上海牛津高一 下 英语课文More Reading Unit 4 的真的叫那个急啊刚教的,明天就要默的,今天偏偏忘带书了要的是课文哪

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上海牛津高一 下 英语课文More Reading Unit 4 的真的叫那个急啊刚教的,明天就要默的,今天偏偏忘带书了要的是课文哪

上海牛津高一 下 英语课文More Reading Unit 4 的真的叫那个急啊刚教的,明天就要默的,今天偏偏忘带书了要的是课文哪
上海牛津高一 下 英语课文More Reading Unit 4 的

上海牛津高一 下 英语课文More Reading Unit 4 的真的叫那个急啊刚教的,明天就要默的,今天偏偏忘带书了要的是课文哪
1.have (something) in common 与.有共同之处
*2.hibernate 冬眠,蛰伏
3.occur 发生,出现
4.continuously 不断地,持续地
5.absence 不存在,缺乏
6.upside down 底朝上
7.pulse 脉搏,脉率
8.rate 比率,比
*9.amphibian 两栖动物
10.stir 动,移动
11.disturb 打扰,干扰,妨碍
*12.den 兽穴.兽窝

Have you ever wanted to feel like part of the action while you watched a film?you can, at an Imax Theatre like the one at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.The screen at these theatres surrou...


Have you ever wanted to feel like part of the action while you watched a film?you can, at an Imax Theatre like the one at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.The screen at these theatres surrounds the audience.As the sound system has 44 speakers behind the screen,the sound seems very real.Many of the films showm at these theatres are nature films. You can achieve a similar effect in your own sitting room with a home entertainment system.A home entertainment system uses a wide,flat-screen TV.Often,this is suspended on the wall like a picture.Stereo speakers are arranged round the viewers.Digital technology makes both the picture and the sound clear. For music lovers,there is always MP3.Since MP3 player were introduced in 1997,people have taken them everywhere.An MP3 player uses digital technology to record and play music.Most MP3 player are smaller than cigarette lighters.They can record hundreds of hours of music.With an MP3 player,you can listen to high-quality music while you are doing nearly anything.You no longer have to carry CDs or cassettes with you.


8A Unit 4 Wild Animals 全课教案
8A Unit 4 Wild Animals 全课教案
Warm-up activities
1 Create an interest in the issue of sharing the limited natural resources. Depending on the genera...


