英语翻译这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的(catch fire)我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了.(upside down)开车一定要小心.记住——任何一个小的疏忽都有可能导致交通事故.(keep in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:24:32
英语翻译这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的(catch fire)我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了.(upside down)开车一定要小心.记住——任何一个小的疏忽都有可能导致交通事故.(keep in

英语翻译这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的(catch fire)我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了.(upside down)开车一定要小心.记住——任何一个小的疏忽都有可能导致交通事故.(keep in
这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的(catch fire)
我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了.(upside down)
开车一定要小心.记住——任何一个小的疏忽都有可能导致交通事故.(keep in mind)
这出戏是为了纪念那些在火灾事故中遇难的消防员们.(in honour of)
外出旅游时最好带上手机,以防出现紧急情况.(in case of)
购物时要想省钱由省时间,最好预先把要买的东西列在一张清单上.(a list of)
他翻过身,换了个舒服的姿势.(roll over)

英语翻译这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的(catch fire)我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了.(upside down)开车一定要小心.记住——任何一个小的疏忽都有可能导致交通事故.(keep in
This house caught fire last night,which caused by children who played with fire.
I don't believe that you are reading newspapers,because you put the newspaper upside down.
Drive carefully.Keep in mind that every little error can lead to a traffic accident.
This play is performed in honour of the firefighters who died in the fire accident .
It's better to take with mobile phone when travelling outside,in case of an emergency.
You'd better make a list of things that you want to buy,so that you can save money and time when shopping.
He rolled over to change the uncomfortable position.
..若有误,我道歉...= =

The house was on fire last night, is caused by the children play with fire
I don't believe that you are reading newspapers, because you put the newspaper take down
Drive must be careful. Rem...


The house was on fire last night, is caused by the children play with fire
I don't believe that you are reading newspapers, because you put the newspaper take down
Drive must be careful. Remember - everything a little negligence is likely to lead to traffic accidents
The play is to commemorate those who died in the fire accident of firefighters.
When you travel had better take phone, just in case there is an emergency.
Shopping when trying to save money by province in time, you'd better things to buy listed in a list
He rolled over, changed a uncomfortable position


The house was on fire last night, is caused by the children play with fire(这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的)
I don't believe that you are reading newspapers, because you put the newspaper take down.(我不相信你在读报,因为...


The house was on fire last night, is caused by the children play with fire(这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的)
I don't believe that you are reading newspapers, because you put the newspaper take down.(我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了)
Drive must be careful. Remember - everything a little negligence is likely to lead to traffic accidents.(开车一定要小心。记住——任何一个小的疏忽都有可能导致交通事故。)
The play is to commemorate those who died in the fire accident of firefighters(这出戏是为了纪念那些在火灾事故中遇难的消防员们)
When you travel had better take phone, just in case there is an emergency(外出旅游时最好带上手机,以防出现紧急情况)
Shopping when trying to save money by province in time, you'd better things to buy listed in a list(购物时要想省钱由省时间,最好预先把要买的东西列在一张清单上)
He rolled over, changed a uncomfortable position(他翻过身,换了个舒服的姿势)


The house was on fire last night, is caused by the children play with fire
I don't believe that you are reading newspapers, because you put the newspaper take down
Drive must be careful. Remem...


The house was on fire last night, is caused by the children play with fire
I don't believe that you are reading newspapers, because you put the newspaper take down
Drive must be careful. Remember - everything a little negligence is likely to lead to traffic accidents
The play is to commemorate those who died in the fire accident of firefighters
When you travel had better take phone, just in case there is an emergency
Shopping when trying to save money by province in time, you'd better things to buy listed in a list.
He rolled over, changed a uncomfortable position.


英语翻译这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的(catch fire)我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了.(upside down)开车一定要小心.记住——任何一个小的疏忽都有可能导致交通事故.(keep in 英语翻译:昨晚房子着火了 英语强人来翻译!1靠这种怪异的发型引起别人的注意啊 2把每篇课文都背下来给她听 3你悄悄从后门出去 4这栋房子昨晚失火了 5因为你把报纸拿倒了 6她把脸埋在枕头里 7将会被体育 为什么小孩,玩火尿床? 为什么小孩不能玩火 为什么小孩玩火容易尿床? 英语翻译昨天她冲进了那个房间并且救了一个男孩子对我们来说玩火是很危险的 昨晚做梦,梦到死去的爷爷还有小孩鬼.我爷爷是去年的12月份去世的,昨晚做梦,梦到 爷爷和一个小孩子鬼 在一起,好像类似还在我身上下了什么咒,梦里的地点是我家的老房子,后来那个小孩子 梦见公司失火寓意是什么昨晚梦见公司机器失火 火势很大 但没有死人 公司人用消防器材把火熄灭了 有什么寓意么? 梦见皇宫给房子,是那种金碧辉煌的房子!昨晚上梦见皇宫给我好几间房子 都金碧辉煌的 请问有人知道这是什么意思吗 昨晚江西哪里地震?我是高安的,昨晚11点多的时候房子摇了两下,是否是地震? 英语翻译这句话来自《玩火的女孩》的序言,大致背景是女孩刚刚把汽油泼在自己的父亲身上并烧着了他,这是复仇的行动.高手请斟酌怎么翻译能更好适应语境. 昨晚做梦梦到刚装修的房子天花板塌了 2010年2月9日晚上打雷了谁知道,昨晚打雷打得这么厉害,有没有房子倒塌啊.我家的房子好像动了,不过不是房子的问题,是打雷.房子没问题的. 英语翻译英语翻译昨晚你们吃了什么? 梦到家里失火是什么意思昨晚梦到和宿舍玩的最好的两个女生在宿舍玩,然后我说快穿衣服,咱们出去,结果下了楼竟然是我在我家开的商店里.再后来突然店里失火了,我拽上她俩就跑,到了门口 英语翻译昨晚缅甸发生了地震,我住的房子也有震感.你经历过地震吗?那真的很恐怖.英文翻译 家里失火了怎么办?