半,一个相当保守的估计。备注3:泊松分布可能是一个合适的假设时,寻找一个较长的典型声发射序列。但什么是关键是表现在事件爆发。我们在这里采取的泊松分布看这种扫射,典型的地址系统。平均事件发生率应被解释为意味着事件发生率在事件爆发。一个被丢弃。概率的事件被丢弃不应大于10。在这些情况下,一个泊松生产者可以有一个平均事件发生率不超过4.54%的消费率。因此,我们的实际用途的流量控制,给了我们一个数量级的实际可用事件率。在一个实验装置,它也允许我们处理信道拥塞要么在发送或接收端。进一步讨论解决事件中的流量控制系统中可以找到[ 9]。五,结果与结论我们已经制定了一个接口板是一种通用的一部分是通信系统适合建立复杂的多芯片声发射系统。




如果生产者是泊松分布3, 意味着生产者平均事件发生率可达消费者事件发生率的63.7%,仍适用我们的要求。
无流量控制:作为比较,我们假设消费者事件处理率达125MHz,但如果 8ns (= 1/125MHz)内,1个或多个事件到达第一外的其它时隙。
地址事件系统流量控制的进一步讨论参见 [9]。
V. 结论


英语翻译To implement the relational model for the same partial LIMS schema presented in Fig.1 for the hierarchical model,tables would need to be created for each entity relationship in the schema.Fig.3 shows the mapping required in the relational 英语翻译Fig.11a shows the velocity profiles of the plane parallel to thejet axis (x–y plane) at z = 0 between streamwise distance,x of 0.1and 1.3 m with an increment of every 0.1 m.Fig.11a shows theevolution of the jet velocity profile and its 英语翻译Fig.3 shows the DR UV–vis spectra of the (Co,H)-Y,the (Co,H)-Beta and as an example of the (Co,H)-Beta/Y (II).The spectra of other composites are similar to that of this sample.By deconvoluting the spectra with origin 6.1,six bands at a 英语翻译Fig.2 shows the INS process..There are two main phases for INS operation:the alignment phase and the navigation phase.The navigation phase starts from the initial velocity,position and attitude.The process for determining these INS initia 英语翻译Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three in¬terfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need moni 英语翻译Fig.3 shows the FPGA-internal block diagram.The three in¬terfaces,serial AER,parallel AER and USB are drawn in orange.The USB interface,as opposed to the other interfaces,is handling explicitly timestamped addresses.Thus we need moni 英语翻译Today the true north Great Circle of direction is the reference for direction measurement.Direction is expressed as degrees of Bearing angle or degrees of Azimuth angle.Fig.7.1 shows the Great Circle and illustrates the relationship betwe 英语翻译Strains caused by dynamic and static loads were taken in thisstudy for two main purposes.The first purpose was to detect thepresence of cracks in the test slab.Fig.8 shows the change indynamic strain as measured by Strain Gauge 3 before a 英语翻译Fig.1 shows that diamond particles are dispersed in thecopper matrix.Since the diamond particles are easy to bestripped off during mechanical polishing,small pits are lefton the surface of samples.When the samples were analyzedby electron 英语翻译内容如下,The differences between results obtained with the full potential equation and those obtained with the small-perturbation potential equation are graphically illustrated in Fig.14.9,which shows data calculated by Keyfitz et al. 英语翻译Fig.7 shows 3D images and surface roughness of the Siwafer by AFM to compare the unimplanted with implanted surface.Roughness of Si-wafer before N+ ion implantation is about 6 Å while it reduced to about 3 Å after implantation 英语翻译The development of pig embryos originatingfrom enucleolated oocytes arrested after afew cleavages (Table 1 and Fig.3A).In contrast,embryos from sham-operated oocytesdeveloped to blastocysts with detectable nucleoli(fig.S8,Pig).The cleavag 英语翻译Fig.2 shows that the level of the input power flow decreases with the reduction of the stiffness of the continuous isolator.But too soft continuous isolators can result in not only a difficulty in the strength and technology of the struct 英语翻译The R-S Flip-Flop.We can realize the latch function with standard logic gates.Fig.4.17 shows a latch constructed from tow NOR gates.The output of each NOR provides one of the inputs for the other NOR.The other inputs are labeled S(for SET 英语翻译As is clear from the nature of the process,a key factor in determining the amount of final shrinkage is the unit water content of the fresh concrete.This isillustrated in Fig 2.9,which shows the amount of shrinkage foe varying amountsof m 英语翻译2.Control strategyThe proposed method improves the dynamic stability of the ac system by transmitting a suitably modulated dc power in the ac transmission line by injection into the transformer neutrals at either end.Fig.1 shows the ac tr 英语翻译Fig.6 shows the completed open jet wind tunnel inside theISVR’s anechoic chamber (control valve and primary silencer arein the roof space of the chamber and are not shown in the figure).Also shown is the new coordinate system (x,y,z) em 英语翻译The thermal stability tests for stainless steel support after anodic oxidation process is reported in Fig.3.The microphotographs in Fig.3 show an obvious difference as compared with in Fig.2.It is worth noting,the abnormity and multiangul