
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 19:34:45


The spending on toys by China’s urban and rural residents is ever growing with the economic development; there is a strong demand in the toy market.It is estimated that China’s consumer spending on toys in 2010 will exceed 100 billion Yuan.The market potential of Chinese toys is really enormous.
The rapid development of China’s economy has driven up people’s income and broadened their spending; from 1978 to 2007,China’s nominal GDP had shot up to 15.1%,urbanites’ income had improved by 13.6%,while the income of rural people had also increased by 12.6%.Along with the substantial increase in income,the consumption capacity of the people also continued to grow,and the scale of consumer market kept on expanding.The total volume of retail sales for social consumables in China had improved 56 folds in 29 years from 1978 to 2007,and vaulted to the front ranks of the world.
China’s development is in a tremendous pace; the growth of its consumer market is the fastest in the world.Its annual average growth rate has reached 14.4% since 1978,about three times the world’s average.According to World Bank’s statistics,the annual increase in the consumption expenditures of households in China was 6.9% from 1990 to 2000; this was 5.9% above the world’s average.From 2000 to 2005,the annual increase in the consumption expenditures of households in China was 6.9%,4.3% more than the world’s average,2.4% above the average in developing countries,and 4.6% higher than the average in developed countries.
In light of the rapid growth of the China market,its import demand shall continue to grow.Ever since its accession into the WTO,the average annual growth rate of China’s import reaches 26%,one of fastest in the world.The import turnover in 2007 had reached 955.8 billion Yuan,ranked third in the world.Presently,the decelerated growth of the world economy has lower the consumption growth of major developed countries; comparatively,the consumer market in China is very buoyant,the pace of import is accelerating.The flourishing market of China will offer greater business opportunities to foreign products.

With the development of the Chinese economy, the toy expenditure of Chinese urban and rural residents is becoming bigger and bigger and the toy marker demand is prosperous.It is expected that chinese ...


With the development of the Chinese economy, the toy expenditure of Chinese urban and rural residents is becoming bigger and bigger and the toy marker demand is prosperous.It is expected that chinese spending in toy will be more than 10 billion yuan .There is a huge market in chinese toy.
The rapid development of China's economy drives the improvement of residents' income and consumption .China's nominal annual GDP growth is up to 15.1% from 1978 to 2007.urban residents' income increased by 13.6%,and rural residents 12.6%.With the devolopment of people's income ,the consumption of residents is also growing repidly.as a result ,consumer market scale expanded .Chinese society total retail sales of consumer goods from 1978 to 2007 29 years, has increased 56 times ,leaping world leader.
China develops very fast .China is one of the countries who's consumer market growing is thee fastest in the world ,with an average annual growth up to 14.4 percent since 1978 ,of the world average 3 times the left and right sides .According to the bank statistics, from 1990 to 2000, Chinese family in consumer spending growth is 8.9%, higher than the world's average 5.9 percentage points. From 2000 to 2005, Chinese family consumer spending is 6.9% an annual growth, than the world average level of 4.3 percentage points, higher than developing countries 2.4 percentage points ,higher than developed countries 4.6 percentage points.
With the rapid growing of china's market , the demand for imports will continue to increase. Since its accession to the WTO , average annual growth rate of China's import is higher up to 26 percent, fastest in the world . in 2007, The import of China reached 9558 billion, ranking the third in the world. At present, the world economic growth slowed, main developed countries' consumption growth droped , in contrast, the Chinese CONSUMER MARKET
is active, accelerated in imports. Prosperity of the Chinese market will provide more business opportunities for foreign products .


With the development of the Chinese economy, Chinese urban and rural residents to the toy expenditure is more and more big, the toy market demand. Expected 2010 China toy in ...


With the development of the Chinese economy, Chinese urban and rural residents to the toy expenditure is more and more big, the toy market demand. Expected 2010 China toy in spending will be more than 10 billion yuan. China's toy contains a huge market potential.
The rapid development of China's economy, drive the improvement of residents' income and consumption, expand, 1978 to 2007, China's nominal annual GDP growth up 15.1%, urban residents' income growth, higher incomes increased 12.6%, rural residents as income increased substantially, residents' consumption ability was also a growing consumer market scale expanding. Chinese society total retail sales of consumer goods from 1978 to 2007 29 years, has increased 56 times leapt world leader.
China's development is very fast. China is the world's consumer market one of the fastest growing since 1978, with an average annual growth up to 14.4 percent, of the world average 3 times the left and right sides. According to the bank statistics, 1990 to 2000, Chinese family in consumer spending growth 8.9%, than the world's average 5.9 percentage points. 2000 to 2005, Chinese family consumer spending an annual growth 6.9%, than the world average level of 4.3 percentage points, higher than developing countries 2.4 percentage points higher than developed countries 4.6 percentage points.
Along with China's market rapidly growing demand for imports will continue to increase. Since its accession to the wto, China imported average annual growth rate of up to 26 percent, is the world's fastest. 2007 imports has reached 9558 billion, ranking the third. At present, the world economic growth slowed, main developed countries consumption growth drop, in contrast, the Chinese consumer market is active, accelerated in imports. Prosperity of the Chinese market will for foreign products provide more and better business opportunities.


