
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:31:58


There are two views of reality.Carl Sagan's view was purely naturalistic/materialist.From this view comes his statement that "the universe is all that is,was,or ever will be." If we are the result of purposeless chaos then purposelessness and meaninglessness is the ground of reality.Not only does this view relegate "joy of life" to at best short term subjective observations with no true meaning,but also life itself would be nothing more than deterministic cause and effect (what science is).
We must then ask if this view defines reality.To make just a short argument I'd like to simply examine the definition of what science is.Science is the study of matter/energy and the forces and laws that attend.Matter and energy are neither self propagating or eternally low in entropy.They began to exist and therefore have a cause.If follows logically that the cause transcends these effects.We see that Dr.Sagan was mistaken,the universe (matter/energy) is /not/ all there is.
The second view of reality acknowledges there is more to existence than matter/energy and cause and effect.The cause of the universe transcends not only matter and energy,but also space and time as we know that all four came into existence at the point in time of the Big Bang (T=0).
And lastly that cause must also have the properties necessary to produce non-deterministic properties - thought,free will and choice (person-hood).
The cause must therefore have these qualities:
- non matter/energy/space
- or time (outside of time = timeless)
- must have the potentiality to produce the universe (omnipotent)
- must have the properties necessary to produce the laws and constants of the universe
- must have the properties necessary to produce thought,free-will,and choice (person-hood)
- be the first cause,the uncaused cause,the self-necessary cause ( the "I AM") that negates the infinite regress of causation.
You see where this "naturally" leads (pun intended).Meaning is in the cause,seek Him.
"Atheism turns out to be too simple.If the whole universe has no meaning,we should never have found out that it has no meaning..."
--Mere Christianity; C.S.Lewis