
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 14:27:41


I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold,the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious,【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm,ask the buyers,where Men come package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from?40 cm for men,how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel?【2】 The order I was in two shipments,the first issued five Men's package,the second issued three men package,a package Tuotou the first time and the second parcel Tuotou the difference in time 5 days,buyer after the receipt of the first package,why no mention of product size does not match?【3】 I sold a lot of men's pack,because good quality,was unanimously praised by the buyer,the sale of men's packages a unified package size 30 * 30 * 20 cm,the buyer mentioned in two dimensions is completely fabricated their own single-handedly .Both the station and goods described in the letter,I have never committed any size buyer.More than three full description,the buyer is lying,is a cyber-crook,is a malicious non-payment.DH will want to uphold justice.

I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers...


I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where Men come package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for men, how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel?


To send the buyer of goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, [1]: to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where to...


To send the buyer of goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, [1]: to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where to The men's package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for men, how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel? [2]: The order I was in two shipments, the first issued five Men's package, the second issued three men package, a package Tuotou the first time and the second parcel Tuotou the difference in time 5 days, buyer after the receipt of the first package, why no mention of product size does not match? [3]: I sold a lot of men's pack, because good quality, was unanimously praised by the buyer, the sale of men's packages a unified package size 30 * 30 * 20 cm, the buyer mentioned in two dimensions is completely fabricated their own single-handedly . Both the station and goods described in the letter, I have never committed any size buyer. More than three full description, the buyer is lying, is a cyber-crook, is a malicious non-payment. DH will want to uphold justice
上面就翻译了!希望您能采纳!谢谢 !


I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers...


I have to send the buyer of the goods and I shop the same goods sold, the buyer of goods mentioned in size does not match entirely vexatious, 【1】 to my packaging size is 30 * 20 * 20cm, ask the buyers, where Men come package is 40 * 40 * 20cm from? 40 cm for men, how can pack installed in the 30 * 30 * 20 cm parcel? 【2】 The order I was in two shipments, the first issued five Men's package, the second issued three men package, a package Tuotou the first time and the second parcel Tuotou the difference in time 5 days, buyer after the receipt of the first package, why no mention of product size does not match? 【3】 I sold a lot of men's pack, because good quality, was unanimously praised by the buyer, the sale of men's packages a unified package size 30 * 30 * 20 cm, the buyer mentioned in two dimensions is completely fabricated their own single-handedly . Both the station and goods described in the letter, I have never committed any size buyer. More than three full description, the buyer is lying, is a cyber-crook, is a malicious non-payment. DH will want to uphold justice.


英语翻译我给买家发送的货物与我店铺所出售的商品完全一样,买家所提到商品尺寸不符,完全是无理取闹,【1】我的商品包装尺寸是30*20*20cm,请问买家,哪里来的男式包是40*40*20cm的?40厘米的男 英语翻译我已经到邮局书面查询,结果很快就会出来,如果货物真的发送错误,我会要求EMS赔偿我的损失,同时我也会给你重新发货,不会让您受到任何损失,希望买家耐心等待,积极配合.为能够顺 请高人翻译下 谢谢 期待你的帮助单号为 XX XX 长期未妥投.卖家又一次发送货物. 单号为: XX XX 并且买家同意如果收到支付我1214USD. 我的淘宝店铺买家在拍宝贝时只能拍一次买一件.买两件需要拍二次.买家拍两次同一个商品给我好评加几分?买家是分开拍两次同一个商品的,就是拍一个商品付款后再拍第二次同一个商品再付 译英文 急 相近的也行亲爱的买家我发给你货物是两只手表有收据证明,关于你说的包装损坏不排除海关检查人为因素 因为货物在海关停留了12天 发送货物包装是完好无缺的 英语翻译a 与 b 的名字相似,但不是同一个项目.请确认并发送最新的给我. 英语翻译ABC是一家针对手工、原创设计、艺术品、传统工艺品的C2C在线交易电商平台与互动社区,拥有原创设计师、手工艺人、艺术家店铺将近2000多家,买家用户40万.我的主要工作是负责运营 英语翻译由于上海正在举办世博会,出于安全措施,对液体【香水属于液体】稽查的的特别严格,我为了能够让您早点收到货物,已经重新发货给您,并且绕道另一个城市【广州】出关.由于发送液 英语翻译朋友,请相信我,我已经发送你了你剩余的所有货物,我很抱歉耽误你很多时间,请原谅. 英语翻译这是我给我店铺起的名字,再想用个英文的,要一个单词 英语翻译我想到了一个更加简单的方式出口.不用返修贸易,也不用付费500美金.我直接用快递公司发送此快件到美国,用你给我的账号,我会把货物价格报低,这样你交税也会非常低.当货物发回来 我有纯度99.98的钨合金条一批,他们给我的价位在2——3万,不知这个价位我能不能出售我现在有w=99.98的钨合金条一批,急于出售,又找不到买家,有人给的价位2万每公斤,关键是我现在急用钱, 汽车节油剂好用吗?我看淘宝上有好多家出售各种牌子的汽车节油剂,对车会有损害吗?哪个牌子更好些呢?请用过的买家,给推荐一下, 一般人家商店店铺门所使用的玻璃是啥玻璃厚度是多少.我店铺马上要装修了 给我打包发送一份新概念3的mp3吧, 英语翻译翻译:如果你拍了一些照片,请问能否发送几张给我,我想看看日本的风景 《匆匆》课文内容给我发送文本 英语翻译请私信我,以便发送全文.