英语翻译你是助人为乐的楷模; 你是敬业爱岗的榜样; 你是自强不息的象征; 你是吃苦耐劳的表率; 你是勤俭节约的典范.你志存高远、胸襟开阔; 你谦虚谨慎、不娇不躁; 你团结同志、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 09:36:06
英语翻译你是助人为乐的楷模; 你是敬业爱岗的榜样; 你是自强不息的象征; 你是吃苦耐劳的表率; 你是勤俭节约的典范.你志存高远、胸襟开阔; 你谦虚谨慎、不娇不躁; 你团结同志、

英语翻译你是助人为乐的楷模; 你是敬业爱岗的榜样; 你是自强不息的象征; 你是吃苦耐劳的表率; 你是勤俭节约的典范.你志存高远、胸襟开阔; 你谦虚谨慎、不娇不躁; 你团结同志、
你是助人为乐的楷模; 你是敬业爱岗的榜样; 你是自强不息的象征; 你是吃苦耐劳的表率; 你是勤俭节约的典范.你志存高远、胸襟开阔; 你谦虚谨慎、不娇不躁; 你团结同志、诚实守信; 你求真务实、锲而不舍; 你淡泊名利、无私奉献.让你去烧木炭,你就会做张思德; 让你去堵枪眼,你就会做黄继光.英雄到哪里都是英雄!你是革命的傻子; 你是人民的勤务员; 你是永不生锈的螺丝钉.雷锋呵,你是我的英雄!是的,雷锋属于中国,属于东方,也属于全世界!雷锋属于昨天,属于今天,也属于明天!人的生命是有限的,可是为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务中去…… 3月5日,是学雷锋纪念日.请别出现语法错误哦

英语翻译你是助人为乐的楷模; 你是敬业爱岗的榜样; 你是自强不息的象征; 你是吃苦耐劳的表率; 你是勤俭节约的典范.你志存高远、胸襟开阔; 你谦虚谨慎、不娇不躁; 你团结同志、
You are reminders of the model, Are you love hillock example, You are the symbol of self-empowerment, You are diligent lead, You are to save money. Your ideals, broad-minded, You modest, not charming not rashness, Your comrades, honesty, solidarity, Your practical, perseverance, You indifferent to fame and wealth, the selfless contributions. Let you go, you will burn charcoal ZhangSiDe do, Let you go, you will be blocked loophole huang jiguang, do. Where is all heroes hero! You are a revolution, You are the people's social, You are never rusty screws. Lei feng ah, you're my hero! Yes, lei feng, belongs to the east of China belongs to, also belong to the whole world! Lei yesterday, today, belong to belong to also belong to tomorrow! A man's life is limited, but no limit to serving the people, and I will dedicate my limited life to the limitless service for people to... On March 5th anniversary of lei feng, is to learn.

You are a model for helping others; you are the example of dedicated love; you are a symbol of self-improvement; you are hard to set an example; you are a model of thrift. You志存高远, broad-minded; you m...


You are a model for helping others; you are the example of dedicated love; you are a symbol of self-improvement; you are hard to set an example; you are a model of thrift. You志存高远, broad-minded; you modest, did not Johnson do not impatient; United comrades you, being honest and trustworthy; you pragmatic perseverance; you indifferent to fame and wealth, and selfless devotion. Let you go burning charcoal, you will make Zhang Side; let you go plugging loopholes, you will make Huang. Where heroes are heroes! You fool revolution; you are servants of the people; You never rusty screw. Lei Oh, you are my hero! Yes, Feng belong to China, belong to the East, also belong to all over the world! Lei belong to yesterday, belong to today, belong to tomorrow! Human life is limited, but people are unlimited, limited to my life, into serving the people go unlimited ... ... March 5, are learning from Lei Feng Day.
