
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:34:31


book ,in terms of time,I don’t mention too much,you can read it by you self.
Now let me read some sentences that I picked up from the book for you.This is a letter from Mr March.“Give my girls my love,and each a kiss.Tell them I think of them by day and pray for them at night.I know that they will remember all that I said to them when I left them. will be loving children ,do their daily duties well,fight each her own particular fault,and conquer so well that when I come back to them I may be prouder than ever of my little women.”
“I will ,my child ,I will.Don’t cry so, my dear,but remember this day,and ,with all your heart,that you will never know another like it, Jo, dear, we all have our tThe general content:at beginning of the book, the girls tried to play Pilgrims.And Ithink this play is the clue of the wholle novel.The life was like a road of pilgrims to the four girls.It is about the March family’s four girls,the difficult process of growing up,being mature,and making themselves perfect with the help of their parents.Meanwhile,their father was joining the army.How they realize their defects and correct them appropriately.It started during the Christmas,and ended at the next chrismas.Now I’d like to introduce the main characters to all of you.Mrs. March, the mother,who was very wise and warmhearted,who educated the girls successfully,I think.Mr. March,the father, who was joining the army,and he loved his family very much,and he couraged the girls regularly.And now,comes to the ladies. The first Margaret,called Meg by the family ,was sixteen years old and very pretty.Fifteen-year-old Josephine,or Jo,was tall and thin,with long thick hair--her only beauty,she used to say .She wanted to write stories , and cared little for the things that girls of her age usually care for. Next came Elizabeth ,or Beth,a qiuet bright-eyed girl of thirteen,who loved music and was loved by everybody. What she most desired was to play the piano well .Amy,the youngest , was twelve ,and ,in her own opinion,a very important person .She had golden hair and blue eyes , and wanted to be an artist .(玛格丽特,家人昵称为梅格,16岁,长的很漂亮.15岁的约瑟芬,或叫她乔,身材高挑而纤瘦,留了一头长长的头发,她常说这是她唯一漂亮的地方.她想写小说,所以很少关心像她这样年龄的女孩子们所长关心的事情.接下来的就是伊丽莎白了,或叫她贝丝,她是一个安静并有一对闪亮的眼睛的十三岁少女,她喜爱音乐,大家都很喜欢她.她最大的愿望是把琴弹好.艾美是年纪最小的一个,只有十三岁,依她自己的说法,她是一个很重要的角色,她有着金黄的头发和蓝色的眼睛,并想成为一个艺术家.)Later,Laurie,the neiboured boy,who was very shy before,and he was living with his grandpa,Mr.laurence.Laurie liked art very much,but he was forbidden from it by his grandfather,because he wanted him to be a businessman to carry on their families’career.But later he was changed by the energetic Jo,and began to be a bold boy.And he got along with the Marchs very well,even they regarded him as a member of this family,and Mr. Laurence ,the generous old man too.They really helped a lot ,when Mr. March was away. The wholle novel is talking about the girls,they dared to throw their shortages on the table,and they tried to help each other to correct them.And the ending is ,of course,Mr. March came back from the army,and he was delighted to see his dautghers maturity,and the little women ,as he had expected them to be in his letters.Jo became a writer,which was her dream ,and learn to control her bad temper.Meg got married,and was a happy housewife ,together with her husband who loved her very much.Beth lived with her parents ,and not as shy as before.Amy became an artist as she wished before,and not as selfish as before.And at last she married with Laurie,who loved Jo at the beginning,but later he proposed to Amy.And there are some little details inemptation, and it often takes us all our lives to conquer them,I used tohave a temper like yours.i’ve been trying to cure it for forty years,and even now have only succeeded in controling it .i am angry nearly everyday of my life, Jo,but I have learned not to show it.I still hope tolearn not to feel it,though it may take me another forty years to do so.”(我会的,我的孩子,我会的.不要那样哭,我亲爱的,记住这一天,诚心诚意的下定决心,你要永远记住不能再有这样的一天亲爱的乔,我们每一个人都有弱点,常使得我们花费一生来克服它而已.我一生中几乎每天都在发脾气,乔,不过我已学会不让它表现出来,我还希望学着不发脾气,虽然它可能浪费我另一个四十年.)这是当乔对艾美发了脾气之后,差一点导致艾美落水死亡时,乔感到极度悔恨,马奇夫人安慰她的话.
“That is perfectly natural and qiute harmless,if the liking is not allowed to lead one to do foolish r even wrong thing,and to make good people admire you by being modest as well as pretty,Meg”(如果这个偏好不会引导人们做愚笨或错误的事,那便是完全的自然和无伤害的.梅格,你应该学会认识和评价别人的称赞,要让高尚的人称赞你的美德而不仅仅是美丽.)这是当梅格参加一个华丽的宴会之后,她对她在宴会上的表现感到羞愧和后悔的时候,马其太太说的话.Now this paragraph is concerned about marriage,maybe it’s also useful to us.