8A Unit 4 Wild Animals 全课教案
8A Unit 4 Wild Animals 全课教案
Warm-up activities
1 Create an interest in the issue of sharing the limited natural resources. Depending on the general interest of the class, choose one of the following situations:
* A group of students are stranded on an island. There is not enough food available for everyone to survive.
* Astronauts are stranded in space. They do not have enough oxygen for everyone to survive.
2 Make a list of people involved in the situation, a list of the resources available (e.g., food, oxygen, water, etc.) and a list of how long everyone is able to survive. Ss have to decide whether they stay alive together sharing what they have or they are going to occupy all the resources for their own survival.
3 Ss study the pictures and read the conversation first on their own, then in pairs. Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation.
1 Ss complete Part A. Encourage them to do the task without any pre-teaching of keywords. Check answers orally with the whole class.
2 Divide Ss into pairs and ask them to do the survey in Part B1
3 Encourage them to discuss in pairs why they like or do not like the animals. Ask them to write down their ideas.
Language points
Look delicious, If you eat my food, I won’t talk to you., no one, in danger, a report on giant pandas
1 Learn the language points by heart.
2 一课三练 P.43
3 Preview the Reading Part.
1 Review key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. Presentation (Reading A)
1 On the Bb, write the following list of sentences on the Bb:
* Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda.
* Baby giant panda s are very small when they were born.
* They grow very quickly.
* Xi Wang has to find her own food when she is 20 months old.
* Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur.
2 Divide the class into three groups and allocate one part to each group. While students skim the text on their own, ask them to underline the words they do not know. Then go through the words students have underlined. Ask students to explain briefly how they know that the sentences on the Bb are true by identifying and listing key facts in the text.
Presentation (Reading B& C)
1 Ask Ss to draw a parallel between the growth of the baby giant panda and a human baby. Ask if they know what happens to people while they grow up. Write the following words/phrases on the Bb.
Adult old person teenager baby middle-aged person
Young adult child toddler
Draw a timeline and encourage Ss to come forward and write each word at the correct point on the timeline. Ask them to draw a more creative growth chart.
2 Ask students to do a birth chart of themselves. Tell them to add their photos to the chart.
Presentation (Reading D)
1 Revise the words listed in the box in Part D.
2 Ask students to complete Part D. Then ask some Ss to read the sentences aloud to check their choice of words.
3 If they show interest, ask them to practice the text for a presentation for 2-3 minutes.
Presentation (Reading E)
1 Ask Ss to read the conversation in Part E in pairs to check if there are any words they do not know. Then ask Ss to complete the sentences individually.
2 Ask six Ss to read the conversation while the rest of the class check their answers.
Language points (Part A)
The story of Xi Wang, only 10 days old, it means…, was born, weigh just 100 grams, at four months, for the first time, eight months later, not…any more, grow into, at the very beginning, up to 14 hours a day, bamboo shoots, have to look after herself, have another baby, It is adj. (for sb.) to do, some of the problems, kill it for its fur, nowhere to live, on their own, need help, in danger, take the following actions to do, protect giant pandas, make giant panda reserves bigger, encourage sb. to do, there will be
Language points (Part B& C)
Keep sb./sth. Safe from danger, large areas of land with trees, special areas for wild animals, stay alive
1 Learn the language points by heart.
2 一课三练 P.44-45
3 Preview the Vocabulary Part.
Presentation (Vocabulary)
1 Creat an interest in animals. Try to extend the context by asking Ss if they would like to adopt an animal and , if they do, which one they would choose.
2Use the task to check Ss’ knowledge of name of animals. Ask Ss to guess the names individually first and then compare with a partner.
3 Check answers with the whole class. Read all the words under the pictures and ask Ss to give definitions.
Language points
Polar bear---North Pole, wolf----wolves
1 Learn the language points by heart.
2 一课三练 P.46
3 Preview the Grammar Part.
Presentation (Grammar Part A)
1 Try to elicit the conditional structure by asking questions such as What will happen if you come to school lats? What will happen if you break your favourite toy? Try to think of sentences which reflect Ss’ own experience. Write the most interesting answers on the Bb. Ask Ss to include the “If”-clause as well. Read all the sentences again and ask more able Ss to elicit the rule.
2 Write some more open “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask Ss to finish the sentences with their own ideas. Help Ss reformulate their ideas into correct sentences and write them on the Bb.
3 Ask Ss to match the sentences on their own and then compare answers with a partner. Invite a more able student to read the sentences aloud for the rest of the class to check answers.
4 For Part A2, Ask Ss to complete the sentences on their own and then compare answers with a partner. Check answers with the whole class.
5 Ask Ss to complete “Work out the rule” at the bottom of page 61.
Presentation (Grammar Part B)
1 Ask Ss to read through the rules and the sample sentences on their own. Then check understanding by asking them to think of other examples.
2 Write several “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask more able Ss to complete them with their own ideas. Remind them to write about repeated and predictable situations instead of possible results.
3 Explain the context of Part B1. Revise the words in the box.
4 Ask students to complete the sentences individually.
5 Ask Ss to read the conversation with a partner checking the accuracy of their sentences. Then check answers with the class.
Presentation (Grammar Part B2)
1 Try to creat interest in learning interesting things about wild animals. Tell them that Amy’s report introduces new information about tigers and wolves.
2 Explain the context of writing a report. Revise the structure of conditional sentences.
3 Ask Ss to read the report on their own to make sure that there are no unfamiliar words. Then Ss complete the sentences individually and compare them with a partner. Check answers with the whole class.
Language points
Grow more bamboo, run the other way, go to North Africa, walk through a rainforest, learn a lot about wild animals, arrive at noon, see the feeding of animals, get enough information for my class report, attack people, spit poison, step on them, male wolves
1 Learn the language points by heart.
2 一课三练 P.47-48
3 Preview the Integrated skills Part.
Presentation (Integrated skills A)
1 Invite students to talk about what they like about tigers and wolves. Brainstorm any information and general knowledge about the two animals.
2 Ask Ss to study the two fact files in pairs. Check the meaning of some of the words.
3 Help Ss focus on the general context by asking general questions they may be able to answer while listening for the first time. Write them on the Bb:
* What is the name of the largest living cat?
* What is Millie’s favourite animal?
Play the recording. Students listen carefully for keywords to answer the questions.
4 Play the recording for again and ask students to find out the missing facts in the fact sheets. Play the tape for the third time for Ss to check the answers.
5 Ask Ss to read the letter in pairs and discuss any words they do not understand. Complete the letter without looking at the fact sheetson page 64. Then ask them to look at the fact sheets to check the answers and make corrections if necessary.
6 Ask more able Ss to read aloud the letter.
Presentation (Integrated skills B)
1 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles. Identify any words or phrases they do not know.
2 Ask students to create their own conversation using information from the fact sheets.
Language points
Live as a family, good at hunting other animals, make medicine, friendly towards each other, loss of living areas, make medicine from their bones, buy clothes made of animal fur, look lovely on me, lose one’s life, someone else,
1 Learn the language points by heart.
2 一课三练 P.49
3 Preview the Pronunciation, Main task & Check out Part.
Presentation (Pronunciation)
1 Remind Ss of communicative purpose of conditional sentences.
2 Play the recording for Part A and ask Ss to listen carefully. Ss imitating the rising and falling voice patterns.
3 Ask students to read Simon’s presentation with correct the rising and falling voices.
4 Ask students to read Millie’s presentation in Part B quietly on their own. Play the recording . Ask Ss to listen carefully and mark where Millie’s voice rises and falls with the correct arrows.
5 Tell students to read them again, and answer the ‘Wh-‘questions. Students work in pairs.
Language points (Pronunciation)
Peaceful animals, live in family groups, continue to build roads, have suitable homes, make new farmland, make a lot of money, sell elephants’ tusks, train them,
Presentation(Main task)
1 Talk to Ss about the purpose of writing reports. Elicit from the different reports. Explain that in reports, we do not normally say ‘I feel…’ or ‘I like…’ and do not include personal comments.
2 Read the title of the report in Part A. Create an interest in the topic by asking what they have learnt about giant panda in this unit.
3 Ask students to skim through the report quickly and give each paragraph.
4 Ss complete Simon’s report in Part C on their own. Ask more able Ss to read it aloud to check the answers.
Language points (Main task)
Spend a lot of time drinking their mums’ milk, at a time, get smaller and smaller, become farmlands, keep taking the land, what action can the club take? Sharp paws, walk upright
Presentation (Checkout)
1 Set a time limit for reading the sentences in Part A and for filling the blanks. Ask Ss to complete the task on their own.
2 Ask students to Proceed to Part B after completing Part A.
3 Ss complete Part B on their own and then compare answers in pairs.
Language points (Checkout)
Climbing, what about playing football?, a friend like Alan, answer questions correctly
1 Learn the language points by heart.
2 一课三练 P.50-52
3 Preview the Unit 5


