中《金钱与爱情》《牙齿和爪子》《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》的英文读后感 300字左右

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中《金钱与爱情》《牙齿和爪子》《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》的英文读后感 300字左右

中《金钱与爱情》《牙齿和爪子》《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》的英文读后感 300字左右

中《金钱与爱情》《牙齿和爪子》《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》的英文读后感 300字左右
人世间,现实生活中还有真的爱情吗?没有搀和杂质的爱还存在吗?我以前肯定坚信的,相信真爱的存在,现在也信,只是我觉得这样的事情几率太小了,也许不会发生在你我的身上,但是我仍然相信它的存在!不,是坚信!也许我说的有点异想天开吧,让我们回到现实中,你说的经历好象也是很多人伤心的影子,诚然,有爱的存在,可是在现在的时间中,一切的一切都是那么的真实,那么的露骨,真是不想处处提到那个“钱”字,然而,它就像是幽灵,左右着你的一切!当然包括的情感,你的爱!每个人都有追求真爱的冲动,在起跑的瞬间一切都是那么的美好,那么的让人心醉,那么的无忧,无虑!当我们在现实的途中跑时,“幽灵”出现了,它就这样无声无息地夺去了我们的冲动,我们的热情,我们的耐力,让我们觉得美好的终点越来越模糊,那又怎样呢?我们躲不掉的!其实每个人的幸福,自己是可以把握的.Ren Shijian,in real life there really love you » Chan He does not love impurities there?» I was certainly convinced that,I believe the existence of true love,now the letter,but I think such a thing likely too small,you probably will not happen in my possession,but I still believe that it is there!No,we should firmly believe that!Maybe I said it's a bit whimsical,let us return to reality,you say the experience is like the shadow of many people sad,of course,the existence of love,but in the present time,everything is all so true ,Then the explicit,really do not want to mention that all "money",however,it is like ghost,you are all about!Of course,including emotions,the love you!Everyone has the impulse to the pursuit of love,starting the moment everything is so beautiful,so people Xinzui,so no worries,no worry!When we go on the way in reality,the "ghost" there,so it took us silently to the impulse,our enthusiasm,our endurance,let us think of a better finish increasingly blurred,so What about » Taking notice of us!In fact,each person's happiness,can be grasped in its own.