“I want my daughters to be beautiful and good,to be admired and loved,to be well an wisely married and to lead useful lives,with as little sorrow to trouble them as God may think it right for them to suffer.To be loved and chosen by a good man is the best and sweetest thing that happen to a woman,and I sincerely hope my girls may have this expierence .It is natural ,my dear girls,to think of it,right to hope for it,and wise to prepare for it,so that when the time does come,you may feel ready for the duties and worthy of the joy.Like all mothers I want you the best for you,but not for you to marry rich men merely because they are rich—with splendid houses which are not homes,because no love is there.Money is a necessary thing,and when well used it is a good thing,but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to try for,I’d rather see you poor men’s wives,if you were happy than queens without self-respect and peace.Remember one thing,my girls,Mother is always ready too listen to youmto help and advise you,and father to be your good friend.We both trust and hope that our daughters,whether married or single,will be the pride and comfort of our lives.”(我希望我的女儿美丽贤淑,令人羡慕和喜爱,健康快乐,婚姻美满,过上有意义的生活,只经受上帝认为你们所必需经受的痛苦.被一个好男人所爱并做他的妻子,这对一个女人来说,是最好最甜蜜的事情.我衷心地希望你们有这样的经历.亲爱的孩子们,你们憧憬婚姻大事是很正常的,你们应该期盼它的到来并做好准备迎接它.这样,当那一刻来临的时候,你们才能享受它的快乐和责任像所有母亲一样,我也希望你们能得到最好的东西,但并不希望你们为钱而嫁给富人,因为没有爱的豪宅并不能称其为“家”.金钱是必须的,合理的用它是一件好事;然而,我永远不要你们认为它是首要或者唯一值得为之努力的东西,我宁愿看到你们成为贫穷人家的妻子,也不愿你们成为没有自尊和安宁的皇后.记住一件事,我的女儿们,母亲随时准备聆听你们、帮助你们和忠告你们,父亲则是你们的朋友.我们都希望并相信我们的女儿无论是结婚或单身,都会使我们的骄傲和安慰.
“Here is one ,”he took Meg’s hand and pointed to the rough fingers,a burn mark on the back,and some hard places on the inside.“I remember a time when this hand was white and smooth.It was very pretty then,but it is prettier now.I am very proud to shake this good hardworking hand,and hope I shall not soon be asked to give it away.这是其中的一件.他举起梅格的手,指着她粗糙的手指,而手指上有少上过的烙痕,并且手心之中哟一些硬块.他说,我记得这只手曾经是那么的白皙和光滑,它是很美丽的,但是对我来说,它现在更美丽了.我很骄傲能与这只辛勤工作的手握着,而且我希望我将会陪伴着它直到她出嫁为止.
“I see a young lady with a face rather pale with wactingand care,but I like to look at it, for it has grown sweet.Her voice is softer,and she moves qiuetly and takes care of a certain little person in a motherly way which delights me.I miss a little wild girl,but if in her place I get a strong helpful tender-heared woman I shall feel qiute satisfied.I don’t know whether the cuting of her hair had a nything to do with the change,but I do know that in all Washington I could’nt find anything beatiful enough to buy with the five-and-twenty dollars which my good girl sent me.我看到一位年轻的小姐为了照顾他人而让脸颊变得苍白,但我喜欢看它,因为它长得很甜美,她的声音很温柔.而且她沉静像慈母般的照顾小孩子,这让我感到欣慰.我失去了我顽皮的小女儿,但是如果取而代之的是一个坚强善良的女孩,我将感到十分的满意.我不知道她剪下头发是否有了任何的变化,不过我知道在全华盛顿都找不到足够好的东西可以值我女儿送给我的25美元.
“Now Beth,”said Amy,longing for her turn,but ready to wait.
“there is so little of her,I am afraid to say much,for fear she will depart altogether,”said their father,as he drew his little daughter close to him,her face against his own.ou safe,my Beth,and I’ll keep you so,please God.”
After a silence,he looked down at Amy,who sat at his feet,and touching her shining golden hair he said,“I noticed that Amy took message and did little things to help her mother all the afternoon,and has waited on everybody patiently and with a good temper.So I judge that she has hearted to think more of other people and less of herself.I am glad of this,for though I should be proud of any picture painted by her,I shall be prouder of a lovable daughter,with a gift of making life beautiful to herself and others.”
Now the last part of the story,here is a song.
He that is down need fear no fall,
He that is low no pride;
He that is humble ever shall
Have God to be his guide.
I am content with what I have
Little be it or much;
And,Lord!Contentment still I crave,
Because Thou savest such
And with that happy scene we end this story of a long year’s pilgrimage.