写一篇有关电影的文章英文的帮帮小弟 应付选修课用 300-500字 内容不限

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:24:19
写一篇有关电影的文章英文的帮帮小弟 应付选修课用 300-500字 内容不限

写一篇有关电影的文章英文的帮帮小弟 应付选修课用 300-500字 内容不限
帮帮小弟 应付选修课用 300-500字 内容不限

写一篇有关电影的文章英文的帮帮小弟 应付选修课用 300-500字 内容不限
Movies (also known as films or motion pictures) are a type of communication which use moving pictures and sound to tell stories or help people to learn about new ideas.People in every part of the world watch movies that tell stories as a type of entertainment; a way to have fun.Most movies are made so that they can be shown on big screens at cinemas or movie theatres.
There are many types of movies.Drama movies tell fictional stories about people.Action movies show fictional stories about chases and fights.Western movies tell fictional stories about cowboys living in the western United States in the 1800s.War movies tell fictional stories about wars or battles.Animated movies use cartoon images made with pens or by using computers to tell fictional stories.
Even though all of these types of movies tell fictional stories,sometimes the made-up story is based on true historical events.For example,a war movie might tell a made-up story about soldiers that fought in an actual battle,such as the World War II battle of D-Day in France.Documentaries are movies that are about real people and real events.
After movies are shown on cinema screens for a period of time (ranging from a few weeks to part of a year),movies are shown on pay television or cable television,and sold or rented on DVD disks or videocassette tapes,so that people can watch the movies at home.Later,movies are shown on television stations.
How movies are made
A screenwriter writes a script,which is the story of the movie with the words that the actors will say.Then a producer hires people to work on the movie and gets all of the money that will be needed to pay for the actors and the equipment.Producers usually get the money by borrowing it from a bank or by getting investors to lend money to the movie production.Some producers work for a movie studio; other producers are independent (they do not work for a movie studio).
Actors and directors read scripts to find out what to say and what to do.The actors memorize the words from the script that they will say in the movie,and learn the actions that the script tells them to do.Then the director tells the actors what to do and a cameraman takes motion pictures of them with a motion picture camera.
An editor puts the moving pictures together,and selects which scenes will be most interesting for the audience.Audio engineers and sound engineers record music and singing and join it with the moving pictures.When the movie is done,many copies of the movie are made by movie labs and put onto movie reels.Then the movie reels are sent to cinemas.An electric machine called a projector shines a very bright light through the movie,and people sitting in a dark room see it on a big screen.