With the development of the Chinese economy, Chinese urban and rural residents to the toy expenditure is more and more big, the toy market demand. Expected 2010 China toy in spending will be more than...


With the development of the Chinese economy, Chinese urban and rural residents to the toy expenditure is more and more big, the toy market demand. Expected 2010 China toy in spending will be more than 10 billion yuan. China's toy contains a huge market potential.
The rapid development of China's economy, drive the improvement of residents' income and consumption, expand, 1978 to 2007, China's nominal annual GDP growth up 15.1%, urban residents' income growth, higher incomes increased 12.6%, rural residents as income increased substantially, residents' consumption ability was also a growing consumer market scale expanding. Chinese society total retail sales of consumer goods from 1978 to 2007 29 years, has increased 56 times leapt world leader.
China's development is very fast. China is the world's consumer market one of the fastest growing since 1978, with an average annual growth up to 14.4 percent, of the world average 3 times the left and right sides. According to the bank statistics, 1990 to 2000, Chinese family in consumer spending growth 8.9%, than the world's average 5.9 percentage points. 2000 to 2005, Chinese family consumer spending an annual growth 6.9%, than the world average level of 4.3 percentage points, higher than developing countries 2.4 percentage points higher than developed countries 4.6 percentage points.
Along with China's market rapidly growing demand for imports will continue to increase. Since its accession to the wto, China imported average annual growth rate of up to 26 percent, is the world's fastest. 2007 imports has reached 9558 billion, ranking the third. At present, the world economic growth slowed, main developed countries consumption growth drop, in contrast, the Chinese consumer market is active, accelerated in imports. Prosperity of the Chinese market will for foreign products provide more and better business opportunities


英语翻译随着中国经济的发展,中国城乡居民对玩具的支出越来越大,玩具市场需求旺盛.预计2010年中国玩具年消费额将超过1000亿元.中国的玩具蕴含着巨大的市场潜力.中国经济的快速发展,带 随着中国经济的发展,许多外国人定居中国.前半句怎么用英语翻译? 随着中国经济的发展 英语怎么说 随着经济的发展,城乡居民生活水平逐年提高,你能用一句歇后语赞一赞吗?求歇后语. 英语翻译中国已经成为世界第三大奢侈品市场.国外的奢侈品品牌逐步开始渗透中国市场.随着中国经济的逐步发展,奢侈品已经渐进中国人的眼帘,除中国富人消费奢侈品以外,在外国名牌商家 英语翻译随着中国经济的发展,农村经济体制和产业结构的调整,农民对土地的依附性减弱,大批的农村剩余劳动力涌进城市,成为农民工.农民工在城市建设中的发挥了关键作用,但是中国一直沿 英语翻译第三方检测行业在中国发展时间虽短,但第三方检测市场随着中国经济的发展而迅速增长.随着中国进入WTO,第三方检测市场完全开放,市场的竞争也日趋激烈.可是众多第三方检测机构 2008年后的中国经济该如何发展?北京奥运很大程度上刺激了中国经济的飞速发展,随着奥运的到来,奥运后的中国该是什么样子,会不会出现经济危机! 中国21世纪的经济?21世纪中国经济的发展? 中国经济发展模式从古至今中国的经济发展模式是什么?举例说明! 随着网络的发展 英语翻译 中国经济发展的趋势? 中国经济发展的成就 大神翻译一段话,经济全球化英语翻译随着经济全球化的不断深入,中国已成为了一个经济大国,中国经济在受国际经济影响的同时也影响着世界经济的发展.本文首先阐述了经济全球化的概念, 英语翻译随着中国经济的发展,各类外资企业纷纷瞄准中国市场.其中有一家韩国企业也值得我们特别关注,它就是韩国流通业的领头者,新世界易买得.易买得究竟是一家怎样的企业?它在中国发 英语翻译进一步搞好村委会选举,是中国亿万农民的共同心愿,也是中国推进政治体制改革和民主政治建设的需要.随着中国经济的持续发展和社会全面进步,中国的民主建设将更加广泛,中国的 英语翻译摘要:当前,随着中国经济的飞速发展和经济实力的日益增强,人民币在国际市场上面临严峻的升值压力,人民币升值必然对我国对外贸易的发展产生一定的影响.在了解人民币升值的背 英语翻译随着中国经济的发展,连锁经营在沿海地区和部分大中城市已取得良好的业绩,正日益显示出其经营优势.发展连锁经营有利于强化政府宏观调控的效力,有利于大型零售企业经济效益和