上海牛津英语高一课文MP3 上海牛津高一 下 英语课文More Reading Unit 4 的真的叫那个急啊刚教的,明天就要默的,今天偏偏忘带书了要的是课文哪 英语牛津上海版试用本高一第一学期所有课文翻译 求上海牛津高一英语第四课课文及生词 上海牛津英语九下课文上海牛津英语九下Unit1课文注释及单词和练习 求上海高一牛津第二学期英语unitX more reading课文明天就要默的,偏偏忘带书了忘记是unit几了,大概Unit5,6,7左右吧后面的 more reading(内容是一封信) 求上海牛津英语高二下第五单元More reading(包括MORE)之后课文 求上海高一牛津英语第二学期Unit5的课文是上海版的,下周要背课文吖,不过我忘记带书了. 求上海高一牛津英语第二学期Unit5的课文(急)就是三封信的呢个 上海高一(上)牛津英语练习册答案 求推荐高一英语辅导书如题,牛津上海版 上海牛津英语8A Chapter5课文 上海高一牛津英语第一学期Unit1【More reading】的文章!我要More reading的【Eye contact】完整的文章, 高一牛津英语第一学期unit5 more reading 牛津高一英语必修2第一单元课文 牛津上海版八年级U6英语课文对了是下学期的 急需(O_O)牛津英语 高一第二学期unit1的more reading原文!在线等哦就是关于上海音乐厅的那篇 求上海版牛津英语高一全部课文录音(二期课改)查了很多,但是都不符合,求各路大侠帮忙,越快越好,好的话我加分.