
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:31:47


1.Those fashion models come from Italy
2.I took care of myself when I was very young.
3.You can't help appreciating them.
4.Do you want to work in health care?
5.Just imagine that you are on the moon.
6.It is closely related to his hardwork.
7.Because of carelessness.

1.Those fashion model from Italy
2.A very young age to fend for themselves
3.You can not help but appreciate them
4.Do you want to in the medical
5.Imagine your own on the moon
6.And his diligence is closely related to
7.As careless

1.Those fashion model come from Italy.
2.He took care of himself when he was young
3.You cant help to admin them
4.Do you want a career in medicine
5.Imagine as if you were on the moon
6.It is tightly related to his dilligence
7.because of carelessness

1. Those from Italy fashion model
The age is hours look after yourself
3 you will enjoy them
You want to be engaged in medical
You may imagine being on the moon
6 and he diligence has close relationship
7. Due to carelessness

1.those fashion models are from Italy
2.take care oneself in a small age
3.you can't keep from admiring them.
4.Do u want to study medicine?
5.imagine that you are on the moon
6.it has a lot to do with his diligence
7.because of carelessness

英语翻译1.那些时装模特来自意大利2.在年龄很小时自己照顾自己3.你会情不自禁地欣赏它们4.你想从事医学吗5.想象你们自己在月球上6.与他的勤奋有密切关系7.由于粗心 英语翻译:他在年纪小时就下定决心成为一名时装模特(at an early age) 英语翻译1.他很可能来自意大利,因为他说英语时带有明显的意大利口音.(It’s likely that...)2.那就是大多数人喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机的原因.(That is why)3.就是在那个时期来自西班牙语国 你们是意大利人,你们来自意大利.用英语翻译.有两种翻译 英语翻译1.学业结束后,我们还必须参加实习.2.起初,大楼里的居民相互不认识,所以也不说话.3.时装模特的生活可真不那么愉快!她们从早到晚都很忙.4.昨天,他看见小张和她的丈夫在湖边散步.5. 英语翻译我在商场上班,我的职务是导购员,我们的品牌来自意大利,皮包和钱包全部都是牛皮制作的! 英语翻译因为要在一个来自意大利的老外面前做一个演讲,很想吸引一下他,而且要请教下怎么发音? 意大利在哪个洲 用英语翻译 英语翻译我乘坐abc123来自中国,在罗马倒机去米兰,我的航班号是abc321,我想知道怎么做,以上内容求英文及意大利文翻译,要符合该国语言习惯.不要翻译软件的结果, cafe一词来自哪个国家速啊QAQ1.日本 2.意大利 3.中国 4.法国 他在休假,他到意大利去了 英语翻译 我很喜欢意大利,尤其是在夏天(especially)的英语翻译? “ 我们觉得时装模特的衣着和发型有时候显得很奇怪”(用be strange to sb)英语翻译 意大利面条英语翻译 英语翻译意大利现货 英语翻译1.北极贝的英文2.意大利黑醋汁的英文3.油浸鸭胸的英文4.“香煎龙利鱼及柠檬意大利菠菜面”的英文5.“意大利海鲜炬蝴蝶面”的英文 意大利在罗马还是罗马在意大利 英语翻译那些游客来自不同的国家把tourist改成traveler